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I am curious have any Mac users gone through the process and gotten a refund for their copy of this game that is no longer functional?

Seeing as they've been able to play the base game for at least 3 years, I'm not sure what the basis for the refund would be? And they'd still be able to play the game on their Mac through the use of BootCamp.

You could make a case for a refund of the Horizons or Life Time Expansion pass, but for the base game, no chance.
I am curious have any Mac users gone through the process and gotten a refund for their copy of this game that is no longer functional?
Unless a Mac-user has just bought the game (eg: within the last month or two), I'd guess the chances of Frontier giving out refunds (barring life-time owners) are likely very slim.

EDIT: Damn ninja!
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Seeing as they've been able to play the base game for at least 3 years, I'm not sure what the basis for the refund would be? And they'd still be able to play the game on their Mac through the use of BootCamp.

You could make a case for a refund of the Horizons or Life Time Expansion pass, but for the base game, no chance.

And if they've ever accessed their account via Bootcamp or some other method then that would also make any refund claim for not being able to access ED null and void.

Because they have proven that they can...
Probably best to remember that it’s Frontier’s opinion that matters in this case, so I’d follow their advice in the original post.
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Seeing as they've been able to play the base game for at least 3 years, I'm not sure what the basis for the refund would be? And they'd still be able to play the game on their Mac through the use of BootCamp.

You could make a case for a refund of the Horizons or Life Time Expansion pass, but for the base game, no chance.

I dunno

Imaging investing 2000 odd hours into a game and then being told it won't work... because of technicalities... caused by an optional expansion pack. Glad it wasn't me.

What's bootcamp?
I dunno

Imaging investing 2000 odd hours into a game and then being told it won't work... because of technicalities... caused by an optional expansion pack. Glad it wasn't me.

What's bootcamp?
I'd be angry as hell. At Apple. Because I couldn't in good conscience expect Frontier to hold their game back because of Apple being Apple.

Bootcamp: Boot Camp Assistant is a multi boot utility included with Apple Inc.'s macOS that assists users in installing Microsoft Windows operating systems on Intel-based Macintosh computers.
FWIW, I can easily play ED Horizons on my 2012 MacBook with very decent visuals and framerates. How? I use the "Remote Play" app with my PS4! It's handy when I'm on the road.

FWIW Part 2 - one of the major reasons I switched from PC gaming to console gaming was that I switched from a Windows-only PC to Linux and then later a Mac. Even years ago I recognized that Apple was not a viable gaming platform. Now that Apple is going down the toilet (and I used to be a "Once you go Mac, you'll never look back" fanboy), I'm switching back to Linux again, with dual-boot to Windows 10 for those special situations. These days my MacBook runs everything except macOS!
Should we bring on some excellent design ideas by Apple?

I loved the butterfly keyboard with its crappy feel and defective keys that caused yet another lawsuit.
So it’s less versatile than a normal PC? Phew, glad I haven’t got one.

I'm not entirely sure where he's going with that one either, I mean the main difference between a gaming PC & a none gaming PC with similar innards is the manufacturer added "Gaming" to the end of the name of everything in it...

I mean, if you put a GPU into a "standard" Desktop does that make it a gaming PC?

My Motherboard says gaming on it, I bought it cos it was cheap does that not make it a gaming PC?

Different computers do different things. A gaming PC is likely to have no more than 6 cores on the CPU while having very high frecuencies (like the 7700k) and a gaming GPU like the GTX series instead of a Tesla or Quadro and maybe some RGB here and there. A gaming computer is unlikely to have ECC memory, more than 32 Gb of RAM or a Xeon processor because those don't help with the FPS, they may even harm it.
I have always found it odd that those who value the freedom to build the computer that they want out of the components that they choose are then happy to acquiesce in the monopoly that is Windows.

What else is there to use? We've already seen that Mac isn't suited for the job and neither is Linux.
Sadly, any thread about Macs always seemed to attract those who can't see another point of view.

I prefer using a Mac to a Windows based computer. It's not because I don't know about all the comparisons, you can't be a Mac user for long without someone shoving them in your face.

I use Windows every day at work. I've got nothing against Windows 10, though Windows being in an effective monopoly position seems like a bad idea for innovation, development and security. I just prefer using macOS.

Apple actually is worth more than Windows so you could argue that they have the monopoly.
I don't want to iterate on what has already been discussed to death, in this thread - and really, really don't want to enter into an argument with one of the myriad, ignorant and petty PC trolls that love to showcase their righteous hatred of Apple platforms.

Way to go buddy.
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