Update Journal docs for v3.4

not sure if bug reports for the Journal API go in this forum or on the new issue tracker, but I have found one with the
ApproachSetllement event. Recently the event was updated to contain latitude and longitude, which is nice for the mapping tool i'm working on. However, when starting up the game already landed on a planet, it seems to not have this info present.

{ "timestamp":"2019-05-22T02:17:15Z", "event":"ApproachSettlement", "Name":"$Ancient_Medium_003:#index=1;", "Name_Localised":"Guardian Structure", "SystemAddress":3309179996515, "BodyID":35, "BodyName":"Synuefe EN-H d11-96 7 a" }
Issue with "Fuel Low" flag in status.json when in SRV.

This flag is set depending on "FuelMain" key value being less than 25% of the main ship's fuel capacity.
When in SRV this value is always 0 and therefore the flag is always set.
The "Fuel Low" flag should use the SRV Reservoir% (when in SRV).

not sure if bug reports for the Journal API go in this forum or on the new issue tracker, but I have found one with the
ApproachSetllement event. Recently the event was updated to contain latitude and longitude, which is nice for the mapping tool i'm working on. However, when starting up the game already landed on a planet, it seems to not have this info present.

{ "timestamp":"2019-05-22T02:17:15Z", "event":"ApproachSettlement", "Name":"$Ancient_Medium_003:#index=1;", "Name_Localised":"Guardian Structure", "SystemAddress":3309179996515, "BodyID":35, "BodyName":"Synuefe EN-H d11-96 7 a" }

@Controllerface ...

Work-around might be to use status.json file which does have latitude/longitude on startup (where appropriate) until they fix this?

@Controllerface ...

Work-around might be to use status.json file which does have latitude/longitude on startup (where appropriate) until they fix this?


Thanks, I ended up falling back to status.json later that day. I hope they open a proper bug forum for this portion of the game. I don't think they have a lot of people on this API though, so I doubt they will be able to be as reactive to requests for changes. Which is a shame, but I understand as a dev.
The MultiSellExplorationData event is broken. The array of discovered systems has blank names for all but the last one listed. Also with this new format, there doesn't seem to be any way to know which individual bodies you got discovery credit for, just the total number. I sold all my DW2 data last night, and this is a representative entry:

{ "timestamp":"2019-07-07T03:58:06Z", "event":"MultiSellExplorationData", "Discovered":[ { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":27 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":15 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":2 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":1 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":1 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":2 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":3 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":19 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":4 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":3 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":15 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":1 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":13 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":34 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":25 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":23 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":10 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":2 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":12 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":8 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":27 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":4 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":1 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":23 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":4 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":4 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":13 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":2 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":9 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":11 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":8 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":1 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":12 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":48 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":2 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":9 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":23 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":19 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":1 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":31 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":54 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":11 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":2 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":1 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":1 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":4 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":28 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":21 }, { "SystemName":"", "NumBodies":9 }, { "SystemName":"Eowrairks EB-E d12-0", "NumBodies":12 } ], "BaseValue":29702006, "Bonus":2809455, "TotalEarnings":29260336 }
Please add a status flag or other signal for glide mode? (we used to be able to detect this from a mass lock that occurred when entering normal space at the beginning of a glide, but mass lock no longer occurs in this circumstance)
For status.json, the Hud in Analysis mode flag should be set when toggling analysis mode while in an SRV but at present the flag is always off/false while in an SRV.
Hello everyone!

Another flag request here... I'm trying to teach my own voice assistant to launch off the pad, slide up for a while and give the controls back to player. Or, if docking computer is installed, just rely on it and do nothing.

I can check the existence of advanced docking computer, but there's no way to tell if landing/takeoff assist is actually enabled in the menu! That actually breaks the logic...

The simplest solution is to add another flag to status.json: something like docking_assist, and set it when auto docking or auto launch is in progress.

