Lavecon 2017, what will we get?

power creep modules confirmed, not sure I'm fond.
This is an opportunity. Modules / weapons that work against Thargoid should not be usable against human ships with the same effects. Modern day example, using chaff against a heat seeker, for example. Someone tooled up against Thargoid should have a harder time against humans and vice versa.


Volunteer Moderator
Can ya post it here? :)

There you go :)
Bo and some random non important guys, photobombing at the back is The Mistress of Minions :)

Actually it is a representation of polish group The Winged Hussars so from the right it would be: Bo, Cmdr Pajk (pronounce it Pike), Cmdr Mathias Shallowgrave, Ed, Cmdr Pienias, Cmdr Baton
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There were a bunch of articles written as a result of the press conference they held and interviews thereafter, wasn't there?
I don't think much information of value was given, but it certainly happened.

Nothing the press was able to share with us plebs anyway.
Bo and some random non important guys, photobombing at the back is The Mistress of Minions :)

Actually it is a representation of polish group The Winged Hussars so from the right it would be: Bo, Cmdr Pajk (pronounce it Pike), Cmdr Mathias Shallowgrave, Ed, Cmdr Pienias, Cmdr Baton

That's the first SJA photo I've seen.
Pilot Federation bounty for player killing tracks every system except for anarchy.

Needless... Pointless... FAIL!

To clarify:-
- It's just (more) bounties? Fail! I'm sure there's got to be more to penalties than just bounties?
- Anarchy systems are not included? Fail!
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Why would Anarchy systems be included?

Because it make no sense game universe wise, and more importantly no sense game play wise.

We have enough of an issue with gankers at out of bubble locations (eg: alien sites etc), so simply ignoring their toxic activity seems bizarre to me...

Can you explain why from a game play point of view it makes sense if I can spend day after day farming explorers at the latest alien site, each time coming into the area with not a blemish or negative outcome to me? Each time with every victim not have a single indication that I've destroyed a dozen other ships today...

It makes no sense from any point of view... It only detracts... And no, it makes no sense from some game lore/reasoning point of view either.
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Do you understand what Anarchy means? Of course Anarchy systems shouldn't count. It's Anarchy (In the Galaxy).
Do you understand what Anarchy means? Of course Anarchy systems shouldn't count. It's Anarchy (In the Galaxy).

Game universe wise - Why? It means there's no security there. It doesn't mean there's a communications black out. You destroy me... That's bad... Your Pilots Federation reputation takes a knock!

Game play wise - Again? Why allow habitual toxic activity go by unaddressed for no reason? It serves no purpose!

It makes no sense from a game universe point of view why illegal destruction would be ignored (no matter where). It makes even less sense from a gameplay point of view why this should be the case with mindless ganking being permitted to carry as now...
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Because it make no sense game universe wise, and more importantly no sense game play wise.

We have enough of an issue with gankers at out of bubble locations (eg: alien sites etc), so simply ignoring their toxic activity seems bizarre to me...

Can you explain why from a game play point of view it makes sense if I can spend day after day farming explorers at the latest alien site, each time coming into the area with not a blemish or negative outcome to me? Each time with every victim not have a single indication that I've destroyed a dozen other ships today...

It makes no sense from any point of view... It only detracts... And no, it makes no sense from some game lore/reasoning point of view either.

Anarchy systems have no government and therefore no way to enforce any law or penalty. It's the wild west, anything and everything goes.
No governing body has any jurisdiction there.
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