Jurassic World Evolution 3 - 2025? (The Possibility)

JWE3 should build upon the first two games, but definitely have substantial differences. I would retain all the species of JWE2 plus add a new category, Cenozoic animals. Or maybe just have the three categories, just adding Cenozoic species to them. Land, Aviary, and Lagoon.
And perhaps bring in the cosmetics of each animal from the two games as well. But we keep the current looks for Dreadnoughtus, Parasaurolophus, Kentrosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Iguanodon, and Allosaurus. I know we got Suchomimus and Pachyrhinosaurus in new looks for Chaos Theory, but let's wait till like a few seasons of the show so we can get some good content for a potential DLC.
I can't talk about what animals I'd like to see until we're done with Evolution 2 and see what we get then.

Remember when we thought the mosasaur was to come in the first game, but they were already working on Evolution 2? I wonder if that will be the case for the mammals. Think about it, why have a small portion that would feel out of place when you can do a 50/50 scenario with all of the animals from this and add a nice roster of mammals and a few new dinosaurs for starters and then perhaps do a 50/50 of animal rosters for DLC.

Sure, the pteranodon came into the first game and it was the only pterosaur in it, but I'd hate to see that happen with just one mammal and that's it.
Being that they have marked off each of the C.C. species in different packs, chances are high we might see the Smilodon come in with the Meg. As for the other two species, it's a toss up.
With the Park Managers' Collection Pack announced and arriving later this week, it's feeling like it could be the last pack unfortunately. I was hoping to see more dinosaurs I'd love to see like Mononykus, Einiosaurus, or Austroraptor, pterosaur socializing and walking, more cosmetics for Parasaurolophus 2022, but at least it went a little longer than the last game, and this time we were prepared.

This motion sets many opportunities not just for Frontier, but also for me to discuss on what I'd like to see for the potential Evolution 3. Here we go.

Potential Pack Ideas - Triassic, Jurassic, Aviary, Cretaceous Herbivore, Cenozoic, Paleozoic, Permian, continental packs

Maps - Isla Nublar, Isla Sorna, Mediterranean, Arizona, San Diego, Germany, Pennsylvania, Biosyn Sanctuary, Sierra Nevada, California, Nublar North, Claire's Sanctuary. All of these should have square levels.

Skin cosmetics/variants

1. Permanent - Parasaurolophus (2022), Dreadnoughtus (2022), Giganotosaurus (2022), Kentrosaurus (CC), Ouranosaurus (CC), Mamenchisaurus (Legacy figure), Diplodocus (Legacy figure), Pachyrhinosaurus (CT)

2. Interchangeable - Iguanodon, Pteranodon, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Suchomimus, Majungasaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Baryonyx, Velociraptor, Ankylosaurus, Dimorphodon

3. Redesigns - Carcharodontosaurus (Old Giganotosaurus template), Tylosaurus (JP: The Game template), better cosmetics for Olorotitan and Tsintaosaurus.

Animal behavior

1. More inter-special social interactions between animals sharing enclosures.
2. More pterosaur social interactions.
3. Sauropods being able to defend themselves, fighting against predators and others of their own kind. And for Brachiosaurus to sometimes stand on two to snatch some leaves off.
4. This idea comes from BestInSlot, but I agree about having enrichment for the animals. Maybe not so many stuff, but we'll see. I'd also like animal encounters similar to guests feeding/petting giraffes.

New species
The best scenario I think should be a 50/50 scenario similar to Prehistoric Kingdom. We'd get all the animals from before at launch and hopefully no established ones for a deluxe pack (Huayangosaurus) and the new animals added should be some dinosaurs and some Cenozoic animals.

Argentinosaurus, Protoceratops, Mononykus, Plateosaurus, Einiosaurus, Lambeosaurus, Shantungosaurus, Psittacosaurus, Saltasaurus, Rhamphorhyncus, Pterodaustro, Nyctosaurus, Eoraptor or Dilong, Austroraptor, Imperobator, Pelecanimimus, Udanoceratops, Diabloceratops, Zalmoxes, Leaellynasaura, Postosuchus, Archaeopteryx, Microraptor, Caviramus, Yi qi, Anzu, Saurolophus, Nothronychus, Paraxenisaurus, Demastosuchus, Shringasaurus, Lotosaurus, Erthytrosuchus, Tanystropheus, Cymbospondylus, Dakosaurus, Dolichorhynchops, Xiphactinus, Leedsichthys, Lisowicia, Sarcosuchus, Nemegtosaurus or Isisaurus, Simosuchus, tosaurus

