My mining vessel has shields. But its still going to get ganked most likely if in Open. Its a type 10. Pretty much guarantee first thing that would happen would be a grom bumb followed by PAs to the face. So i mine in PG/solo.
The only thing that might cause my months long exploration trip to end in disaster is likely to be my own error. Again, because im not going to return from a trip in open. Again, because if i am attacked, its going to be grom bomb followed by PAs to the face. (or whatever weapons they are using).
The reason people get ganked (outside of reasons of those ganking for doing it) is because most people don't want to make such sacrifices to their build to give themselves a chance of surviving a gank.
When exploring, to make your ships anti-gank, you're going to lose a decent amount of jump range. What for? Nothing. You gain nothing from it. You only lose.
Choice: Go out in anti-gank build, spend a lot longer on your journey, just on the off-chance you get ganked on your return, which you may or may not survive OR just play in PG/solo and relax on your return along with a better jump range.
Choice: Go mining in an anti-gank build, sacrifice efficiency, just on the off-chance you get ganked, which you may or may not survive OR just play in PG/solo and mine efficiently and relax while doing deliveries.
Unless you want the risk of being attacked, or the social aspect, or have some other specific reason for playing in Open, there is zero reason to play in open while doing PvE activities.
There is no reason to ever wonder why you are getting ganked in open. The reason you get ganked in open is because you chose to play in open, and in any online game where there is a mix of PvP and PvE there will always be those that get their kicks going after easy targets.
You see such people in almost every public lobby in GTA, where they fly around on broomsticks (Oppressor Mk2) blowing up people doing deliveries in postal vans or whatever vehicle the game has given them or even people just on foot. They will repeatedly kill the same person over and over again (spawn killing), and then send messages like "1-0 Lzzzzz" (not sure what the Lzzz is meant to mean), as though they actually did something that took effort, and not just pressing a fire button on a homing missile. Its the GTA equivalent of ED's "git gud".
In short, the ulimtate reason anyone ever gets ganked is the same in many games: People.
See also GIFT, online disihibition effect and others. (apologies in advance to anyone who now falls down the tvtropes rabbithole for the remainder of the day)
You may be looking for: GIFT (Greater Internet wad Theory), a Forum Speak term. Internet Jerk, the practice used in media. Otherwise, you may be looking for Gift, a platforming video game. If a page on the wiki led you here, please fix it …
Here you are just having a good time with your friends on your favorite online game. Everyone in your party is pulling their weight and gaining lots of items and gold. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?...wait, what's that sound? You suddenly hear a …
Especially relevant from that last one: "Calling Griefer is a popular accusation in
MMORPGs that allow
Player Versus Player combat, particularly in
MMORPGs that don't have separate PvP and
Player Versus Environment."
Not having separate PvP and PvE environments in games where both can coexist is an invitation to grefiers/gankers to play. In PvP only games griefers and gankers usually don't get much of an opening. In PvE only games they can exist, but generally have to get creative with the environment. But a mix is just a recipe for disaster.
Thankfully FD allow everyone a decision as to whom they play with. I'd rather FD did split the game fully, have separate PvP and PvE servers, but the modes strategy also works.