News Important Community Update (01/03)

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One where the developers aren't terrified of sharing what they plan.

I'm out. In four months time I'll be slaying dragons in a land of cats. And I have new dungeons to explore until then.

Hmm. Wait for 1.5 years hoping something happens, or go to a rich hand-crafted world full of content and lore around every corner?

That's no longer a choice of two.

Can't say I blame you, Bethesda games are partially responsible for my 1.3 year hiatus from Elite. I don't how far along they are on Starfield, or even exactly what type of game it will be when it takes form, but if it's basically Fallout/Skyrim in space, then I'm totaling in.
Like I and a few others have been saying: game is currently in maintenance mode. Hope no one is surprised by this news today. Umm... sure... there will be something end of 2020... Ask yourself when did a dev ever hit their date especially 2 years out - this is likely a 2021 or 2022 thing if it ever releases.
Will FD take this time to fix long standing bugs, properly polish their features and add the missing features from 3.3?

Umm... wasn't that supposed to be Beyond lol??? Seriously, that was the line said at the time that Beyond was all about improvements and not new features.
Like I and a few others have been saying: game is currently in maintenance mode. Hope no one is surprised by this news today. Umm... sure... there will be something end of 2020... Ask yourself when did a dev ever hit their date especially 2 years out - this is likely a 2021 or 2022 thing if it ever releases.

I'd counter and suggest that late 2017 and most of 2018 is when the game was in maintenance mode and 2019-2020 is development mode.

Anyone who seriously thinks 100+ people were working on Beyond and that scanner was the best they could come up with must me high on onionhead.
You have provided close to nothing during a year of maintenance mode on the pretence of a year of "free updates". Updates that are so minor you knew you couldn't sell them and became even more stripped down than promised once you cancelled fleet carriers and substantial upgrades to terrain.

You now admit that you did take a sabbatical that you knew you could get away with and diverted the majority of workers onto Jurassic Evolution, since there is now the big admission that you have nothing for Elite waiting in the wings for 2019.

What happened to your "over 100 people working on Elite" talking point... It will be interesting to see what you decide is enough of a buggy minimum viable product to stick a price tag on for 2020.
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At least I now have plenty of time to "nothing" my way through Power Play before that gets nerf-hammered. For anyone who has been thinking about working their way through Power Play, now's the time. o7
Thanks for the update. This will stop all other speculations in here and Steam forums ;)

Ok basically no 4.x until the latter half of 2020 and you will use this year to release patch/updates/overhaul (I hope) of existing mechanics.

I will be very direct and I will ask you if these things will be considered before the 4.x

- missions overhaul?
- powerplay overhaul?
- any possibility to make open play more relevant for more player interactions?
- any news about how you're going to fight the botting cancer better?
- icy planets (and surfaces) overhaul?
- fleet carriers?

Please don't let us wait "weeks". :p

Hear hear, I'm hoping Planetary Tech and Fleet Carriers delayed in Beyond Ch 4 will be delivered this year - yes?
Thanks for the update but gotta say its very disappointing to see such a long wait between content updates.

Don't know about others but wish they were smaller updates more regularly.

Perhaps some info on why its going to be worth the wait? How its going to be the best update yet?

Thanks, AD
If you've been playing one game exclusively for years, you've missed some incredible stuff.

Could be worse, we could instead have developers that are all too willing to share roadmaps, only to fail to deliver on any of them (cough....Cloud Imperium......cough). I think I prefer FDev's approach
One where the developers aren't terrified of sharing what they plan.

I'm out. In four months time I'll be slaying dragons in a land of cats. And I have new dungeons to explore until then.

Hmm. Wait for 1.5 years hoping something happens, or go to a rich hand-crafted world full of content and lore around every corner?

That's no longer a choice of two.

Cloud Imperium are happy to share with their backers.......just a shame they never deliver on their promises. I prefer FDevs approach to development. Sort of like CDPR in some respects. Keep mum until you have something worth announcing (it was almost 5 years before CDPR released its first epic gameplay trailer for CP2077).
Thanks for the update but gotta say its very disappointing to see such a long wait between content updates.

Don't know about others but wish they were smaller updates more regularly.

Perhaps some info on why its going to be worth the wait? How its going to be the best update yet?

Thanks, AD

I think that would calm a lot of nerves.
Greetings Commanders,

We’ve had a number of questions from our community eagerly awaiting news on the future development for Elite Dangerous.



Cloud Imperium are happy to share with their backers.......just a shame they never deliver on their promises. I prefer FDevs approach to development. Sort of like CDPR in some respects. Keep mum until you have something worth announcing (it was almost 5 years before CDPR released its first epic gameplay trailer for CP2077).

