Jurassic World Evolution 3 - 2025? (The Possibility)

Introducing feathered models for species in the current game.
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Remodeling the JWE Deinonychus or making and adding an alternate feathered model.
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That's what I also said about Deinonychus I think they should throw out the old model of Deinonychus and introduce a feathered version and keep the sound from the Deinonychus that is already in game for the feathered version this way we can have a feather Deinonychus at last and one without a crest. I don't think they'll do the same treatment for Gallimimus but I can actually see them doing this for struthiomimus since it hasn't appeared in any Canon media yet.
I hope this inspires the frontier developers to do something awesome with the logo of Jurassic world Evolution 3 so this is basically I hope we get to see with the original Jurassic Park logo but as a Jurassic world Evolution logo with the three claw marks like what we see with Jurassic Park 3.

Fan Edit Logo....Not Real.

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It's not the sort of game that needs controllable dinosaurs really. It's a park builder. The animals are there to take care of. Not to play as.
It sounds like, what you want, is just a different game.
I think the reason I wanted it was because I wanted to make my parks as accurate as the movies and Mantah Corp was pretty much the only one left. but maybe there will be a game in the future with these special features. By the way did anyone take a look at the Jurassic park new horror survival game (Jurassic park survival).
Maiasaura- I think this species deserves a second chance and I think this species skull needs some adjustments in order to actually look very decent as well as chunkify it a little bit cuz it just looks like a skinny horse. I hope Frontier can redesign it to look like the bottom image .View attachment 376801
I still don't understand why so many people hate Frontier's Maiasaura, the design in the game is a perfectly reasonable interpretation of the animal.
Jurassic Park SurvivAl is being made by sabre Known for abandoning games soon after its release. Look at what they did with evil dead game,

but the question is if you can explore the park does this mean? It will introduce new canon to the franchise and if yes, can other games use it.
Hello, with the recent rumors I decided to just use this thread instead of opening a new one so, here goes.

While I am 50/50 on a new JWE game, at the least it should have:
-all: creatures, maps, QOL features, buildings, decorations and modes that both JWE 1 and 2 already have (no removing animals to serve as Pre-Order bonus (looking at you PZ) or to resell them again in DLC (JWE1 hybrids and the Huyangosaurus)).

-more new map variety (Chile, Kenya, Socotra Island, Japan, etc);

-missing building sets (JP, JW, DFW, Malta, Biosyn) and decorations;

-new animals (JWE2 opened the doors to creatures that lived before the time of dinosaurs (Lystro, Dunk, Dimetro) as well those after the dinos (that shark teaser looks suspicious) so, more animals all around would be better);

-missing species (Teratophoneus, Peloroplites, Aguceratops, Mononykus and Microceratus);

-new buildings and decorations.

Thanks for your time and attention.
I'm happy with today's news but I have a few points to mention

JWE3 will obviously be a PC and PS5 and Xbox Series X/S exclusive, so it will be a more powerful game than its predecessor. I'm looking forward to new, more complex mechanics and improvements on previous ones. Here's what's essential from JWE3 in my opinion

-Improved park and terrain management
-Less terrain limitations
-Larger maps (always welcome)
-Dinosaur breeding (male/female animals) and baby dinosaurs
-Pterosaurs able to walk
-Social interactions for pterosaurs
-Improved hunting system
-Improved and more dynamic combat system
-Stronger and more resilient herbivorous dinosaurs
-Hadrosaurs and sauropods able to defend themselves and fight
-More variety of accurate sounds based on the movies (all species from the movies, mainly T.rex, Velociraptor and Spinosaurus)
-Improved territory system
-Deep Water
-Swimming dinosaurs
-Security towers with guards armed with tranquilizers (security against escaped dinosaurs)
-Return of storm defense stations (JWE1 feature)
-Larger aviaries
-More decorations
- Aquatic Guest attractions
-Baloon Attraction
-Jurassic World attractions (Movie accurate)
-Improved dinosaur AI
-Improved guest AI

Maybe I missed something, but I think these are the main features that JWE3 should have! That's it!
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JWE3 should build upon the first two games, but definitely have substantial differences. I would retain all the species of JWE2 plus add a new category, Cenozoic animals. Or maybe just have the three categories, just adding Cenozoic species to them. Land, Aviary, and Lagoon.
I'm happy with today's news but I have a few points to mention

