I tend to agree that, other players' input being useful, only you can truly judge whether a given ship is for you. There are a number of ships that are widely praised, from the Python to the two Kraits. Yes, the Cutter, Anaconda, and the Federal Corvette too, including several others. Statistically, I believe that the Python is still the most-owned ship in the game; that says something. Maybe we're largely an audience of pragmatists.
I find that a well-outfitted medium ship makes me feel capable & secure* and gets me to any port of call that I might need to visit without changing ships. In my mind, that's (apparently) very important because I find myself (almost) involuntarily avoiding my Anaconda in favor of my medium ships. {1]
There is a lot to be said for the room for beef** in a large ship. It makes you feel something, however I still find myself to be happier in my medium ship than in my Anaconda, relegating the annie to the novelty I feel because I fly it only once in a while.
I think that perhaps one of the most pertinent traits that may determine what makes players happy in their vessels is whether they prefer ships that can do a number of tasks well or whether they prefer to have a number of specially-outfitted ships. Among CMDRs I regularly play with, it's often- '
Ah, you're using that same ship for this activity are you?' and they're often '
Ok, let me go get my x ship for this activity.' I don't judge. We play to have FUN.
Capable of running most tasks without running for another ship.
Secure in that I can defend myself confidently while performing those myriad tasks.
** whether you want "tanking" of one sort or another, want room for more cargo, or want goodies to increase jump range, clearly the large ships offer space to have
[1] There's more than just something ambiguous to this. If you think about what you tend to spend your in-game time doing, these seem to just make sense to some of us in more than one scenario...
Mining: It becomes increasingly challenging to sell a huge cargo-hold of mined goods for a favorable price just due to the challenge of finding a port of call with sufficient demand. I know: we're not all worried about every last credit and some of us stash goodies on FCs. That's all great, but just isn't how all of us play.
Mission-running: Numerous missions become off-limits due to destination ports offering only small and medium landing pads. Kind of ironic, but don't ask me how I managed to park my free Anaconda at
Hutton Orbital, of all places.
...It IS mine.