Update Journal docs for Odyssey release

I've been working on a project recently involving the various Fleet Carrier events and it seems the "CarrierBuy" event doesn't get written to the Journal. The FC I bought during beta did generate it, but the one bought on launch day of the FC update makes its first log appearance with just a "CarrierStats". Might be a glitch on my side ofc, but maybe there's a bug that got introduced between beta and live?
My carrier purchase was logged correctly on June 12th.

{ "timestamp":"2020-06-12T19:28:41Z", "event":"CarrierBuy", "CarrierID":3701560832, "BoughtAtMarket":3223259392, "Location":"Mitnahas", "SystemAddress":7267218695553, "Price":5000000000, "Variant":"CarrierDockB", "Callsign":"F11-V7T" }

If this was an issue on launch day it seems to have been resolved soon after.
Ship shield strength
Ship Hull integrity
Current target (other than ship), eg Planet, station, Nav beacon, or any from the Contacts Tab

On the subject of changes to status.json, any chance of getting a location output for the ship when it is in space? :) If we can get that, I can track space races and do some other funky stuff with the tracker.
I've got a question. Is there a parity between Horizons' journal and Odyssey's journal that would allow me to determine landable atmospheric planets of interest in Odyssey using my old Horizons journal data? The idea being that I've surveyed a sector of space in Horizons and have already discovered some interesting atmospheric planets that would be worth visiting in Odyssey, so can I find those planets using my Horizons journal, or do I need to go back and revisit all those systems in a ship in Odyssey?
I've got a question. Is there a parity between Horizons' journal and Odyssey's journal that would allow me to determine landable atmospheric planets of interest in Odyssey using my old Horizons journal data? The idea being that I've surveyed a sector of space in Horizons and have already discovered some interesting atmospheric planets that would be worth visiting in Odyssey, so can I find those planets using my Horizons journal, or do I need to go back and revisit all those systems in a ship in Odyssey?

Pretty much. Bio/Geo signal data will be different, and obviously the bodies won't be marked as Landable, but you can certainly look for bodies below 0.1 atmospheres to check. I believe there's a temperature cut-off too - you can't land on a thin atmosphere lava world. But yes, this should be doable.
Is this the place to request journal improvements?

  • Please write out Odyssey ground conflict zones information somewhere
    • Use case: Players may want to find High GCZs because they pay a lot; perhaps for a community goal. Players may want to find Low GCZs to unlock Hero Ferrari.
    • Problem: If one wants to find the intensity of GCZs, one must first find a war, then check if the system even has landable bodies, then go to the system, then land at a port, disembark, and talk to Frontline Solutions to figure out conflict intensity. This is rather a lot, especially if one wants to use their own ship to travel, and not take a dropship, because then they have to go back to their ship and fly to the settlement.
    • Perhaps this information could be added to FSDJump/Location/CarrierJump in the Conflicts[x] map.
    • Please include settlement name, faction names (included if in the Conflict map), intensity, DistanceFromArrivalLS and optionally body info
  • Please augment all FSSSignalDiscovered events with DistanceFromArrivalLS
    • Use case: Finding RES/CZs/etc, of a certain intensity, but not ones 500k Ls from the star
    • Body info the signal is orbiting would be nice too. Most FSS Signals orbit something.
  • Please clarify conflict zone FSSSignalDiscovered $Warzone_PointRace_*lines with faction information
    • Use case: Finding CZs of a certain intensity but for a specific faction, perhaps to see Fed/Imp capital ships in Highs
    • Problem: The journal includes things like $Warzone_PointRace_High:#index=2;. It is unclear to me what this index is, and how the Conflicts list relates to these indices.
      • I assumed it would be in order, and that the order would be stable, ie the first conflict in the Conflicts map corresponds to index 1 in the FSSSignalDiscovered lines. But while testing that assumption, I found something odd. I am in Delta Pavonis right now. I have scanned the beacon etc. I see 3 Low CZs for Partnership of Stopover vs Delta Pavonis Vision Services and 4 for Liberals of Delta Pavonis vs Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar. The journal shows 2 Lows with index 2 and 5 Lows with index 1. So that doesn't match. (Odyssey, Windows)
      • Then I checked Alpha Centauri, which has one war and 3 Lows; the index fields go from 1 to 3. Huh?
  • Please add a unique identifier (a count, if nothing else) to all signals
    • Problem: From the journal, we can't tell how many CZ/RES of each intensity there are in a system, because the journal does not print all signals in a system at the same time, so at best we get a lower bound upon jump in.
    • Problem: For the same reason, the CZ/RES info is currently unfalsifiable; when a sender sends bad data, the only option to fix it is to delete it. (Edit - This has already happened with 3 different sender versions)
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If you get a chance for the next update @hchalkley - I'm sure it's been requested before (possibly in Issue Tracker), but can we please get the Variant (or Colour) of a Biological in the ScanOrganic event?

At the moment we only get Genus and Species. If we want to know the Colour, we have to hope a corresponding CodexEntry event happened (they don't always occur for various reasons). CodexEntry has Name and Name_Localised, which look like "Name":"$Codex_Ent_Electricae_01_Technetium_Name;", "Name_Localised":"Electricae Pluma - Magenta" and allow Genus, Species and Variant to be determined. ScanOrganic has separate entries for Genus and Species but nothing to pinpoint the Variant.

As Howard is no longer with us in his role at Frontier, I'll be the one to relay that ...

The latest journal docs, for Odyssey Update 13, can be found here:


Thank you very much for fixing the bug were missions accepted on foot from NPCs did not show up in the journal.

I know I am annoying with this, but the last thing I would love to see in the player journal, are events regarding winning and losing combat zones. Preferably including any optional objectives won and lost, such as spec ops, captains, or war correspondents.

A few BGS based squadrons I work with would love to have that, as we could automate counting up won combat zones per tick. And that would make it so much easier for our players.
To be clear, I'm not associated with Frontier at all. But I'm part of the 'EDCD Council', EDCD being Elite Dangerous Community Developers, and another Frontier developer has taken over keeping us informed of things like the updated docs, so I was just passing that on.
Oh, sorry. Is there a chance you could pass my request on to a dev? ;-)
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