Just for fun: If you could choose 3 easy to make animals for the second anniversary, which ones would that be?

Disclaimer: Yes it is very unlikely, but I am just curious to see what would others choose. Please only include easy-to-make out of existing animals that would not require new rig or a heavy modification to their model/animations.

Here are mine:

1. American Flamingo - superior colours :p

2. White Ruffed Lemur

3. Blacked Backed Jackal - amazing fur pattern, could be made out of the dhole.
1. American Black Bear - from the Grizzly Bear
2. Coyote - essentially just think the Gray Wolf and make it smaller, with tan markings (and maybe red skins)
3. American Alligator - obviously base it off the Saltie, but smaller, maybe a deeper green?

Honorable Mentions:

1. Red Wolf - almost beat the Coyote, but would fit better in an Endangered DLC or a N. America DLC
2. Yellow-Footed Rock Wallaby - a beautiful marsupial
3. Wild Boar - just make the Warthog bigger and buff, smaller tusks
Okay so a lot of what has already been posted just goes to show how meaningless the words "easy to make" are. Clearly none of us has any idea how easy or difficult any animal would be to make. Almost every animal can be made out of an existing rig (and almost every animal has been - the Bactrian camel started out as a zebra, believe it or not) so if that's the only criterion then you might as well just say "bottlenose dolphin" or something (it's conceivable that it could start out as a grey seal, is my point).

If we're talking about quick jobs that would require the most minimal changes - for me it would be the Sumatran tiger, Masai giraffe, and black-and-white ruffed lemur. What I'm looking at are animals that wouldn't need drastic changes to their sounds, behaviours, models, animations, biomes, and so on; in my three chosen examples, the necessary adjustments would be small.
If I had to choose three species of basic reskin species for a second anniversary, I would probably choose:

1. Buffy headed capuchin - This could be made from the Colombian white-faced capuchin and would provide a critically endangered South American primate that is commonly kept here in Europe and is very different in colour scheme to the original capuchin species.
2. Green peafowl - With some cosmetic changes to the crest and minor alterations to limb proportions, this would be a new, endangered species that lives in a different part of Asia to the current Indian peafowl.
3. Kulan - I erred between this and the African wild donkey; ultimately either of them, with their upright manes and tassel-ended tails, would be able to be made from the zebra without too much of a model change.
As said above, I also have absolutely no clue how long it takes to make an animal. I would be basing myself on the species we've got on the Premium. So, they would be able to get new models (and probably also some sounds).
  • Asian small clawed otter - I couldn't find good videos about how they swim, and if it's similar to the Giant otter. But this would make a lot of people happy.
  • Lowland anoa - the species I am most wanting. Could be based on the African buffalo.
  • Green peafowl- I take any new galliform, but this would probably be the easiest.

But I would really take any species! There are some awesome wishes.
I would be basing myself on the species we've got on the Premium.
See, this is where I think these threads go wrong. The Premium animals weren't free. If we're talking no-strings-attached free animals (especially three of them) it seems unreasonable to expect anything beyond another clone (maybe something like the Arctic wolf at most). In any case any new animal needs some minor adjustments to its model (which is where they went terribly wrong with the Malayan tapir) and skin (including the Arctic wolf, as the given example).
See, this is where I think these threads go wrong. The Premium animals weren't free. If we're talking no-strings-attached free animals (especially three of them) it seems unreasonable to expect anything beyond another clone (maybe something like the Arctic wolf at most). In any case any new animal needs some minor adjustments to its model (which is where they went terribly wrong with the Malayan tapir) and skin (including the Arctic wolf, as the given example).
I really didn't bought the premium version for the animals, they are nice to have, but the beta access was much more important for me. So, at the end I really can't say how much of what I paid went to the development of the animals.
And I don't have the Arctic pack, but the wolf has a diffenent model.
I really didn't bought the premium version for the animals, they are nice to have, but the beta access was much more important for me. So, at the end I really can't say how much of what I paid went to the development of the animals.
And I don't have the Arctic pack, but the wolf has a diffenent model.
Whether you bought it for the animals or not isn't important - the premium additions cost money on Steam now if you don't already have them, so they are a poor measure of what should/could be free.

As for the wolf, yes, that is what I said.
I hope they just give the Leopard for free, to get it OUT of paid dlc, ABlack Bear, I hope to never see it, even for free. Why should we get all bear species, but only one Hyena, which are far more different from each other.

Spectacled Bear ( together with Sun Bear the only bear I care about)
Black Rhinoceros
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1. American Flamingo (colour is really appealing)
2. Rothschild's giraffe
3. Black-and-white ruffed lemur

Wisent didn't make the cut in selecting only 3 species.

Not the most exciting picks but focusing on easy - these ones pop up.
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