Smilodon, Woolly mammoth, Woolly rhino, Paraceratherium, Daeodon, Platybelodon, Andrewsarchus, Megaloceros, Elasmotherium, Phorusrhacos, Thylacoleo, Megalania, Diprotodon, Moeritherium, Columbian mammoth, Embolotherium, Arsinoitherium, Basilosaurus, Odobenocetops, Hyaenodon, Doedicurus, Toxodon, Ambulocetus, Chalicotherium, Deinotherium, Dorudon, Macrauchenia, Gigantopithecus, Megatherium, Leptictidium, Thylacoleo, Mastodon, Thylacosmilus, Uintatherium, Sarkastodon, Procoptodon, Kaprosuchus, Dodo, Paleopsilopterus, Purussaurus, Argentavis, Haast's eagle, Arctotherium, Genyornis, Sivatherium, Hexameryx, Cuvieronius, Gastornis, Stegotetrabelodon, Megalochelys atlas, Propalaeotherium or Eohippus

Inostravencia, Edaphosaurus, Diictodon, Orthoceras, Stethacanthus, Megalocephalus, Eryops, Orthacanthus, Cotylorhynchus, Koolasuchus, Prionosuchus, Scutosaurus, Moschops, Lycaenops, Arganaceras, Endothiodon, Ornithoprion, Anomalocaris, Meganeura, Arthropleura, Helicoprion, Estemmenosuchus, Coelurosaurus, Pampaphoneus, Cotylorhyncus
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What I think would be a cool idea are destructible and more responsive/reactive decorations and buildings.

For example, Bigger dinos could trample decorative walls, raptors could jump over them, smaller dinos entering the buildings etc...
Oh boy, this thread really came back so, while there are many Cenozoic and other animals that need addition, lagoons and aviary need more love.
Tusoteuthis (giant prehistoric squid), Stethacanthus (small sharks with a peculiar fin that can fill the bottom niche as well the Compy/Jeholo role), Helicropion (a weird shark famous for its mouth), Basilosaurus (Cenozoic whale), Levythan (Megalodon rival), Cretoxyrhina (think a more modest shark that lost the competition agaisnt Mosassaurus and Tylosaurus), Xiphactinus (the Devils Goldfish), Hesperornis (think Cretaceous penguins), Leedsichthys, Giant Orthocone, Ammonites (famous shelled animals that ranged in size), Eurypterid (sea scorpions).

Land (reptiles):
Microraptor, Archeopteryx, Deinosuchus, Sarcosuchus, Simosuchus (potentially a herbivore), Titanoboa (big snake), Megalania (big monitor lizard), Sebecids (giant land crocs from the Cenozoic), Teratophoneus, Peloroplites, Aguceratops and Mononykus.

Argentivis, don't personally know more

Land (mammals):
Wholly Mammoth, Smilodon, Elasmotherium, Dodo, etc.
I would like for Frontier to use the old Giganotosaurus design as a template for another Carcharodontosaurus design.
Oh boy, this thread really came back so, while there are many Cenozoic and other animals that need addition, lagoons and aviary need more love.
Tusoteuthis (giant prehistoric squid), Stethacanthus (small sharks with a peculiar fin that can fill the bottom niche as well the Compy/Jeholo role), Helicropion (a weird shark famous for its mouth), Basilosaurus (Cenozoic whale), Levythan (Megalodon rival), Cretoxyrhina (think a more modest shark that lost the competition agaisnt Mosassaurus and Tylosaurus), Xiphactinus (the Devils Goldfish), Hesperornis (think Cretaceous penguins), Leedsichthys, Giant Orthocone, Ammonites (famous shelled animals that ranged in size), Eurypterid (sea scorpions).

Land (reptiles):
Microraptor, Archeopteryx, Deinosuchus, Sarcosuchus, Simosuchus (potentially a herbivore), Titanoboa (big snake), Megalania (big monitor lizard), Sebecids (giant land crocs from the Cenozoic), Teratophoneus, Peloroplites, Aguceratops and Mononykus.

Argentivis, don't personally know more

Land (mammals):
Wholly Mammoth, Smilodon, Elasmotherium, Dodo, etc.
For Aviary ....
1 ---- there should be foggenerator and high Rocks with waterfalls as deko, like in JWE "RTJP" Aviary !
2 ---- walkinganimations for all Aviary animals !
3 ---- official option to get at least all small dinosaurspecies in the Aviaries ( With SOUND !!!) and placeable
Meatfeeder! ( Small animals like Microceratus can be seen much better in Aviaries with theit viewingalleries)
4 ---- some important species which bring new sizes like Hatzegopterix (11 - 12 m wingspan), Ramphorhynchus (
2m Wingspan), Dearc (3,8m Wingspan), Microraptor ( 80cm wingspan)!
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