🤣🤣🤣Just the number of complaints...

One thing we probably both agree on is that Frontier has a terrible habit of introducing half-baked features on which they build even more half-baked features. If delaying Odyssey a year meant that we would have a fully-baked PowerPlay, multicrew, smuggling and pirating career options, a crime & punishment system that actually made some sense, cool black holes and comets, actual fleet carriers instead of portable stations, [insert favorite half-baked feature], I would have been totally cool with that. Though IMO, all these things should have been left in the oven when first conceived, rather than being released as the half-baked unfinished features that they remain until this very day..

Instead, we have this:


It's half-baked features all the way down! :p
One thing we probably both agree on is that Frontier has a terrible habit of introducing half-baked features on which they build even more half-baked features. If delaying Odyssey a year meant that we would have a fully-baked PowerPlay, multicrew, smuggling and pirating career options, a crime & punishment system that actually made some sense, cool black holes and comets, actual fleet carriers instead of portable stations, [insert favorite half-baked feature], I would have been totally cool with that. Though IMO, all these things should have been left in the oven when first conceived, rather than being released as the half-baked unfinished features that they remain until this very day..

Instead, we have this:


It's half-baked features all the way down! :p
Duck, that was what was suppose to happen when we went all those years without a DLC. Remember the whole Beyond timeline?
Currently most complains seem to be performance, stability and graphics related.

Yes and no. Had they been upfront about the performance requirements, the salt would have generated a mild summer rain rather than a veritable warp storm.

They urged people to pre-order, telling them performance would be similar to EDH. That's the worst part. They lied in order to get people to purchase EDO, knowing they'd lose sales if they were honest.

They knew full well that a lot of customers were going to give them money for a game they likely couldn't play because of their lies and they decided they could get away with it.

They need to come out publicly with a very lenient refund policy.
What annoys me is that do we even need legs? The amount of pain to develop EDO could have been spent just solidifying the main game- if that was fully developed I doubt people would care about running around.
I pray now that they got legs out of the way, they'll do just that. I imagine they'll do ship interiors first to please the crowd, (because c'mon that really was a no brainer should have been in Odyssey feature) and then go back AND FIX THE GAME, OH MY LORD. There are still 5+ year old bugs, so old people call them features now. Please, address multi-crew, powerplay, etc. PLEASE, I beg of you.
Currently most complains seem to be performance, stability and graphics related.
Add the terrible UI and all 400 billion solar systems being filled with human wreckage. Oh and all the game-breaking bugs (and yes, there are literal game BREAKING bugs right now).

But I do believe most of these things will get fixed. The UI is the one thing I have little hope for, because unlike bugs, that was done on PURPOSE.
Add the terrible UI and all 400 billion solar systems being filled with human wreckage. Oh and all the game-breaking bugs (and yes, there are literal game BREAKING bugs right now).

But I do believe most of these things will get fixed. The UI is the one thing I have little hope for, because unlike bugs, that was done on PURPOSE.
Thank the developer who added a skip tutorial button for Odyssey's tutorial, because you have no choice but to be put into it when you start Odyssey for the first time. The drop ship would never come no matter how many times I restarted, so I eventually just hit skip.
With a team size reportedly of 100 working on Odyssey I would have expected 15 - 20 of those to be testers. I am guessing that they did not have any dedicated testers and instead relied on devs to test their own work. They also clearly did not have any test programs outlined to test impact to existing content. The fact that you can't even load up Horizons without encountering new bugs suggests that they did not even test for them.
"All our unit tests are green, boss! We can begin beta testing."
"Ain't nobody got time for dat! SHIP IT!!"
I've been writing and reporting very repeatable bugs and issues more than I have been playing ED:O. Who tested this? Who decided to ignore who tested this? Who pressured the who to ignore the who who tested this? WHO?!?!

Do I get free stuff or a paycheck for this? Who in the Boardroom thought this was a good way to go? Is it the guy who is running out the building right now with bags full of cash?
I pray now that they got legs out of the way, they'll do just that. I imagine they'll do ship interiors first to please the crowd, (because c'mon that really was a no brainer should have been in Odyssey feature) and then go back AND FIX THE GAME, OH MY LORD. There are still 5+ year old bugs, so old people call them features now. Please, address multi-crew, powerplay, etc. PLEASE, I beg of you.
Not gonna happen. The game director said in an interview earlier this week that space legs are a vital part of the game, and will continuously be expanded.

