Increased volatility in the BGS -runaway leaders many retreats

Apparently the FC's do affect the BGS in a system, well that's what I heard. Does anyone know/have any details about this?
A Fleet Carrier is a powerful tool, so it can be used to affect the BGS more effectively than before. The only service they have which is a direct effect is the redemption office, and that no more than a normal contacts board ... but the indirect effects of their cargo holds and markets can be quite significant.

(As can the effects of everyone diving into Tritium trading)
I'm really struggling to understand FDev's position on this. They (should) know the details of the algorithm - and they have access to all the daily activity going into a tick. It should be fairly easy to pick a few systems and perform the calculations in a spreadsheet to check that they get what the game is giving - and potentially run the same calculation manually with the previous algorithm and check that the results are similar and adjusted in the intended way.

It's not like the rest of us who have to rely on observation and reverse engineering (and, in several cases, pretty darn accurate modelling of the algorithm - naming no names).

(Though I do understand that it's an aspect of the game that's not as high on the current priority list as some others.)
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A Fleet Carrier is a powerful tool, so it can be used to affect the BGS more effectively than before. The only service they have which is a direct effect is the redemption office, and that no more than a normal contacts board ... but the indirect effects of their cargo holds and markets can be quite significant.

(As can the effects of everyone diving into Tritium trading)
According to the Frontier streams, the Redemption office should not affect BGS. It works like an interstellar factors.
According to the Frontier streams, the Redemption office should not affect BGS. It works like an interstellar factors.

Not done any testing myself but presumably it avoids issues with being hostile to the faction owning a station, removing some of the advantage of owning all stations in a system and removing some of the flavour that makes each system a unique challenge to defend or attack.

Seems like a separate issue to the faction manipulation being discussed in this thread though.
Not done any testing myself but presumably it avoids issues with being hostile to the faction owning a station, removing some of the advantage of owning all stations in a system and removing some of the flavour that makes each system a unique challenge to defend or attack.

Seems like a separate issue to the faction manipulation being discussed in this thread though.

I'm only telling you what Frontier said on their Livestream. Whether it's correct or not, I do not know.
Here is the total change in influence in our factions over the last month or so
View attachment 176850

If ever there was an epitome of 'a picture speaks a thousand words', @Jane Turner ...

@Tim Smith : would it be possible to let us know when we should expect any corrective action to take place? So that we can distinguish further behaviour from what is 'normal' and what is corrective action?
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Tim said that correction could be done in the influence of some faction.
But I have the feeling that the influence is broken in almost all systems.
I need to do a lot of things to try to compensate this chaos in just our systems, but does it worth? Will be undone in a few days?
If you see something you think needs investigating, you can help the development team by including the following details in your feedback:
  • The faction
  • The star system
  • The date
  • What you think is wrong

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!

o7 Commanders

Thank you for the prompt and insightful response to these concerns @Tim Smith . After years of manipulating the BGS, we've come to expect some interesting fluctuations around the time of major updates and have planned accordingly. Across our 82 systems Celestial Light Brigade has noted some such fluctuations of influence outside the normal parameters expected from background traffic, but most are minor and not problematic. Most seem to occur in low to medium population systems whereas the majority of billion population systems behaved entirely as expected. The only systems with blatantly obviously broken influence movement are Hsuanqueno and Rutujil. Both are single digit million population systems with some expected positive traffic (one is a high tech port, the other a powerplay control systems) where influence levels seem to have jumped over 12-20% in the last 36 hours. We suspect that there may have been some positive transactions that may have been duplicated or overly effective in the peri-update period. Fortunately we are currently in the "pending expansion" phase of our expansion cycle with several days before these influence levels need to be corrected to prevent undesirable expansions from these systems. We will wait a few days before taking action ourselves to lower influence in case of further adjustments. In the format above:

  • Celestial Light Brigade
  • Hsuanqueno
  • 6/9/3306 - 6/11/3306
  • Massive influence gains outside the scope of usual background traffic and soft cap of influence movement, I.E.: gain influence increase from 65.3% on 6/9 to 88.3% as of 6/11

  • Celestial Light Brigade
  • Rutujil
  • 6/9/3306 - 6/11/3306
  • Large influence gain from 72.9% to 86.3% this gain is less dramatic and may just be a reflection of positive powerplay traffic being counted more aggressively in the peri-update period

Thank you for your time, the majority of our pilots are very pleased with the update so far despite some initial technical issues. This still constitutes a vast improvement over the events of the September update.
2 of our systems are sitting on %74.5, no matter how many points influence we do against ourselves we have not moved up or down, just stayed on 74.5 for 2 ticks now.
Silly question... If we expand and Fdev fix this problem, will they reverse the expansion, or will we even expand ? Any ideas ?

Well last night despite putting over 100 points against us both systems went over %75 !
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Sure would be nice to get another comment from FDev right about now.

Seems like more of the same in those systems that are spiraling out of control. Fingers crossed FDev have switched off state changes for expansion & retreat by now, that seems like something they could quickly corroborate.
The system that we recorded our Inf for gave the predicted result, but our efforts were simple missions and trade, nothing fancy.

My Numbers Monkey (who correctly predicted our Inf change) has a theory about "trend" :
He thinks that its a change in how -ve actions are dealt with. Instead of reducing the factions inf and therefore being spread evenly between all other factions, he thinks the -ve inf is being distributed as +ve Inf in proportion to the inf that faction gained that tick. Like the way Superpower Bounties are distributed. In low or obvious traffic systems, this could produce huge swings to the faction that gets any effort put in, especially those with Hi Inf to begin with (who would previously benefited little from another factions -ve Inf).
If you dont like the idea, no good arguing with me, its not my idea. Seems a rather weird elastaplast for something or other that was'nt obviously important to us (Hydrogen Bomb?).
Well I've had a look around and I've noticed a massive jump in the controlling factions influence, where they have FC's in the same system belonging to them. This might be a coincidence, but I do believe FC's do have a large affect on the BGS. I know they aren't meant to, but it does appear to be the case.
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Well I've had a look around and I've noticed a massive jump in the controlling factions influence, where they have FC's in the same system belonging to them. This might be a coincidence, but I do.believe FC's do have a large affect on the BGS. I know they aren't meant to, but it does appear to be the case.
I am using my FC against my own faction in a system that we own, it didnt seem to have any effect. 🤷‍♂️
(I hope you realise how important that shrug is. I am limiting myself to 3 per day)
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