News Important Community Update

I’d like to see a new module for traders, miners, and explorers to counteract the gankers. The gankers have FSD interdictors that they can engineer to be basically unavoidable. And if you’re flying a T-9 outfitted for hauling.... stick your head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye. I’d like to see FSD Intersictor countermeasure modules that can also be engineered to make you very difficult to interdict. I think this would balance the tables in that regard.
Please not yet more pointless paper scissor stone gameplay that risks making PvP piracy even daftet than it is now.

A logical/sensible C&P(karma) system could easily rein in ganking.
This really is embarrassing. QOL updates spent on thargoids and guardians instead. Complete ignorance over your largest focused feedback in PowerPlay. The decision to walk back carriers and ice planets while claiming over 10 people are working on the game and providing nothing in the way of what you have planned for q4 outside of mining. Cooolllll

Maintenance mode confirmed.
Thank you Zac. I , for one, am grateful for the development teams’ continued support of Elite! I can’t think of another game that has been supported for 6+ years, all with little to no additional purchase. The game’s beauty, scale, and gameplay is like no other. Thank you to the team for your commitment, content, a delivery of what could be considered difficult news to many. I can’t wait for what is to come in Q4 and beyond Beyond! Much appreciation.
As an LEP holder...

I have but one request. Instead of specific items from the store, can we perhaps get credit to spend? I have a wishlist of things already..
Personally, it doesn't bother me that I didn't get anything "for free" in this "Beyond" season.. this is assuming that there are future paid expansions (however it's done) that I do get for free..

Oooh. A little free store credit for lifetime pass owners would really help the medicine go down! :) (I've spent nearly 400 euros on the game so far, it's getting harder to justify any more!)

Overall, given the complaints about all the issues which haven't been fixed, it makes sense to narrow the scope a bit and improve the depth & quality; rather than over-promise and stretch the gameplay thin.

Unfortunate about the icy planets, but hopefully there'll be good stuff in Q4.

My one beef, is that even as a lifetime pass owner I'm still not entirely sure what exactly is in the long-term pipeline, even without any promised dates. Is space legs still somewhere in there? Atmospheric worlds? Visiting gas-giants? Not looking for a When, but it'd be nice to know a little more.
However, we also understand that there are people with Lifetime Expansion Passes who haven’t received paid for content in this season

Ahhw Zac and team. When I purchased ED, it was as much of an investment and a pad on your backs. To be honest the LEP a nice thing and maybe 20% of my decision to spend 129£. But for you to write that as a LEP if have been overlooked this year.....Are You kidding me ?? :)
So far i've got so many years of free updates and the game works 98% of the time. That you have the nerve to say I have been left out this year as a LEP, is so overstated in my opinion. :)

Nowhere was there a timeframe on LEP and after maybe one year, i felt i got it all back. For me it is not about the money, As I said an investment to maybe tank and fail, it didn't. :) (in hindsight If it was for the money, I should have bought FDEV stock ;) )

Through you(ED/FDEV) I have now made A LOT of new friends and had I to do that in real life 129£ would cover the first 5 ;)

So from me and only me, Thank you and if u decide to continue happy me :)

You have chosen to undertake a huge project and a very difficult at that.

I can imagine the pitch meeting " David: We shall make a game where we can fly all over in our galaxy"....How many thought at that time "nice idea mr. mad man" ;)

U did it ..not perfect but damn close.

And what u didn't know at the time, is that you had a keystone in bringing people together in the right way through a joint online experience . Young and old , wisdom and youth. Best compo.

Final note on the LEP thing, To me it is like when the germans during battle of bulge asked the allies for a surrender, the reply was NUTS :)

Best regards
Commander Macedk
- Some elements of the Chapter Four update have had to be prioritized and this means they won't be making it into the Chapter Four update.


- Some elements of the Chapter Four update have had to be de-prioritized and this means they won't be making it into the Chapter Four update.

A wall of text with no real substance and nothing to say about something that may be happening a long way off in the future, where have I heard that before? Oh yes that's right it was a JWE update a few weeks back essentially saying the exact same thing about nothing, Frontier you have outclassed yourselves #FacePalm So more people are working on Elite than ever before? You wouldn't know it what with Patches this year lower in content, improvements and fixes than last year. So unless they're working on the future Builds that you talk about but can't talk about then I guess we're left in the dark...again, just like this wall of nothingness in Post #1.

I mean seriously, if you're gonna give us news of an upcoming update at least have the decency to provide some information about the update, not some vague nonsense then say that you can't say anything about it which essentially renders your post completely pointless and deserves only to add hype about nothing. Most of us here are adults, not kids who need to be tricked into cleaning our bedrooms to get a sweeties, just tell us what's going on - plain & simple.

1/10 Frontier, you would've been better off staying silent.

thanks, it is refreshing to get new information and see actually some substantial dialogue with FD in this forum.
Seriously, this needs to happen much more frequently, pls. Don‘t let this be a only short little drizzle in the desert.

For what you had to say: I choose to believe. Always loving this game.


Wow what a gamble. Hope it pays off guys, but just to let you know the game has lost its shine since some of the decisions taken this season along with the mission system limping along??? But I’m still checking in to get updates so I’m still here I guess. Would someone be able to put my distrustful side at rest and put the following statement straight...

if your moving content from free to paid ur effectively adding value to the next update at the expense of the beyond season, itself a very light progression of ED and didn’t really fulfil expectations for the richly detailed planetary bodies promised. So I’ll reserve judgement until I get a few more details. I do however appreciate the communication which appears to have followed a hard decision and really hope it pays off and wasn’t made for purely financial reasons. I can hear the howls of pain from some quarters from here.

Best set of luck for the Q4 launch I’m looking forward to it for the exploration additions and more planet side content.
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