In system jumps.

There's no scale to ED. There's just irrational time sinks. You're moving 200c and you spot a USS, it takes you 45 seconds to get there because for some reason you can high jump and come right out of it no problem, but you need almost a minute to go from 200c to 400m/s

Patience is an important skill in many things. Surgery, detective work, chess, sports, jobs, dealing with people etc. including video games.

It would give you access to the same things as me without requiring you to be patient like me. The reverse is I have to play it your way but my way disappears. You have alternatives, I don't.

Patience takes effort. Some of us appreciate things more when it takes effort.

I can be intercepted by my enemies with ease unless I follow suit. Forces me to play their way or the sucker's way. Like BGS in open. No point. Should be but there isn't. You get your first discoveries easier. You get your money quicker. Anything that has to with travel you get a distinct advantage.
At least if it cost you a module slot that would be some compensation but we'd be playing two different games, with the one you're playing being the one recieving support, leaving us in the cold, so we fight it.
Patience takes sleep.

Unless you think the people waiting for Star Citizen for 10 years have the best gamplay available (patience and all), then patience is just a euphemism for lack of meaningful content between instances.
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Isn't it time for "If you don't want [thing], don't use it but don't prevent others from doing [thing] if we want to" yet?

Seems like somebody should have played that card by now.
Well Learn to use System map you can judge systems after you do the basic discovery scan. All about players using common sense.

Maybe your not looking at the whole game.
What about Pirates and Interdiction PvP and such. It would ruin that. Let say I am chasing you and Poof yours at the other end of the system That ruins the chasing mechanic of the game. That would impact the game. It could also be used in a wing and chase someone. If someone going to System B and a wing group at System A. One could mini Jump to system B and block the players from both sides. Two at system A while the Other at system B.

So How does it remain unchanged again?
Chasing in supercruise is a stupid game mechanic. The reason you go into SC is to avoid being chased. Then you high jump, and you can even be chased doing that. It's odd you can wake scan a ship and jumped to where they jumped, but you cannot scan a planet and jump to that. Tinkerbells flying around in SC is goofy.
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Well Learn to use System map you can judge systems after you do the basic discovery scan. All about players using common sense.

Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying there. Can you explain what you mean?

Maybe your not looking at the whole game.
What about Pirates and Interdiction PvP and such. It would ruin that. Let say I am chasing you and Poof yours at the other end of the system That ruins the chasing mechanic of the game. That would impact the game.

Only if the intra-system jump changed existing interdiction mechanics to allow evasion. Not even the inter-system drive allows that, so why would it be any different for intra-system jumps?

It could also be used in a wing and chase someone. If someone going to System B and a wing group at System A. One could mini Jump to system B and block the players from both sides. Two at system A while the Other at system B.

You can do that now in wings, when a wingman jumps to a different system, so why would it be any different for intra-system jumps

So How does it remain unchanged again?

As far as I can see, it doesn't change anything that isn't already there with the inter-system jump mechanics. Unless I've misunderstood...?
Isn't it time for "If you don't want [thing], don't use it but don't prevent others from doing [thing] if we want to" yet?

Seems like somebody should have played that card by now.
You'd think so, since the "use common sense" card was played.
The reverse is I have to play it your way but my way disappears. You have alternatives, I don't.

Don't be so melodramatic, if you like to wait and feel the sense of pride and accomplishment™ for staring at a screen for half an hour, you could still do it. Nobody is forcing you to use in- system jumps ;)


Isn't it time for "If you don't want [thing], don't use it but don't prevent others from doing [thing] if we want to" yet?

Seems like somebody should have played that card by now.

Don't be so melodramatic, if you like to wait and feel the sense of pride and accomplishment™ for staring at a screen for half an hour, you could still do it. Nobody is forcing you to use in- system jumps ;)

Called it. [up]
How about this...

You add an extra module to your ship that can store 3 of these, if you have done the inital run, and scanned the star. If you die before turning in the data, you have to do the run again.

1) This would remove the "instant" travel regarding Exploration
2) It would allow players to store data to allow them to "fast travel" to 3 stars (when they arrive in any of the 3 stars systems), of their choice.

Choose carefully, CMDRs.


Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying there. Can you explain what you mean?
Did you read the Manual? It might help you some. System Map Best to read it and there a picture of a system map might give you an idea What would be worth scanning by using System Map.

Here a idea for people who think star to star take too long. Why not just stay with the Basic scanner. So all you have to worry about is the long distance Missions. You don't have to fly 15 Minutes because your scanner doesn't discovery planets that far.
Did you read the Manual? It might help you some. System Map Best to read it and there a picture of a system map might give you an idea What would be worth scanning by using System Map.

I see what you mean now.

Unfortunately, for zero-population systems (which is, by far, the majority of systems in the galaxy) the system map won't show a detailed look at a planet's surface until you've performed a detailed surface scan (by which time you're close enough to eyeball it anyway), nor tell you what materials the planet has. Also, if there are any POI's around any of the planets, these are also not shown in the system map.

So, there are several things that may never get seen or discovered because there is nothing to indicate it's worth spending 30 mins flying to.

Here a idea for people who think star to star take too long. Why not just stay with the Basic scanner. So all you have to worry about is the long distance Missions. You don't have to fly 15 Minutes because your scanner doesn't discovery planets that far.

Because basic and Intermediate scanners have insufficient range for even the primary star.

