News Important Community Update (01/03)

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Instantly filling in your entire system map with a single button push so you can decide within the first five seconds if you want to play photographer or move on.

Exactly. They gave some depth to the game play and people are acting like it's the worst thing ever. Boggles the mind.
Exactly. They gave some depth to the game play and people are acting like it's the worst thing ever. Boggles the mind.

Its just an interface layed over the top of what was already there. Still, choice would have cut off all complaints before they got started.

I'll also say that it's completely false that your play style has been removed.

See comments like this invite reply. Then i get blamed for posting too much and then a certain group will start talking about block me cause i wont stop posting. I resisted the urge to put a little barb in there aswell :)
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Well, as usual, not much real informations, only words...
And in late 2020, I will probably be dead or too much senile to play...
We started a faction and built membership up to about 70 CMDRs, inspired initially by the dream of having a fleet carrier. A few of us remain in the game on a regular basis, but many of our members abandoned the game shortly after Frontier announced that we wouldn't get Fleet Carriers in 2018. So I would also very much like to know the status of this feature.
I hear ya I started playing a different game because I don't know what to believe anymore I heard atmospheric...I heard fleet ships even space legs and well I can not say no news is good news cause unfortunately that's not how it works
I would simply be happy if i could change the hud colour on ps4. I love elite dangerous, probably more than any other game ive played but i simply and frustratingly cannot play it anymore with the orange hud anymore. Such a shame.
great, a very big update in 2020. Walking in ships and last ;-)

Who told you that it would be exactly that?
Maybe they meant that in 2020 they will give you the path to Andromeda - they will simply copy it from the Milky Way. You Will be do grate there all the same marks on the planets and systems again ;-)
As you know - a great business to give people promises for money :)
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I would simply be happy if i could change the hud colour on ps4. I love elite dangerous, probably more than any other game ive played but i simply and frustratingly cannot play it anymore with the orange hud anymore. Such a shame.

even on a PC, we do it ourselves, getting into configuration files. They promised it in 2.1 - it is useless, and now a new other promise for 2020.
Good evening cmdrs,
Play it or don't play it, it is entirely up to you.

Me, I'll do the long haul as I've been here a while. Some content has been spectacular and some has been hum drum (not my thing).

There will always be players who moan about anything and everything but still play and post here, I don't get that.
So we wait for two years, and get small bug fixes, while the main team finally implement planetary landings. Why dont they just say so?

Thats not so bad, considering some small thinks could make a big difference:

- Racing and Heavy Duty SRVs
- Corrosion resistance utility modules
- An automatically firing shutdown field neutraliser
- Corrosion resistant cargo rack engineering
- A medium or large guardian fighter, or something to spend our salvaged materials on, to make it worth fighting the thargoids.
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So we wait for two years, and get small bug fixes, while the main team finally implement planetary landings. Why dont they just say so?

Thats not so bad, considering some small thinks could make a big difference:

- Racing and Heavy Duty SRVs
- Corrosion resistant utility modules
- An automatically firing shutdown field neutraliser
- Corrosion resistant cargo rack engineering
- A medium or large guardian fighter, or something to spend our salvaged materials on, to make it worth fighting the thargoids.

Where did you get this "planetary landings" thing?
Fdev hasn't mentioned anything at all about the contents of the 2020 update.
The only thing they said was how excited they are without letting us in about what they're excited about and it will take at least a year and a half untill it's there.
Just my 2 cents...

Take Elite Dangerous, add in a cup of Planet Coaster, a cup of Jurassic World Evolution and a pinch of new graphic faces/modeling and the result could be ED (with planetary landings, base building, etc).

Just a thought (seeing how they already have the technology/engines). Challenge would be integrating it all.

Your thoughts?
An improvement of the new player experience is sorely needed, so that's fine, but please either have a long beta or, better yet, give us veterans a second commander slot so that we can take a look.
Anyone knows if the whole Megaship update (which is already strongly been delayed) will be thrashed completely? And the icy planets surface?

They should have been ready by now...
Thanks for the update! Well, I won't go anywhere and will be here in 2020 to see what happens. I mean, I want it now, obviously, but I guess it's good to take time to make this epic.
Also looking forward to quality of life updates! Did I mention that I'd really love to see customization options for the lighting/colour grading to make the horrible background tinting go away? Please? :)

Also: it's atmospheric landings, people.

We should wait until 2035 for the next update. We don't want things released uncomplete or "buggy", do we?.
It will be much more epic if we wait "a little" more!!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure that people who still in the game these days will wait for it. We all know that all waiting, prices or delays are always well worthy if they are concerning Elite: Dangerous.

Why not? Let's vote up for more time to get a much bigger game!

PS: Bye. i don't trust Frontier Development for anything anymore. I'm tired of all this circus and bad marketing.

Anyone knows if the whole Megaship update (which is already strongly been delayed) will be thrashed completely? And the icy planets surface?

They should have been ready by now...

Keep waiting. That's all Frontier always give to their clients: waiting and false expectations.
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I was thinking over all that FD have said for this days, and now I decide to roll in with my comment.

First of all, thank you Will for the update. It was long awaited by the community.
Also, thank you for all your work you made before. Elite D. is one of my favorite games, and I spend in it more time then in any other game.

So if I understand it correctly, the development of New Era goes on since last August. It means that in total, it will take almost 2 years in development.
So potentially, there is around 70-100 people developing an update for 1.5-2 years. I might got the wrong impression, if so pls tell me.
In but at that point it is looks like that FD have enough time and man to develop a TOTALLY NEW GAME, but as they call it UPDATE, it means it suppose to be something gigantic.
I am writing it here just to let you see where my anticipation comes from and why.

So, what I expect to see now from the next ERA? Hmmm...
Total overhaul of planets, with adding atmosphere landing and Gas Giants?
Space legs and interiors for space ships, stations and e.c?
Or... BOTH OF IT????
Hell, I dont know, but this is really long time to wait.
I am a fun of Elite Dangerous, I love this game and I am not afraid to point out what I don't like about it. But this 1.5 year gap seams a bit too much for me...

So, Dear FD team, please give as some solid information about HOW MUCH we gona get as soon as u can.
And possibly, at list WHAT we gona get. No details needed, just show us what way you will go and do it as soon as u can.
That will make waiting game way easier for many of your fans.

Thank you for the great game you made for us.
I am uncertain about future of the Elite D. at the moment, but I still hope for the best. If that what it take, to make THE BEST SPACE GAME, I will wait.
After all... what other choice we have?

Yours sincerely,
CMDR Klemyr
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