ANNOUNCEMENT January Update - Beta Announcement

I have a few questions about participating on the beta, but I'm not sure if you have these details at this point, or we will get them later when the beta forum is established.

My questions are:
  • During beta testing, will participants play in a Milky Way that's completely separated from the production galaxy?
  • In what state (parked station, credits, ships, materials, etc) will our account be for the beta test? Will we play with our account at the state it was in a certain point in time? Or we'll be able to select an account state to test specific bugs?
  • Finally, will all the progress made during beta will be lost?

Previous betas always had their own instance of the galaxy, so you won't mess with the live BGS. You will play from a snapshot of your account, probably from a couple of days ago. Everything you do in beta stays in beta.


Volunteer Moderator
I have a few questions about participating on the beta, but I'm not sure if you have these details at this point, or we will get them later when the beta forum is established.

My questions are:
  • During beta testing, will participants play in a Milky Way that's completely separated from the production galaxy?
  • In what state (parked station, credits, ships, materials, etc) will our account be for the beta test? Will we play with our account at the state it was in a certain point in time? Or we'll be able to select an account state to test specific bugs?
  • Finally, will all the progress made during beta will be lost?

This is talking experience from previous betas, so don't take this as an official reply, but:

1) The beta server is comletely separate and nothing is carried over to the live game.
2) Usually it's the state of your account 2-4 weeks before the beta starts (guess they take a snapshot of the live server and deploy it as beta couple of weeks before pressing the GO button)
3) Yes


The Moderator who shall not be Blamed....
Volunteer Moderator
This is talking experience from previous betas, so don't take this as an official reply, but:

1) The beta server is comletely separate and nothing is carried over to the live game.
2) Usually it's the state of your account 2-4 weeks before the beta starts (guess they take a snapshot of the live server and deploy it as beta couple of weeks before pressing the GO button)
3) Yes

That's pretty much my experience of recent betas.
Every time I look at Elite Dangerous on Twitch I see Father Ted giving the last rites to this game as it seems to lie in a lifeless state awaiting going six feet under . Bug fixes as an update is not enough and the promised features from 2017 not delivered are a serious dent to Frontiers Developments image as a company that can deliver .

Deleted member 182079

surely better than nothing but color me unimpressed.
Got to say, I feel the same. And I find it odd that glitchy hi-res screen shots are prioritised (if I read the OP correctly) over the rubber banding issue, which at least I experience 100% of the time I play in Open. Glitched paintjobs getting fixed would also be nice given we're paying good money for them.

I just hope that there are a lot more fixes in the pipeline for the next update than is mentioned here, otherwise I wonder whether delaying FCs for this was really worth it.

Oh... and I didn't even know the damaged stations were bugged - I only moved my fleet to one last night as I wanted to dip my toes into that sort of gameplay. Now I'm not sure anymore if I should bother.
I'm sorry, I have to miss something. For me, as long as the scan is not complete, we can not see anything on the planet. Can be made reference to the navigation panel, but is it not limited to 1000 ly ?
The delay in the scan time for the Geo and Bio sites is due to them needing the planet generation system to get a long way through planet generation to confirm their numbers. That doesn't apply to Thargoid and Guardian sites.

However, as you say while waiting for scan to complete for Geo and Bio sites you don't get the results of other types of sites either.

The new process will remove the long scan times for Geo and Bio sites, which will mean it'll no longer delay the reporting of the other types of sites.
That's quite a list of tweaks!

I'm no software engineer so I can only guess at the mechanics that go on under the hood in a piece of software as complicated as Elite Dangerous, but in my mind I have this image of a large, complicated wheeled machine that's been rolling and bouncing along a rough road for years... and when an engineer comes to open a service panel they're confronted with a travelworn mass of criss-crossing tangled wires where pulling on a wire that controls the wheels also tugs on one that changes the engine's tickover, and then pushing that one back moves one that affects the brakes, and so on.... 😣

I have a lot of respect for anyone who can navigate their way through something like that, and if we can help with untangling those wires in even a small way with a beta test, then count me in! :)
Got to say, I feel the same. And I find it odd that glitchy hi-res screen shots are prioritised (if I read the OP correctly) over the rubber banding issue, which at least I experience 100% of the time I play in Open.
I suspect they are focusing on the easy "we know exactly what the problem is and how to fix it" bugs first, rather than it being an issue of gameplay priority.
However, as you say while waiting for scan to complete for Geo and Bio sites you don't get the results of other types of sites either.