I have a better idea - why not have an optional module that you can choose to not equip so your current gameplay remains unaffected?
okay, so i'm new to the forums, but i am not new to this game.
first of all, i love elite dangerous. it brings out the boy in me who used to always wanted to go out into space.
and many people who play this game has many, and often, valid reasons or wants for changes in this game.

i have none of these. i know all too well that developing in a game like this would be a monumental task. creating new content must be a nightmare for frontier devs.

but i want to make a discussion (although i know many people would have before me, and more after too) make a discussion about in-system jumps.

in the time i am writing this, i have found a binary star system where the other sytem is 578,900 light seconds away. usually when exploring, you absolutely would not go to that system, because that's ridiculous. but this system i have went to basically has 7 water planets, and multiple ones i assume to be like earth, even better, noone has ever discovered it.

now i'm a huge discovery . i like my name on things. especially on a special system like this.
but to supercruise 590k light seconds from the parent star to this one, and then even further to scan all the planets i want, my god it's tedious. incredibly tedious. 12 minutes in and i've barely did 200k of it in my asp.

what i dont get is why the dev's havent implemented in system jumps, or atleast boosted jumps, where you can jump lets say 100k light seconds ONLY if you were targetting a star. that way it would only take me 2 minutes to do 5 or so jumps then i supercruise the last 90k, which is acceptable.
it wouldnt be very hard to implement because the jumping mechanic is in the game, the exploration is very much centred on jumping from one system to another. maybe its not that simple, after all, the jump system only jumps you to parent stars, but atleast if you target a star, why cant i supercruise at 10x speed untill <100k light seconds to only stars?

it would make much sense too, because then you couldnt use that in any other instance, to only towards stars to within 100k light seconds, and save much time. so, so , so much time.

many people have many gripes with this game, mine is this, and that finding other players who want to play together also is a nightmare. none of my friends play this game, they call me a nerd haha, but they dont know how good elite is.

but i digress.

get on this. i dont want to do a 25 minute supercruise run just so i can get my name on the almost perfect system to discover.
i typed all this and im still 150k out...
it would be such a quality of life change for explorers.


This is a much requested feature which I also would like to see added.

After which I'd also like to see a jump sequencer added as well - very popular in modern Science Fiction and could be programmed using a Commodore Vic-20 (I have one which could be loaned out if needed - I'd even include the sequencing code with it.)


I see what you mean now.

Unfortunately, for zero-population systems (which is, by far, the majority of systems in the galaxy) the system map won't show a detailed look at a planet's surface until you've performed a detailed surface scan (by which time you're close enough to eyeball it anyway), nor tell you what materials the planet has. Also, if there are any POI's around any of the planets, these are also not shown in the system map.

So, there are several things that may never get seen or discovered because there is nothing to indicate it's worth spending 30 mins flying to.
See you already have a simple solution for this problem. Jump to 3 or 4 NEW system and scan about 10 to 12 in the same amount of time as traveling 15 minutes to another planet or star in one system Easy fix for an easy problem.

Because basic and Intermediate scanners have insufficient range for even the primary star.
But it eliminates the issue you are not flying 15 Minutes. Note I never had to wait 30 Minutes. Maybe you should throttle up could help with your time.

I have a better idea - why not have an optional module that you can choose to not equip so your current gameplay remains unaffected?
Or keep the mechanics as is and start using some common sense instead.

So remember this. If it too far for you then JUMP to the next system.

Scale can be appreciated without the need for 30+ minute stretches of "gameplay" that are best spent watching netflix on a second monitor.
Ya start by going ok this is to far. Maybe I should jump to a new system.
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It never ceases to amaze me how many players don't want to fly their spaceship in a 'flying around in a spaceship' game.
This may come as a shock, but I actually DO want to fly my space ship, not sit and stare at a screen for dozens of minutes while the space ship cruises in a straight line.
This may come as a shock, but I actually DO want to fly my space ship, not sit and stare at a screen for dozens of minutes while the space ship cruises in a straight line.

My advice then would be to not choose to do activities that require you to supercruise long distances.

I don't like commuting, so I chose to live within 5 miles of where I work.
I don't demand my boss relocates his business so that it's closer to where I live.

One of the joys of playing ED is that it's not rocket science :D
My advice then would be to not choose to do activities that require you to supercruise long distances.

I don't like commuting, so I chose to live within 5 miles of where I work.
I don't demand my boss relocates his business so that it's closer to where I live.

One of the joys of playing ED is that it's not rocket science :D
Considering most activities involve traveling places via supercruise...

Do you personally enjoy those long stretches of literally no input needing to be made? Do you think it's good game design to have significant several-minute long stretches of gameplay where the player does nothing, has no way to speed things up, and doesn't even necessarily have anything pretty to look at?


Considering most activities involve traveling places via supercruise..
You do know you have a choice when you're in a system. If it too large of a system for you. Then jump to a new system.

Do you personally enjoy those long stretches of literally no input needing to be made?
I tend to look around on galaxy map to find areas that might be cool to look at or read the GALNET news.

Do you think it's good game design to have significant several-minute long stretches of gameplay where the player does nothing, has no way to speed things up, and doesn't even necessarily have anything pretty to look at?
See you keep ignoring this one fact. You have a choice. If it too far you DON'T have to do it. It the same choice I have. If I want to spend that time to explore a large system I can. It comes down to player choice.

I live in a small town. Between two large cities. LA and Bakersfield. I live in a town of 5,000 people. There no Starbuck or Walmart in my town. I chose to live away from Traffic and smog. It is also your choice to live in a large city that has those things it is also a choice. Just don't try to make my town into a large city because you love everything close.
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I'm a die hard explorer, and I wouldn't want this. You have to make a choice, is it worth it or not? For me, If there's an earth like, no distance is too far, especially an undiscovered one. Multiple water worlds, yep I'll go the distance.
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