In system jumps.

Overall, I see many, many reasons not to create any kind of "hyper-cruise".
It allows people to complete missions far more quickly than intended.

Only if it is designed to be all benefit with no drawbacks.

It is likely to allow people to avoid interdictions that were intended as a hazard of the missions involved.

Only if it is designed that way.

It is likely to allow people to avoid PvP.

Only if it is designed that way.

It will cause people to miss other elements of gameplay that FDev has implemented as part of in-system travel.

Such as?

It removes the sense of scale from the game.

Then why are you OK with Engineered FSD's, the upcoming Guardian FSD booster module, and Neutron Star boosts?

By contrast, I only see one reason to implement "hyper-cruise".
It allows people to do things that they currently find "too boring" to bother with.

Is that really such a bad reason?

Thing is, for everything that somebody might find "too boring" to bother with, there's something else which won't be as boring.
If you're exploring and a body is too far away for you to bother travelling to, jump to a different system.
If you're running missions and a destination is too far away for you to bother making the journey, take a different mission.

But why should certain parts of the game be out-of-bounds to us who support this idea, just because we don't have as much free time as you?

Quit demanding everything gets changed to suit you.

Where did I demand this?

Accept that other people might want other things and they're just as entitled to have what they want as you are., it's OK. I'll just keep on suggesting ways to improve the game and leave it up to FDev to decide whether to implement them.

Thanks though.
That's on this topic. So you didn't listen. If people make their own topic not use this one. It would be easier for us to have a good decision on your idea. It will be easier to point out pros cons of a idea.

I think you may have misunderstood what a 'discussion' is. This is a discussion thread on a discussion forum. I'm discussing ideas.

Besides, I've already changed my initial thoughts on this topic - I'm not going to spam the suggestion forum with half-baked ideas until I have a much clearer idea of how this would be implemented.
Dmaster you had a fit the other day because someone got your SUGGESTION mix with nanite SUGGESTIONS. When will you two man up and put it on suggestions.
Dmaster you had a fit the other day because someone got your SUGGESTION mix with nanite SUGGESTIONS. When will you two man up and put it on suggestions.

No, he did not mixed up anything, he asked the General question:

I'm still waiting for someone to explain how Exploration gameplay doesn't completely change by implementing these microjumps. Microjumps completely undermine the only permanent glory (and one of the largest draws for explorers) this game has to offer: First Discovery Tags.

I highlighted, in what you called the "rant", were this General question has been answered several times in this discussion thread. If you read it slowly, i guess you will understand, what i mean.

For the other Point you asked, i will post it in the Suggestion Forum, when i am happy with the Pamphlet, at the Moment, it will Need some improvements.

I'm not opposing anything on the basis that it wasn't part of the original design concept.

I asked whether the ONLY reason for boring stuff might be poor game design.
The reply was yes. That can be the only reason for boring stuff.
Clearly, that isn't the case though. There can be boring stuff because a dev' intends to portray something which includes elements of boredom.

There's more to it than that though.

My original question was posed in response to another question asking whether it's good game design to include boring stuff.

The first thing, there, is that boredom is a subjective thing.
What one person finds "boring", another person might find tense, compelling and immersive.

The 2nd thing is that a game design choice that some people might find "boring" might have been made for a justifiable reason.

By way of example, I'd certainly admit that I find mat' gathering boring but I'd hope FDev never capitulate completely to people who moan about it and make mat's freely available to purchase because that would completely undermine the value and achievement of engineering.

If a dev' can find a way to keep one bunch of people happy without upsetting another bunch of people, or placing them at a disadvantage as a result of the changes that have been made, or undermining other aspects of the game, then I'm all for it but not otherwise.

I can't help noticing that a lot of the people in this thread are the same ones who were wailing about long-haul passenger missions getting nerfed.
That being the case, I have a sneaking suspicion that the real motive for moaning about the "boredom" of in-system travel is the desire to minimise the time to complete those passenger missions.
Which is going to undermine the original concept of those missions (that they require patience to complete) and place people who choose to forego the new feature at a financial disadvantage to those who use it (completing one run per hour instead of multiple runs).

Overall, I see many, many reasons not to create any kind of "hyper-cruise".
It allows people to complete missions far more quickly than intended.
It is likely to allow people to avoid interdictions that were intended as a hazard of the missions involved.
It is likely to allow people to avoid PvP.
It will cause people to miss other elements of gameplay that FDev has implemented as part of in-system travel.
It removes the sense of scale from the game.

By contrast, I only see one reason to implement "hyper-cruise".
It allows people to do things that they currently find "too boring" to bother with.

Thing is, for everything that somebody might find "too boring" to bother with, there's something else which won't be as boring.
If you're exploring and a body is too far away for you to bother travelling to, jump to a different system.
If you're running missions and a destination is too far away for you to bother making the journey, take a different mission.

Quit demanding everything gets changed to suit you.
Accept that other people might want other things and they're just as entitled to have what they want as you are.

