Is there a reason?

All I've been hoping for is some gameplay footage showing the performance on PS4. Now it's just under 2 weeks away till realease & I'm panicking about how well it's been ported especially having paid in full already for the digital download :rolleyes:
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It's pretty poor that Ed can mention in an official live stream news of what to expect from a console that is still 5 or 6 months away from launch but can't say anything at all about what to expect at the PS4/Pro launch which is 2 weeks away!
I agree. A one liner in a running order with 'if we have time' would at least acknowledge that Frontier are on track with everything that they have been saying to date.

E3 - The biggest gameshow of the year (so far) is currently underway with a primary focus on console gaming.
Just two weeks out from launch, there isn't a better time to at least recap / re-confirm everything that we know.

I understand why it might be difficult to play in open or private, requiring the hardware hooking up to the BGS backend with all the associated user authentication needed by both Sony and Frontier. I would guess that it would also need a certified console client and possibly some of the changes that are coming with the deployment of 2.3.10 (hence the associated timing) but can you tell us what you are trying to do and, if possible, why you haven't been able to show more than you have (in PR friendly terms so you don't upset anyone etc).

Please bring us along on your journey. You have a passionate core of PS4 gamers on this forum who want nothing more than for you to succeed.

As a suggestion, whilst you have the E3 focus of gamers across the world, you could run a short Elite livestream with Ed / second host taking turns to talk through PS4 details whilst playing the training missions as a backdrop.

It doesn't have to be earth shattering in any reveal. Just confirmation of what is already out there, answering some of the questions that have arisen since the FAQ was last published (e.g. differences between ps4 & pro, trophy list, starting locations, what add-ons the frontier store will support for PS4, differences between the various pre-order deals....)

I appreciate that the focus of the wider Elite community is on what is happening with 2.4 but you currently have the eyes of a lot of console gamers at the moment. Having tuned into both the Sony and both Elite: Dangerous streams this week, I am surprised that there wasn't at least some acknowledgement of the PS4 deployment which is less than two weeks away, even the 4k patch for Xbox One X got mentioned in despatches.

FDev, pretty please...

Spot on there *Snowy, its pretty much all we are asking for which is fair and its not asking a huge amount either. FDev watch these posts on the forums so there is minimal excuse for not acknowledging (at all) the feedback from the very eager and excited group of PS4 gamers ready to jump into their world.
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Volunteer Moderator
Spot on there Stormy, its pretty much all we are asking for which is fair and its not asking a huge amount either. FDev watch these posts on the forums so there is minimal excuse for not acknowledging (at all) the feedback from the very eager and excited group of PS4 gamers ready to jump into their world.

Who what? Snowy. I am the other S'guy. :)
How many more days does E3 run for?

do you really think that FD are going to shoot all of their arrows on day one and then sit around drinking beer for the rest of the show?

Not sure how to take that comment Ian.
I know what I would do but I don't think it is the answer you were trying to allude to. :)
We live about 230 miles apart.
Until Elite Dangerous, Holo-Me and Multi-crew is launched on the PS4 it ain't gonna happen....

seriously now i am worried about being interdicted by an pirate anaconda named S.S. Jon Snow, piloted by a load of snow type names, asking for heaters and hot chocolate. makes me worried about going to ice ball moons now
The cold never bothered me anyway.


Lloyd Morgan-Moore

Hi everyone,

While I'm afraid I can't give you any more info at the minute I can assure you we're still here; I'm reading posts very carefully (in between working hard on the game!) and taking the important feedback and concerns on board. Apart from the Frozen quotes. :p
Hi everyone,

While I'm afraid I can't give you any more info at the minute I can assure you we're still here; I'm reading posts very carefully (in between working hard on the game!) and taking the important feedback and concerns on board. Apart from the Frozen quotes. :p

Thanks Lloyd.
Appreciate that you took the time to comment.
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