$5 say that everything that's half-baked in Elite now will remain half-baked forever. Some bugs will be fixed, others won't be. A few things will be nerfed or buffed. Maybe some UI adjustments will be made. But other than that, more fantasticly sounding new features will be promised soon, only to turn out half-baked, repetitive and grind-based when they will be delivered in a few years.

At least that's what history suggests.
These are the least of Odyssey's many problems...which everyone without a thousand dollar video card will realize as soon as they're fixed.
I had quite a lot of fun playing the alpha, in terms of content and gameplay it's the best addition the game has seen so far. Just my opinion of course.
Obviously it's not perfect, nothing ever is. But I really enjoyed the various gameplay loops they added, and lots of thought went into mechanics that allow complex missions. The base game needs to be more like Odyssey, they created all the space POIs without giving us a reason to go there. This is done a thousand times better in Odyssey.
I really enjoyed the various gameplay loops they added, and lots of thought went into mechanics that allow complex missions. The base game needs to be more like Odyssey, they created all the space POIs without giving us a reason to go there. This is done a thousand times better in Odyssey.

My main complaints are with the static nature of environments (only a few things can be interacted with in any meaningful way...everything else is just immovable/indestructible terrain), the limited nature of interaction available with what can be interacted with (specific tools and procedures for everything with very little room for creativity or improvisation), what I consider to be poor combat mechanisms, poor NPC AI, and overly arbitrary and inflationary equipment progression.

The basic mission structures don't bother me, but some of the implementations (mostly related to one or more of the above elements) do.
My main complaints are with the static nature of environments (only a few things can be interacted with in any meaningful way...everything else is just immovable/indestructible terrain), the limited nature of interaction available with what can be interacted with (specific tools and procedures for everything with very little room for creativity or improvisation), what I consider to be poor combat mechanisms, poor NPC AI, and overly arbitrary and inflationary equipment progression.

The basic mission structures don't bother me, but some of the implementations (mostly related to one or more of the above elements) do.
I don't know, isn't that kind of unreasonable? Regarding interaction, Odyssey is a big improvement compared to the main game. The interaction with mega ships and installations are certainly more limited.

Expecting moveable and destructible environment / terrain doesn't really work well with a procedurally generated multiplayer environment.

Specific tools for specific tasks isn't a big problem in my opinion, we aren't playing Minecraft after all.

I guess AI and equipment progression could be improved.
What annoys me is that do we even need legs? The amount of pain to develop EDO could have been spent just solidifying the main game- if that was fully developed I doubt people would care about running around.
My personal feeling is that Horizons feels like half a game now, but that's just my view.

Like most features in ED there are those who will think the feature is a waste of time, and those who think the same feature is great.

Personally, I have never bothered with fleet carriers, but I see no reason to rain on the parade of those who clearly like them.
I don't know, isn't that kind of unreasonable?

I could knock down walls, move bodies, stack barrels, kill people with live chickens, and fight tanks with thrown stoves in 2007 in the original Crysis. It even had a zero-g level.

I don't think it's at all unreasonable to be able to move objects; open panels with weapons fire, melee, or rocks; or depressurize a settlement by setting a grenade next to a window...or do any of a million other things that would develop organically if the world was constructed of objects with plausible physical properties, or even the basic illusion thereof.

Regarding interaction, Odyssey is a big improvement compared to the main game. The interaction with mega ships and installations are certainly more limited.

I was hoping for improvements.

Expecting moveable and destructible environment / terrain doesn't really work well with a procedurally generated multiplayer environment.

Nothing about a procedurally generated environment is a contraindicator to this stuff and EDO settlements don't even seem to be procedurally generated.

Specific tools for specific tasks isn't a big problem in my opinion, we aren't playing Minecraft after all.

It's flatly ludicrous that the only way to open an access panel is with a plasma cutter. That can't be how it was designed to be accessed and that plasma cutter can't be that much more powerful than a laser rifle...and if it is, why can't I shoot people with it?
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