JWE3 will obviously be a PC and PS5 and Xbox Series X/S exclusive, so it will be a more powerful game than its predecessor. I'm looking forward to new, more complex mechanics and improvements on previous ones. Here's what's essential from JWE3 in my opinion

-Improved park and terrain management
-Less terrain limitations
-Larger maps (always welcome)
-Dinosaur breeding (male/female animals) and baby dinosaurs
-Pterosaurs able to walk
-Social interactions for pterosaurs
-Improved hunting system
-Improved and more dynamic combat system
-Stronger and more resilient herbivorous dinosaurs
-Hadrosaurs and sauropods able to defend themselves and fight
-More variety of accurate sounds based on the movies (all species from the movies, mainly T.rex, Velociraptor and Spinosaurus)
-Improved territory system
-Deep Water
-Swimming dinosaurs
-Security towers with guards armed with tranquilizers (security against escaped dinosaurs)
-Return of storm defense stations (JWE1 feature)
-Larger aviaries
-More decorations
- Aquatic Guest attractions
-Baloon Attraction
-Jurassic World attractions (Movie accurate)
-Improved dinosaur AI
-Improved guest AI

Maybe I missed something, but I think these are the main features that JWE3 should have! That's it!
Good Points, but Driveable attracions for Deep freshwater, Lagoon, swamp and aviaries should be In JWE III.
  • Sumarine ride ( 2-4 seater) for Lagoons.
  • VIP - Helishuttle ( LiKE JW HAD IT IN THE MOVIE !!!!)
  • FPV for Monorail !!!
  • Boattour like the real world " JP THE RIDE " and "JW THE RIDE " for deep freshwater!
  • Gondola ride and/or 1-2 Seater drone for Aviaries !
  • May be "Amphicar ride" for swamps.... .

For Animals big Croc-relatives like ....
  • Sarcosuchus
  • Deinosuchus
-Machimosaurus Rex
....should be a MUST HAVE in JWE III from the start.

More different ambient animals (=food) for the marine Reptiles should be there ( Squids, jelly fish, sharks).

Lagoons need defferent types of walls ( normal, natural rocky and witout wall/fence above the surface...).

Pterosaurs need to be able to walk and have SOCIAL ANIMATIONS !
They should look at how people are modding JWE2 and Evo's park building vids and implement those.

For example, the mod that grants no hitboxes on buildings (insanely huge boost to creative freedom).

Evo is constantly coming up with innovative ways to "cheat" the design of the game to build clever parks. Perhaps look at what she's doing and implement real ways to accomplish was she's trying to build.

Dinosaurs are not this game's problem, not in the slightest. There's plenty to choose from and it takes incredible dedication to build a good park using all of them (has anyone actually done this in a non gimmick way?).

Baby dinosaus would be cool, but I fear it would come at the expense of deeper, more meaningful additions to the game.

*disclaimer: I don't have any experience whatsoever modding JWE2. I only like what I've seen here and there.

My 2 cents
I agree with a lot of the points and thoughts already shared here and listening to BestInSlot's and Evo's videos: adjustable height and depth to aviaries and lagoons, expand the customization of the foliage brush and the buildings (I do miss the Jurassic Park themed building from JWE1 but also make them customizable), an expanded terrain tools for different foliage types, deeper water, waterfalls, and cliffs; fixes to building and decoration hit-boxes, fixes in making pathing uniformed rather than have random gaps and spaces where the pathing did not connect, paleofauna interacting with guests aside from when they escape and kill guest (like when people are in the viewing platforms and tour guides), more variety in skin patterning and variants (I'm going to keep demanding they bring in the Jurassic World Baryonyx that was on the website and not the Dino-croc version of Baryonyx we have currently along with the variant of Microceratus also from the website), and either completely removing some unpopular paleofauna or give them a complete overhaul. I also agree that all the hybrids (bleh) and Huayangosaurus should be included in the base game instead of a "deluxe" package or as part of a DLC. All the dinosaurs from JWE2 roster HAS TO transfer over to the JWE3. The dinosaur compatibility needs a complete overhaul and revamp as well, as some of the compatibilities don't make sense to me.