Indeed, the central problem with CI isn't that they don't share. It's that sharing the fugue dreams of a megalomaniac isn't really worth all that much to me as a gamer.
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I’ve been playing Elite Dangerous two years and I’ve been waiting more than two decade for this game since Frontier First Encounter. I know I still have a lot to do on my list to last for a couple of months. This game is awesome and I more than able to wait for new content.

The thing I don’t like about Frontier, is that I feel that they are not transparent in what they are working on. One of the most successful game is Subnautica. They act in the opposite of Frontier in term of transparency. They ask what players want and share where there are at. We could also say this about Star Citizen, who always shares what they are working on.

Maybe they just found that they’re actual engine cannot fully do the space leg like they wanted and that they have to upgrade the engine? I don’t know, but what I sure know it’s that they seem to not really care to let us in the dark and give us little piece of bones to chew on…

This is for me, a really bad decision. It’s like if they don’t hear us! For me, this is an old mentality. I would be glad to be corrected if I am wrong.

Frontier should be more transparent and share what they are working on.

What do you think?

(sorry for my French)


Guys just saying. If you keep buying the cosmetics it has become a test of intelligence. They will drip feed slightly redesigned ships with fresh skins and then in 2020. Kick out an embarrassing update. The fact they have no information to release is a pretty strong indicator they have NOTHING ready.

It took them a year to deliver the minimal content in beyond. I certainly don't hold high expectations for 2020. As of now the game is uninstalling and I'll peek back in a year.


Later taters
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That is pretty much my thought too.
When I bought the LEP, the idea was to have a 1 PAID expansion per year with a 10 year life span for the game, bringing the average expansion costs to roughly $15, so it would pay after the 7th expansion. This was back in 2014 or 2015. We are 1 paid expansion in, after 4 years, and the next paid one would be in 2020. I have to say, I really feel let down by all this. I am already barely playing the game, waiting for something new to come (the new mining was fun for a couple of weeks), but after 1900 hours, I am really craving something new to do in the game.
I guess it is time to shelf the game for the next 18 months and hope the fire will re-ignite when the next expansion comes, or will I have to break my immersion of the other game I will be playing by then to say "Oh look, that expansion I paid for 5 years ago is finally released".

I think FDev really shot themselves in the foot by not sticking to their initial plan.
I buy paint jobs, not just a few, but a lot. So yes, I do support FDev. But why would I buy cosmetics for a game that I am not playing anymore? So I can apply them in 18 months?

I'm sorry FDev, but here is another player gone.

No, they shoot to us who bought the LEP 5 years back, we will get the 2nd expansion 6 years after release.
Do as I do and don't buy anything, they aren't delivering anyway.
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Indeed, the central problem with CI isn't that they don't share. It's that sharing the fugue dreams of a megalomaniac isn't really worth all that much to me as a gamer.

LOL :D. Its seriously so good to be back on the same page again.....after our recent FSS/ADS disagreement :).
IF the content isn't going to be ready until the back half of 2020 then nothing much can prevent that being the case.

I imagine Frontier thinks it can survive on community goodwill alone but ask Bethesda how that worked out for them when they released that stinker Fallout 76.

And they are developing another game at the same time.
I’ve been playing Elite Dangerous two years and I’ve been waiting more than two decade for this game since Frontier First Encounter. I know I still have a lot to do on my list to last for a couple of months. This game is awesome and I more than able to wait for new content.

The thing I don’t like about Frontier, is that I feel that they are not transparent in what they are working on. One of the most successful game is Subnautica. They act in the opposite of Frontier in term of transparency. They ask what players want and share where there are at. We could also say this about Star Citizen, who always shares what they are working on.

Maybe they just found that they’re actual engine cannot fully do the space leg like they wanted and that they have to upgrade the engine? I don’t know, but what I sure know it’s that they seem to not really care to let us in the dark and give us little piece of bones to chew on…

This is for me, a really bad decision. It’s like if they don’t hear us! For me, this is an old mentality. I would be glad to be corrected if I am wrong.

Frontier should be more transparent and share what they are working on.

What do you think?

(sorry for my French)

Actually a LOT of devs are transparent about their game development...It's a way to keep your customer base hooked to your product and want to invest more (cosmetics in ED case) because they are already thinking about what's coming and are excited about it. If Fdev handled their communication like Warframe does it would be AMAZING.

I have to admit that I find it sad that the one and only game I'm investing most of my gaming time and I'm eager to know more about its development is Elite Dangerous lol...because I can't get a single clue where the game is going...

This game would benefit so much from a monthly dev blog with concept arts, screenshots, footages of what they are working on...I mean at this point we all know that space legs and a part of atmo are coming in the next era (and if they don't FDev missed the train :p) so why not let us know more about it ? You player base deserve it ;)
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