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I'd suggest that Mac gaming has been pronounced dead more times than Elite: Dangerous. In neither case is it so.

I'm all ears.

- registry (THE fundamentally biggest architecture mistake and point of failure in Win)

- legacy bug-ridden C-Based APIs littering critical sectors of the OS (

- DLL hell / versioning conflict - still present and not going anywhere (in fact it's gotten worse thanks to dual 32bit / 64bit support) (thank you Registry!)

BTW, macOS is the only one of the major OSes that efficiently architects around this issue (the 'bundles' model).
Plain old Unix / Linux has its share of issues here, as well.

- Multiple native UI APIs leading to a proliferation of apps with non-unified look & feel

- Limited / problematic / idiosyncratic support for essential modern OS features such as containers and external booting

- Drivers crashing the system or stopping / starting whenever they please.
BTW, love to see that USB thing is still alive and well into Win10 when you may unplug an old device from one USB port, plug it into another and it gets recognized -- again -- as a new device.

And don't even get me started on MS Enterprise software, especially Exchange Server... just don't....

Happy to go on for (much) longer ...

Also, happy to go deeper into technicals any time you'd like.

About the only good thing I can say of Microsoft is they maintain great documentation.

Meanwhile, kindly let me and the majority of software engineers and devs. out there, continue our DevOps and coding work on a stable & consistent OS.
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Questions: Apart from FD, does anyone have reliable information regarding the share of the overall ED player base that plays on Mac, PC, XB1 & PS4? In other words who has the most and the least of the pie chart?

As with any business, why would FD waste valuable time, money and human resources on a very small percentage of it's customer base? Surely far better spent fixing the overall experience for the vast majority?
As with any business, why would FD waste valuable time, money and human resources on a very small percentage of it's customer base? Surely far better spent fixing the overall experience for the vast majority?

Because it was the small percentage that it turned to when it thought it wasn't going to make its target on the KickStarter.
Because it was the small percentage that it turned to when it thought it wasn't going to make its target on the KickStarter.

Not quite how I remember it, here's a quote from the Kickstarter page:

"We have announced a stretch goal for a Mac version of the game. If we reach the stretch goal of £1.4 million through the Kickstarter we will release a Mac version approximately 3 months after the Windows PC release."

Oh, so Mac users saved Elite Dangerous because there was no chance of the original £1.25 million required for the PC only version being raised by the BILLION or so PC game players at the time. Yeah, right on Commander!
Yep, got to admit I was wrong on this. The macOS stretch goal was launched after Elite: Dangerous was already funded. I guess stretch goal is a bit of a clue :)
Oh, so Mac users saved Elite Dangerous because there was no chance of the original £1.25 million required for the PC only version being raised by the BILLION or so PC game players at the time. Yeah, right on Commander!
There were 25,681 KS backers, so that's quite a rounding error there. I'm not saying amigacooke was right with "wasn't going to make its target"; although it helped to swell the coffers a bit, the Mac stretch goal was announced 24 hours after the project met its funding target. But by the same token you can't wade in with a Truth Bomb then start throwing numbers like A BILLION around. Yeah, I know it's probably sarcasm but still it looks a bit hypocritical.

It would be interesting to know how many Mac-only players pledged for LEP and above at KS, or bought LEPs during either of the availability periods. It is those players who should be the most aggrieved; they never got Horizons and now there is zero chance of them ever having the same ROI as their PC counterparts. Morally there are definite grounds for compensation of some kind there, even though there's probably little in the way of legal weight. If FD have any sense they'll use their metrics to find those LEP owners who've never played the PC version and give them a full refund on the LEP and maybe even any KS pledges above LEP level. We're probably only talking about a handful of players. Peanuts in the grand scheme, but maybe the best way of salvaging some good will from a situation that is largely out of their control.

Edit: ninjad on the first paragraph.
If FD have any sense they'll use their metrics to find those LEP owners who've never played the PC version and give them a full refund on the LEP and maybe even any KS pledges above LEP level. We're probably only talking about a handful of players. Peanuts in the grand scheme, but maybe the best way of salvaging some good will from a situation that is largely out of their control.