Perhaps I'm not the first to ask this? Anyway, thanks for this wonderful Journal API, I'm having sooo much fun with it! :)
I'm new to the Elite tools scene and barely started delving into the journal and such, so I could be wrong, but... seems like the station bounty boards are not written to the journal? I was looking into building something aggregating bounty information, but apparently the bounty information is only present when the player scans someone? Getting the station bounty board information would be so much more useful.
I'm new to the Elite tools scene and barely started delving into the journal and such, so I could be wrong, but... seems like the station bounty boards are not written to the journal? I was looking into building something aggregating bounty information, but apparently the bounty information is only present when the player scans someone? Getting the station bounty board information would be so much more useful.
Bounty board information would be very useful in station jsons indeed.
has anyone noticed when you perform a salvage mission, the entry in the journal file doesn't have both effected faction names. the name of the second faction, or the one with the negative influence doesn't appear in the json within the journal file.

i just spotted it while building a plugin and APIs to feed our squadrons mission data

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I reported this one a couple months back regarding exact same issue for several mission types.
I had also asked if this is simply a bug in the journal output of if the game actually is being reflected correctly in the log output...

They so far have not responded.
oh really... I have noticed some of the +++ in game don't always match the +++ in journal also.
lets hope they respond
only some?
I found that in the systems in my local little bubble where I do a lot of BGS work, it is very rare, but as I reported.. in systems that are newly expanded to for me and systems that I rarely do business with, it is extremely common to have either the ++ inf dead wrong in the log and/or 50% missing.

From my BGS work and experiences I believe the game is applying the ++ correctly but that it is being ouput into the log incorrectly..
The result for me simply means manual corrections to the program I have written , to all the missions done that get listed in my prg from reading the log..for me this is a bit of a pain because my prg is fully integrated with excel and it injects all my BGS related info into my excel sheets.
So I basically wrote a temporary fix into my program..making it also now slightly inaccurate, but more importantly slowing things down because I manually adjust the mission display of my prg each time I hand in a mission..doing this I then noticed something I thought I had noticed prior to this, which is that quite often +++++ inf missions turning into ++ inf missions in the games mission board handing them in...I never saw it for sure before because often when doing 20 to 100 missions on any given day, I tended to hand them in as fast as I could...fully expecting them to always be what they said they were. whereas now I hand them in slowly, making sure I get to see what the screen says and what the log says for every mission....
I currently don't do that anymore..gave up because fdev didn't/doesn't see fit to respond, so I just do what I normally did and currently have next to zero concern for what the screen says or the log says upon mission completion and both my prg and myself are now only concerned with what the mission indicates on screen at the time of accepting a mission.
Its a lot like whoever did the coding to change it from the 100% 'upgood' system, couldn't figure it out and gave up...or they simply did a very poor job in the log output...I do find it hard to believe and cannot wrap my programming abilities head around how it appears to be related to some systems and not all systems...no matter what your rep is or isn't in them...it simply seems as though code is being released into the log from incompleted routines
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FWIW I would also like to point out that the 'Conflicts' line is often missing data as well.
common scenario is to attack something as well as defend something.
And all I usually see in the log is Faction1 Stake, no defend and the Faction2 nothing mentioned at all, or the reverse of this.
It seems to be more common to have 1 of the 'stakes' blank than it is to have them both there.
There are variations of this but I have yet to see the same info in this line as compared to what you see on the status tab in-game.
At least if it showed a 'Stake' for each faction in a conflict, the defend is simple to deduce after that.
A couple of undocumented star types that have turned up in Journals since 3.4 are:
  • B_BlueWhiteSuperGiant
  • G_WhiteSuperGiant

These are not documented in either the v25 nor v26 journal manual documents.

I have a few requests to add to status.json

Along with the GuiFocus parameter, can you also add a sub-parameter that details which GUI element is focused/selected? For example, if you're in the GalaxyMap and the system entry is focused, the sub-parameter will specify that the system entry is focused, and what is contained in the system entry. This is useful for plotting a course externally and programmatically enter the destination.

Along with this, can we have a hotkey to open up a destination star/system/POI so that we can type our destination system directly? As in the previous paragraph, this will allow the external plotting tool to automatically enter a destination without having to go into the galaxy/system map

And we can really use a command console for things like this.
Hmm, another "omission" I think I spotted, please correct me if I'm wrong: looking at the journal and market files, I can't spot any black market price information.
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