Is it possible to transfer Odyssey between computers?

I am on very limited internet, 30gb cap per month, and was wondering if it were possible to download Odyssey to a flash drive using a decent internet connection. Then transfer the files to my desktop to play. I saw some reddit post from 2018 talking about doing something similar, but I am using steam, so I don't know if that will make a difference. Also would doing something like that be a violation of either Steam's or Frontier's TOS?
I dunno how it works for steam but it definitely works for non-steam. I just start the install process so it builds the folders, stop the install, then replace the folders. Do a verify to check the files. Sorted.

IANAL I don't see why it would be against the TOS. All the install does is copy the files to your machine, the only dif is it does it via the net instead of a stick. End result is the same.
if you have ED via steam then on your new pc you would first need to install steam, logon to steam with the same account as your old machine

to transfer games the easiest way: on the old machine go to your steam library right click ED > select properties > select local files > click backup iirc youll then need to choose where to backup to

on the new machine launch steam open the "steam" menu (confusing i know but its the same place as you would usualy see File) select Backup and restore game

no its not against the TOS you can install ED on any machines you own

edit: the above moves everything ED. if you only need to transfer Odyssey then you should be able to just file copy from A > B ie copy PUBLIC_TEST_SERVER_64 from :\Games\steamapps\common\EliteDangerous\Products\
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The thing I don't know is to what degree is data saved on a device such as desktop vs a laptop vs Frontier's device. I've read here that some player's due to their business or job are required to travel thus having no access to their desktop at home, use a laptop they downloaded ED too.
The thing I don't know is to what degree is data saved on a device such as desktop vs a laptop vs Frontier's device.
other than the game files virtually nothing is lost when transferring between machines. about the only thing you'll loose are the log files which hold in game transactions ie trades, systems visited and discovered, nothing that has an impact on the game.. costom keybinds are also per machine\windows user
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