In system jumps.

But what is good about doing nothing in a ‘game’ when you are ‘travelling’? How is this either fun or a good ‘game’? To hell with the sense of scale (which, to me anyway, i think would still be there).
You do not need to travel to distant planets or stations. These are all optional and never forced on you. Short distance travel to stations, there is always something you can do, but again it is optional. You can scan ships and you can avoid gravity wells.

This ‘game’ got too many ‘optional’ activities - i.e. stuff that’s so dull that people don’t bother with ‘em.
Having no options is lazy design and just forces you down one route that will end up becoming a boring grind. I thought you didn't like grind?
You do not need to travel to distant planets or stations. These are all optional and never forced on you. Short distance travel to stations, there is always something you can do, but again it is optional. You can scan ships and you can avoid gravity wells.

Sorry, but since this thread i heard this far too often, these are shallow excuses!
Apparently they just want a non interactive loading screen where you alt tab, check mails, reddit and the forum just to find a bunch of people that call downtime zero interaction gameplay "flying around in a space ship" and "patience skills".

How do you manage to do that in the 10 second hyperjump loading screen. Or are you talking about supercruise, as that is not hyperspace?

Sorry, but since this thread i heard this far too often, these are shallow excuses!

Why is reducing options a shallow excuse?
Similarly, it never ceases to amaze me how many players think that doing literally nothing for half an hour is considered 'flying around in a spaceship'.

Like, what do you even do in that time?

it's not as if our cmdr can walk around ;)

I'm in favour of in system jumps after all I have a hour or so a day if that to fly and doing a 20-90min cruise just wastes time. Yes I have been to Hutton loads of times but I don't see the problem of in system jumps.

As for the we don't want it because it would ruin our game then don't fit one. I don't play football or tennis but it doesn't stop other from doing so. Why can't we jump in system from star to star I don't see a problem with it just benefits for players with limited time.
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it's not as if our cmdr can walk around ;)

I'm in favour of in system jumps after all I have a hour or so a day if that to fly and doing a 20-90min cruise just wastes time. Yes I have been to Hutton loads of times but I don't see the problem of in system jumps.

As for the we don't want it because it would ruin our game then don't fit one. I don't play football or tennis but it doesn't stop other from doing so. Why can't we jump in system from star to star I don't see a problem with it just benefits for players with limited time.

I am all up for speeding up journeys but at a risk/cost. It needs to keep the slow way as a viable option instead of making it a pointless option.
Hi there, there would always be people that want this system jumps feature and others not. For my self, I would like this feature too. But to satisfy both community desires I would go a middle way. There should be no other module needed for this, because you already have a frameshift drive. I think that System jumps should be dangerous, because you overload the FSD for the in system jumps. Module damage, overheating the frameshift drive should be the result of this action. Farther there should be no planet or asteroid field be in your way, the reason is pretty clear.

So why not... ��
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You do not need to travel to distant planets or stations. These are all optional and never forced on you. Short distance travel to stations, there is always something you can do, but again it is optional. You can scan ships and you can avoid gravity wells.

The thing is, nobody enjoys watching a screensaver for 30 minutes. Apart from those who watch Netflix on a second monitor but (again) a mechanic that encourages you to stop playing is not good game design. On the other hand people are right when they say that adding micro jumps would destroy the feeling of scale. Both arguments are valid and no amount of discussing it will change that. This is why we need activities that allow us to play the game while traveling.
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I meant, telling People not to travel to some destinations, as it is optional, is a shallow excuse for trying to maintain Status quo!

That is not what I am asking for. I am all for having a faster option as long as it doesn't make the slow option pointless. There needs to be risk and cost to the fast way. And the further away it is the more risk and cost there is.
The thing is, nobody enjoys watching a screensaver for 30 minutes. Apart from those who watch Netflix on a second monitor, but again, a mechanic that encourages you to stop playing is not good game design. On the other hand people are right when they say that adding micro jumps would destroy the feeling of scale. Both arguments are valid and no amount of discussing it will change that. This is why we need activities that allow us to play the game while traveling.