I'm wondering if they only put interdictions in the game to try to fill the sc time with something other than staring at the screen. And try to add some gameplay for when the game first started. And try to wake you up with that bang sound lol. Thats nearly given me a heart attack sometimes. Lol.
The shorter sc times say under 10000ls i normally use that time to look at my stats screen or mission details.
No, he did not mixed up anything, he asked the General question:

I'm still waiting for someone to explain how Exploration gameplay doesn't completely change by implementing these microjumps. Microjumps completely undermine the only permanent glory (and one of the largest draws for explorers) this game has to offer: First Discovery Tags.

I highlighted, in what you called the "rant", were this General question has been answered several times in this discussion thread. If you read it slowly, i guess you will understand, what i mean.

For the other Point you asked, i will post it in the Suggestion Forum, when i am happy with the Pamphlet, at the Moment, it will Need some improvements.

Thing is you can improve on suggestions topic. It called editing. People don't want to scan 30 pages trying to understand your idea. Man up make a topic in suggestions.


Is that really such a bad reason?

Yes, yes it is.

There are a gazillion things you can do in ED which don't require long travel times but you want the things that do require long travel times changing to suit you.

That's kind of selfish, petulant and entitled.
Far better to just do the stuff you do enjoy and leave the other stuff for those who like that stuff. [up]
I like to point out on nanite topic I suggest a idea. How easy would it be accidentally skip the same idea here? 30 pages.
That's kind of selfish, petulant and entitled.

Geez, man - calm down.

I take it you don't use an engineered FSD drive or neutron star boosts then?

Far better to just do the stuff you do enjoy and leave the other stuff for those who like that stuff. [up]

Well, the beauty of my proposal is that you can still do that. So you wouldn't actually lose anything if we implemented this mechanic, and those people who are currently unable to reach those far away stars due to lack of time would be able to enjoy an aspect of the game that is currently not feasible to them.
Yes, yes it is.

There are a gazillion things you can do in ED which don't require long travel times but you want the things that do require long travel times changing to suit you.

That's kind of selfish, petulant and entitled.
Far better to just do the stuff you do enjoy and leave the other stuff for those who like that stuff. [up]
You seem to be having a bear of a time understanding the concept of an OPTIONAL way to shorten long supercruise trips. If you like long supercruise trips, you'd still 100% able to do them. Consider also that not everyone has long chunks of time to play. It's not necessarily that they don't have sufficient patience to earn the right to participate in all the content in your judgment. Making more game content available to people with not-huge chunks of time to play is just good business.


Well, the beauty of my proposal is that you can still do that. So you wouldn't actually lose anything if we implemented this mechanic, and those people who are currently unable to reach those far away stars due to lack of time would be able to enjoy an aspect of the game that is currently not feasible to them.

Yes, you keep saying that even though I've already told you that if there are bodies in a system which you can't explore due to a lack of time (which, TBH, I don't really believe) then there's no reason you can't just jump to a different system instead.

As, IIRC, you previously said, it's not like there's a shortage of unexplored systems in the galaxy to be found.

Beyond that, you're ignoring what I said about unbalancing/undermining other aspects of the game.
If, for example, passenger missions which currently take an hour to complete because of the long travel time could be completed in minutes, it'd remove the reason to make them highly-paid.

I mean, surely you're not looking at stuff like passenger missions which take an hour to complete and thinking "Wow! those missions are a great way to make credits but I wish I could complete them in 10 minutes!" are you?
Cos, if you are, and you think FDev will implement hyper-cruise and leave the rewards as they are, you're dreaming.
Geez, man - calm down.

I take it you don't use an engineered FSD drive or neutron star boosts then?

Well, the beauty of my proposal is that you can still do that. So you wouldn't actually lose anything if we implemented this mechanic, and those people who are currently unable to reach those far away stars due to lack of time would be able to enjoy an aspect of the game that is currently not feasible to them.

Dont worry nanite. I got the same type of replies when I tried suggesting a cmdr should be able to buy a passenger ticket to colonia. I thought up negative impacts of doing it too. I didn't want a so called win button. But it didn't get seen that way.
As I always say everyone has different opinions and ways they want to play the game and they have a right to voice them and play as they want but try to keep things civil.
This is supposed to be a community not a school ground with name calling and beating up the odd one out.
I disagree with things other people say on here and either I ignore them or discuss with them nicely. I dont name call and tell people they are idiots etc.

I still remember what these forums used to be like years ago and it was never like it is now. It used to be a community, friendly and helpful. Now nearly every post ends up toxic. And when you come up with logical discussion either you get slammed or people ignore the thread or post.

I sometimes do wonder why I keep coming back here. Lol. 😨


You seem to be having a bear of a time understanding the concept of an OPTIONAL way to shorten long supercruise trips. If you like long supercruise trips, you'd still 100% able to do them. Consider also that not everyone has long chunks of time to play. It's not necessarily that they don't have sufficient patience to earn the right to participate in all the content in your judgment. Making more game content available to people with not-huge chunks of time to play is just good business.

And you seem to be having a bear of a time understanding that you have the choice to NOT DO the stuff you find boring or don't have the time to do.
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