Is there Enough Actual New Content in Beyond Chapter Four?

Oh I would love new mission types. I think the diversity between data delivery, cargo delivery, cargo supply, passenger short missions, passenger long missions and passanger super long missions are no longer enought. I would like one more mission type that makes me go from point A to point B and back again.
That's the spirit! [haha]

The thing is all games for me have a shelf life I can play them for hours and hours ED I've got over 1500, FO4 near on 600 Warframe 1600 and counting, most other games I just glanced at in steam are all over the 200 hr mark. Warframe is becoming shall we say stale as I've completed a lot of what I set out to do, and the other stuff I want to do would mean a lot of grind all be it fun but grind all the same. but it does have a huge update coming this month so I might be in that game for some time yet.

But ED's new stuff is has after a years exodus made me want to play again. but again ED becomes very mundane after a while and I feel the need to play other things. :)
I'm happy enough with what we've got really.
More stuff would of course be nice but those core improvements are where it is at for me at the moment. There are some rough edges of course, hopefully they'll be sorted out before full release.
Be interesting to see what comes after beyond though..
I don't know.

I know for me question is - will 3.3 make ED more enjoyable for me than it currently is?

Answer is - yes, it will. By considerable margin.

And that's really question you should ask to yourself.

As for "consuming content" - I am not in fast food making business, so I shouldn't know.
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