But you can choose a middle way, that partially preserves the "scale", as i pointed out before. Microjumps could be limited to inhabited Systems, to preserve the sense of scale for the Explorers.
The thing is, nobody enjoys watching a screensaver for 30 minutes. Apart from those who watch Netflix on a second monitor but (again) a mechanic that encourages you to stop playing is not good game design. On the other hand people are right when they say that adding micro jumps would destroy the feeling of scale. Both arguments are valid and no amount of discussing it will change that. This is why we need activities that allow us to play the game while traveling.

Again, I am not against any of that. I don't believe that I ever said I was against new gameplay. In fact in this thread I am fully for new gameplay options, even if it is for faster travel as long as it doesn't make the slow option pointless.
That is not what I am asking for. I am all for having a faster option as long as it doesn't make the slow option pointless. There needs to be risk and cost to the fast way. And the further away it is the more risk and cost there is.

Then in understood you in the wrong way.

What about the idea of Barthok? He suggested to bring in some danger by overloading the FSD? In general, it is nothing really new, as we have this sort of mechanic when overloading the FSD on a Neutron star. Perhaps there could be a minigame implemented like for the interdiction. You Need to aim for the target star, the better you are, the near you drop out at the star.
Then in understood you in the wrong way.

What about the idea of Barthok? He suggested to bring in some danger by overloading the FSD? In general, it is nothing really new, as we have this sort of mechanic when overloading the FSD on a Neutron star. Perhaps there could be a minigame implemented like for the interdiction. You Need to aim for the target star, the better you are, the near you drop out at the star.

I still don't like micro jumps, but I am all up for ways of increasing supercruise speeds/acceleration which would be dangerous and cost fuel. So you wouldn't completely get rid of the longer supercruise journeys, but you can make them take less time and be more interesting with some good gameplay options.

On the whole, I like supercruise, it just needs to be a bit more interactive on the longer journeys with more options available to you.
Isn't it time for "If you don't want [thing], don't use it but don't prevent others from doing [thing] if we want to" yet?

Seems like somebody should have played that card by now.

Lol. Yeah. It seems like there are a hand full of same arguments that circle the threads over and over and over and the come back for nearly everything. And the thing is they all have merit to a point and to certain people. Because of what the game is. Because theres no right or wrong way to play. Because the game isn't set out for one play style or rule or type. It's play as you want and how you want. And everyone plays differently and wants different things because of this. There will be debates and arguments as long as the game is set up this way. Because everyone sees the game how they want to see it and wants the game to be more like the way they play. But heres the thing. You cant make the game to suit everyone and thats the biggest problem.

If you can understand my little rant. Lol.
By the way this isn't meant to be a go at you stealthie.
My immersion is completely suspended by how quick it is to jump between systems and how slow it is to move within systems. The fact I would have to access an in system jump drive is telling me the scale of the system I am in.

I am also not advocating we jump direct to the destination just to the nearest main star, so there would be a time period to get to the final destination which is no different to what we have have now when we jump into a system and go to a nearby station.

I agree that exploration additions that increase the interest in supercruise would help, but the truth is that only helps the first time you take the trip in that system.

If I look at the game play proportions most of us spend a high proportion of our game time in supercruise doing nothing. That to me is not good game play even if it does in some ludicrous and punishing way reflect the size of the system.
Lol. Yeah. It seems like there are a hand full of same arguments that circle the threads over and over and over and the come back for nearly everything. And the thing is they all have merit to a point and to certain people. Because of what the game is. Because theres no right or wrong way to play. Because the game isn't set out for one play style or rule or type. It's play as you want and how you want. And everyone plays differently and wants different things because of this. There will be debates and arguments as long as the game is set up this way. Because everyone sees the game how they want to see it and wants the game to be more like the way they play. But heres the thing. You cant make the game to suit everyone and thats the biggest problem.

If you can understand my little rant. Lol.
By the way this isn't meant to be a go at you stealthie.

You should be glad that you aren't around since 2014.
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