Yes I agree there should be compensation in those cases, it would certainly be the right thing to do and help FD's reputation for relatively little outlay. Perhaps even an offer of a free PC Commander's Edition? That may be the equivalent of going over to the dark side for some Mac users but at least it would show some goodwill, again costing them very little.

The billion I was referring to was the overall global potential of people who played PC games at the time, (which has gone up by several hundred million since then) not the actual number of backers.
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It's worse. It's Armageddon!!


Not to get too off topic. It's too bad they can't do something like packaged directx with the game(something I've heard might be possible but don't know anything about) and get the game working. Or go unofficial support somehow... Is there a way to keep it working and bypass the problem?! Some less than regular solution just to get it working? Even if not fully supported. Could be fun. Maybe it would start some trends. software is pretty stagnant theses days. What happened to the innovation of old. Did I just imagine software being an innovative field. 8) <- Froggy face btw. (And a sadly ironic question for the normal apple self advertising. Did I use irony correctly there?)

And why doesn't apple do something besides just chop off everyone limbs instead of just blindly pushing their choices. Can't they do both?! This is like the increasingly idiotic linux developers(beyond an old subject at this point but what can you do.) they try to push html5 because it's taking too long. Instead of just keeping both because it matters to something apparently. Or, Oh my god. You could actually write an alternative and get it working in place as a better solution. But god forbid the hacks in linux actually wrote software not equivalent to a script kiddy as they continue their decades long high jacking of an old programming community... 8\ If you can't figure it out, they can't actually write software and they are profucely hiding their inability which is now a very old and developed problem in those areas.

They way business nonsense creeps into software is naturally about as ironic as anything could possibly be. Lets waist potential to the greatest possible extent as a living... Do they even realize what they are doing?! Then comes the excuse we can't do it. Then comes the answer. Learn some g math... Then comes the response. What does math have to do with programming and design.... Then the sadly pointless response. Everything, and you have nothing to do with programming or any actual design field. Cause apparently forethought is not the entirety of efficiency let alone the basis of programming... The words have confuseded them. We should stop making programming languages in words. Really mess with peoples heads and see if anyone out there has the ability to actually do anything any more(the sad answer is no.) People have been using game engines and the like as an excuse or too long. People used to get slapped down for that. There's no excuse for the nonsense today. While were at it. new and previously unused OS designs to solve the problem. Where did all the OS developers go. It would be funny to see OSes popped out like game software. As long as they were fully functioning that is.

/rant. I guess. (maybe I'll add the increasing degradation of wikis and other webpages and hyperlinking and more advanced structures to link information. This used to be very fully used. Now they g lazily do everything like it's a book.. Do people have no idea how stupid this is. I think the problem is too many people without perspective now.. Der, lets takes one of the most convenient tools in human history and use it as little as possible to it's advantages.. 8\ Goodbye modern world. We like the stoneage better. Even though nobody has the knowledge to survive in that either.)

Just an FYI, /rant not over. If you can't design a programming language or a game engine you cannot design a game or peice of software. See developing software is about thinking out the parameters of what you want to write. Engines and languages are tools to increase efficiency. If you can't do one you can't do the other. One is automatically possible when you can do the other. That is why it used to be everyone made their own engines/tools/whatever. And this does not change given, modern, excuses. This never changes. If you hear it. It is an excuse. Even if you can't figure out why that is the case. This level of nonsense used to be inexcusable and a joke. It is so fundamental. Although I guess the main point is about making software not limit your options. What type of fruit loops do we have out there now a days that want to get everything by bluntly forcing everyone into what they want. The opposite is so much more fun and interesting. Maybe apple jacks is more appropriate...

BTW, their use of this tactic is a potential sign of their ability to do otherwise. Unless there is some other issue at play.

Thinking about it, the frog doesn't really make sense here does it... What would represent frontier here?(Technically, I just liked the frog picture!) Oh, derp. The planet. Yea, scrolling up and looking at their logo is a clever thing isn't it. Explains the previous post a bit. ><

Here are some potential emotes!