Because this is a franchise, and while JWE as a whole has included NEARLY all the canon species from either the novel or the mainstream movies and spinoffs, JWE3 would be the perfect opportunity to complete the roster since a "Lost Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park" DLC pack wouldn't happen for JWE3. The missing genera from the novel, the Dinosaur Protection Group roster, and those killed on the islands during the events of Fallen Kingdom that we currently don't have in the game are:
  1. Coelurus
  2. Hadrosaurus
  3. Lesothosaurus
  4. Ornitholestes
  5. Peloroplites
  6. Segisaurus (this genus had the tour voice-over in the JWE2's coding AND is the final genus missing that was listed on the Jurassic Park tour map)
  7. Teratophoneus
Some "uncertain" genera/paleofauna that should be brought into the game listed on the Jurassic Wiki page (https://jurassicpark.fandom.com/wiki/InGen's_List) should also include as a possible DLC animal:
  1. Deinosuchus
  2. Dilong (another genus that had the tour voice-over in the JWE2's coding)
  3. Elaphrosaurus
  4. Hoplitosaurus
  5. Nipponosaurus
  6. Pycnonemosaurus (a genus part of the Indominus rex creation)
  7. Quilmesaurus (a genus part of the Indominus rex creation)
  8. Rugops (a genus part of the Indominus rex creation)
  9. Viavenator (a genus part of the Indominus rex creation)
  10. Woolly mammoth
I don't agree that Archaeornithomimus should be removed from the game since its name was dropped in Jurassic World by Claire. I DO agree with complete remodels (like Deinonychus and Maisaura; seriously, Deinonychus needs that the most because, in my opinion, its the most awkward and ugliest out of the dromaeosaurs) or given feathered variants (like for Archaeornithomimus and Struthiomimus) AND given another variant (I'm looking at Therizinosaurus).

If Frontier decides on a Deluxe/Pre-Sale pack, I feel that a trio of Lambeosaurus, Pelecanimimus, Plateosaurus, Rhamphorhynchus, and Temnodontosaurus would be much welcome additions in the game. Another dinosaur that isn't featured in mainstream media that would be a unique and welcoming addition to the game would be Heterodontosaurus. For future DLCs, they need to go through all the major time periods, epochs, and stages, with Triassic and Jurassic being overlooked.

I would like to see the return of the "Five Deaths" island maps (I both missed and hated the Jurassic Mode challenge for Isla Peña) into the game along with more maps and biome options that @TheGoldbumLaugh and @JurassicTyrantKing already mentioned. I'm also down with having a Site B style play through where dinosaurs can roam freely without all but the absolute barest building requirements are allowed to keep producing dinosaurs.

That's my two cents on this topic.
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A list of some things that could help make JWE3 stand out from the prior games.
1. Rides that are not tour rides. For example, a roller coaster or the egg spinner ride.
2. Being able to customize every building in the game just like the shopping and dinning buildings. Being able to customize buildings like the visitor center and hotels.
3. The introduction of elevated paths, bridges, and being able to change the color of existing paths.
4. The introduction of Cenozoic animals.
5. Adding more animals from before the time of the dinosaurs.
6. Making a tour for the lagoons.
7. Improve terrain tools.
8. Make the game only available for PC and current consoles.
9. Focus on a solid campaign mode and drop things like Chaos Theory from the game.
10. Give us a create an island feature. An actual island surrounded by water, where we the player could create what the island looks like with the tools given before we make a park.
11. Swimming dinosaurs.
12. Baby dinosaurs.
13. Terrain tools to change the look of each of our lagoons. Water color, rocks, vegetation inside the lagoons.
14. Besides shops, we should have food and souvenir stands.
15. Maybe have some guests wear Jurassic Park, Jurassic World t shirts to give it a more realistic feel.
16. Expand the variety of live feeders. Cows, pigs, even swimming sharks.
I can't talk about what animals I'd like to see until we're done with Evolution 2 and see what we get then.

Remember when we thought the mosasaur was to come in the first game, but they were already working on Evolution 2? I wonder if that will be the case for the mammals. Think about it, why have a small portion that would feel out of place when you can do a 50/50 scenario with all of the animals from this and add a nice roster of mammals and a few new dinosaurs for starters and then perhaps do a 50/50 of animal rosters for DLC.

Sure, the pteranodon came into the first game and it was the only pterosaur in it, but I'd hate to see that happen with just one mammal and that's it.
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