That's exactly what I was referring to.

When I scan planets, I'm just waiting for the end to see if there are biological, Thargoids or human sites, or anything else.

I noticed that when there was only biological, it was almost instantaneous unlike geological . I do not understand the explanation because for me the biological sites must be located in the same way as the geological. The geological remains always so long even if there are only 1 or 2 sites, contrary to the biological one.
FSS: Long delay when scanning planets with geological sites

In my opinion the new type of information should be "provisional". In the sense that once the celestial body is pointed, the "estimated" information is immediately provided, after which, perhaps with a percentage of progress of the analysis, the precise datum will be given as in the current situation. This ensures that those who want only partial information will suffice that, those who want more complete information will wait for the analysis to complete
TBH it should only be possible imo to get exact info on geological sites following a detailed surface scan anyway, so the having a traffic light system to prioritise likelyhood of interesting stuff, for a logical perspective makes perfect sense to me. Long range scan after all is surely only ever going to be low resolution.

sounds like the mythical win win to me, better performance and also richer exploration.

What concerns me about this is that a "likely" reading won't tell me anything that I didn't know already. I know that certain biologicals are common in the area I'm exploring, and I know (roughly) what types of bodies are good candidates for finding them; I know that if a body is landable and has volcanism there's a pretty good chance of seeing geological locations there. So if the FSS only tells me that certain things may be found on a body it's just about the same as getting no information at all.

It would be different for an explorer who didn't know these things and who had just dropped into an unfamiliar region of space. But I think there's a chance that this amended FSS would become useless for locating biological and geological locations.


Volunteer Moderator
Hi Whilst I’m happy to see bug fixes and a beta testing period I have a question for you. Are you even listening to any of the PvP community, I see no mention of attempting to fix the no 1 issue in open play which is instancing! Wings not instancing, sometimes with each other, blue tunnels, blocking feature (widely used) causing a lot of these issues! I’d rather you guys just say we don’t cater for pvpers so we can all go on our way! Thanks

I hope I am wrong but I suspect wings, multicrew and instancing issues are not just bugs but consequences and limitations of the chosen network architecture. As such they would probably require a fundamental change and specific rewrite of Elite’s net code, and not just a few bug fix updates.
FSS: Long delay when scanning planets with geological sites

In my opinion the new type of information should be "provisional". In the sense that once the celestial body is pointed, the "estimated" information is immediately provided, after which, perhaps with a percentage of progress of the analysis, the precise datum will be given as in the current situation. This ensures that those who want only partial information will suffice that, those who want more complete information will wait for the analysis to complete

Very good suggestion. The calculation of the location of sites should be done when launching the first probe on the planet. The FSS should only show us information about the planet's content.

Deleted member 182079

I suspect they are focusing on the easy "we know exactly what the problem is and how to fix it" bugs first, rather than it being an issue of gameplay priority.
Yeah, maybe. I should probably just be grateful that I'm not in charge trying to find and address all these issues.
I hope I am wrong but I suspect wings, multicrew and instancing issues are not just bugs but consequences and limitations of the chosen network architecture. As such they would probably require a fundamental change and specific rewrite of Elite’s net code, and not just a few bug fix updates.
This is my fear also, apparently David Braben said there is a huge code rewrite? Or something coming next year, hoping this will all be addressed in that! Either way, all we want to know is A - FDEV have acknowledged it B - It will/will not be addressed in the above mentioned code fix C - Basically for once finally acknowledge wether PP is ever going to be addressed or not
I know I'm strapping a giant fusion bomb to a can of petrol which is falling into a star which is falling towards a puppy which is on a planet falling into a black hole thats about to merge with another black hole circling Thors armpit, but....

....if you want to test network resilience for free why not make the beta Open only? None of it matters at all except testing- and what better way than stress test the lot? A number of bugs don't really manifest unless you have large groups in one place (like the heat bug / asteroid mining) and since this beta is not a new features build (and about the same as the regular build) it might not attract huge amounts of testers to really see these situations crop up.

And before the pitchforks come out- this is about testing and actually finding things that need fixing.
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