These are from a random google search. Not mine. I think it may represent the stages of grief... Or maybe how frontier felt when they found out apple in essence stabbed them in the back. Should be appropriate for this thread at this point. (Edit: I'm labelling this the software industry levels of grief! Is left to right then top to bottom more appropriate or top to bottom then left to right?)

But, seriously, if this sort of thing can't be solved, computers have virtually/insert pun no purpose as a physical object... (Or numerous things have made them effectively inert. *looks around nervously*)

Edit: I tired googling planet apple wings also, to see if I could find a planet apple with the wings as well as the planet apple, but I kept getting chicken wing recipes and grilling stuff that was making me too hungry. Now, I'm imagining grilled frapple. Definitely getting hungry... I haven't had frog legs in forever. 8)... <- Frogs eat their own. So this still works. (What would grilled frapple legs taste like? Something like apple chicken?! Or would you just bite into them like an apple?)<- Frogs butts look funny! 8D

FYI, This is called a hunger strike! Images of delicious food will be shown to make you hungry until something is done!! >< There may be much collateral damage.

I bet you this is the most sure-fire way to end the computer industry. With their bad spending habits and impulse control their lunch could be their undoing. If we hunger striked all internet and software companies they could be brought to their knees in a matter of hours!! *Mad maniacal laughter ensues!* I know your weaknesses!! oO

Thinking about it. They will ironically die poor and hungry after that.

Edit3: Just remember this if one day apple gains the ability to force their will on other companies to look back on this and ponder!! ><

... The death of apple(Frapple). Twas lunch that killed them.

We could call ourselves, "Freedom Fry Fighters!"

And if it has a minfesto(manifesto, But that does sound a little like a pasta.) it has nothing but pictures of food in it. It would be a trap to catch the unawares.

I think the only weakness is if they already do this so badly that there is no economic impact. Unless you get them to order that much more...

The upside of the plan though, is that it doesn't have to effect them all. It only needs to effect one!

BTW, is this one of those types of threads they have to read thoroughly? ;d And what is it about chicken wings that just makes your mouth water?!

I wonder if there is any possibility apple has already taken over frontier via proxy.

Anotherneedlessedit: This could also be implemented as an economic plan. You could call it, "Dribble down economics!"

Stare into his eyes!

And Imagine!



If my none existant understanding of psychology is correct this should start making you get hungry from things besides food pictures. Which is possibly playing on a base understanding that this is all ultimately food.
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Just been made aware of this sad news. I’m using Boot Camp at mo to run it. I’ve noticed after looking at Metal that it does indeed have compute shaders ( at least that’s what I understand ) it’s obvious that it’s the cost of re-writing, testing a whole different package. Just wondering what the PlayStation graphics system is and is that any different in terms of GL and DX.
Just been made aware of this sad news. I’m using Boot Camp at mo to run it. I’ve noticed after looking at Metal that it does indeed have compute shaders ( at least that’s what I understand ) it’s obvious that it’s the cost of re-writing, testing a whole different package. Just wondering what the PlayStation graphics system is and is that any different in terms of GL and DX.

It's only the mac client that is getting dropped, Bootcamp will still work as it always has.

The PS4 does have its own API but it is fully compatible with at least OpenGL with very little change to the code.
I stopped responding to this thread because there are too many throlls from the PC world.

It's just amazing how many people that never owned a Mac or know much about Apple are very knowledgeable all of a sudden to excuse Frontier. All those people would be equally upset if Frontier had announced it is stopping supporting Windows to concentrate only on consoles... What a bunch of hypocrites!
I stopped responding to this thread because there are too many throlls from the PC world.

It's just amazing how many people that never owned a Mac or know much about Apple are very knowledgeable all of a sudden to excuse Frontier. All those people would be equally upset if Frontier had announced it is stopping supporting Windows to concentrate only on consoles... What a bunch of hypocrites!

I own a Mac and follow Apple closely. Didn't stop you from attacking me and being rather unpleasent.
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