News Important Community Update

Naturally, there will be community questions that might come up from this information. We aren’t going to be ready to talk about what method or model the content will be. What we can say is that it’s expected to be a major milestone in the history of Elite and will be paid content. Lifetime Expansion owners will obviously receive the content as part of their pass.

All I wanted to hear, thanks!
New Ice Worlds - delayed

Carriers - deleyed

So what guys!!!....I'd much rather have delayed stuff that was promised, but when it comes it's finished & good.

Rather than stuff pushed in the game too early, not finished & of poor quality!

The issue is we only know it is delayed, but dont know if it will actually be finished and, if so, whether it will be of good quality.
Was so excited about Q4 update and i still am. Not as much now sadly. But i hope it will be a great update so i can finally dust off my hotas.
Hmmm, mixed bag here it seems.

I understand the logic behind re-prioritising aspects, and I hope that this is done well. However, you have not provided many positive statements in the post, instead relying on the usual "you'll have to trust us" line, which to be honest, doesn't play with most of the community any more.

We know FDev love Elite and want to make it the best game ever, but you cannot deny that some features that have been rolled out have somewhat missed the point (quick example being the Guardian unlock requirements before they were cleaned up). In short, FDev doesn't always understand the playerbase. Not to say they get everything wrong, because that's not true, but trust in FDev alone is not going to be enough.

While I appreciate the communication (and really appreciate you sticking around in this thread, Zac), I think it might have been wiser to postpone this a wee bit until you could announce some positive news in with it. Because as others have stated, this just feels like a well-crafted way of saying "we are taking stuff out of the update" without elaborating on what good stuff we are getting in return.

I am also concerned about how the lack of fleet carriers may affect Distant Worlds 2, which a lot of us in the exploration community have been looking forward to. We're losing ice worlds this update, we will be losing fleet carriers which potentially may have enhanced DW2, and we don't even have a focused feedback forum yet to get a proper idea of the exploration changes because this has been delayed too.

I'm very excited to see what FDev has in store for us but this post hasn't done much to bolster that, only to remove more known factors and replace them with "you'll have to trust us" - which again, doesn't necessarily bode well for a lot of players.

At any rate, please keep up the communication, again it IS much appreciated and will help to allay fears that the update won't be awesome.

This really is embarrassing. QOL updates spent on thargoids and guardians instead. Complete ignorance over your largest focused feedback in PowerPlay. The decision to walk back carriers and ice planets while claiming over 10 people are working on the game and providing nothing in the way of what you have planned for q4 outside of mining. Cooolllll

Maintenance mode confirmed.

No, maintenance mode not confirmed.

Also, if you actually read what Zac wrote ( perhaps English isn't your first language, which would be understandable ) , and prior communication, you'll know that Exploration, Squadrons, planetary improvements are also included in Q4.
Thanks for being honest and open, I wouldn't be able to afford a carrier with my modest 500m reserve, so not much of a big loss for me at least. What I'd like to know most is how much more thargoid and guardian-related content we will see. I am confident that the Update will get me playing quite some time no matter what, but there are some fires burning in Elite right now and I hope these will be taken into consideration, too.
Update info

The fleet carriers could be cool but only if they can jump distances like the gnosis but whenever we desire not on update day

Atmospheric landings are a must at this point if you don’t want to lose fans.

We also needs oceans, caves/caverns, tunnels both on planets, in oceans and on asteroids.

And a new SRV.

Longtime elite supporter.. o7
Thank you very much for the communication - the most informative I have read here so far.

Though some content looks like to be delayed I am happy to hear that an assumed lack of resources seems not to be an issue.

Really looking forward to the future development of this game and of course short term to the last chapter of Beyond.

I agree that the involvement and contribution of this game's community is nothing short of incredible.

That is a boat load of words to say "yeah look folks, we are behind and so we've canned some of the stuff you were really excited about for Beyond so we can hit our deadline, oh and lifetime pass holders have a free paintjob and ssssh please"

Who do you have working on your statements FDEV? Tom Clancey?

Hahaha! Well, there's a first time for everything.

+1 rep
I have no issue at all if all 3.3 is now, is Mining, Exploration, and a some visual upgrades, as long as those enhancements, after four long years, are significant, well designed, and enjoyable.

And I do hope this significant design process that's mentioned in the OP, is not akin to that of the past two years which has seen some pretty curious choices of what to develop, and all too often some pretty shallow mechanics added. I do hope, that FD are now raising the bar for ED and aiming to put in some truly layered and deep game play worthy of a 2018/2019 game...

Fingers crossed!

The Replicated Man

Glad to get more content, but can you release the updates in one large one? The 3.0 series were needlessly stretched out over 2018.
Impossible to keep up with this thread now (over 7,600 people currently viewing, jeeez there's more people reading this thread than playing the game!) but I see a lot of space legs speculation and, having reflected on this for a while now, I have to say, if the "next major landmark which takes us into our next era for Elite" (and which has caused you to change your plans for next year and postpone some major Q4 features many were really looking forward to) turns out to be space legs ... then I think I'm done.


Here's hoping it's atmospheric landings and a return to the simulation aspects of the game that Frontier really excel at!
Ahhw Zac and team. When I purchased ED, it was as much of an investment and a pad on your backs. To be honest the LEP a nice thing and maybe 20% of my decision to spend 129£. But for you to write that as a LEP if have been overlooked this year.....Are You kidding me ?? :)
So far i've got so many years of free updates and the game works 98% of the time. That you have the nerve to say I have been left out this year as a LEP, is so overstated in my opinion. :)

Nowhere was there a timeframe on LEP and after maybe one year, i felt i got it all back. For me it is not about the money, As I said an investment to maybe tank and fail, it didn't. :) (in hindsight If it was for the money, I should have bought FDEV stock ;) )

Through you(ED/FDEV) I have now made A LOT of new friends and had I to do that in real life 129£ would cover the first 5 ;)

So from me and only me, Thank you and if u decide to continue happy me :)

You have chosen to undertake a huge project and a very difficult at that.

I can imagine the pitch meeting " David: We shall make a game where we can fly all over in our galaxy"....How many thought at that time "nice idea mr. mad man" ;)

U did it ..not perfect but damn close.

And what u didn't know at the time, is that you had a keystone in bringing people together in the right way through a joint online experience . Young and old , wisdom and youth. Best compo.

Final note on the LEP thing, To me it is like when the germans during battle of bulge asked the allies for a surrender, the reply was NUTS :)

Best regards
Commander Macedk

It's incredible how you've convinced yourself you weren't scammed.
It is still possible to pay for millions of credits in cash online so they can a huge advantage.. A casual player would find it rerally hard to get any where under the current system . Many explot the single open play cross over combat log etc
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