Leaving Active Duty to join the Reserves

If the game ever feels like some kind of obligation, that makes no sense. That's not what this is supposed to be about. You shouldn't have to actively try to keep finding ways to enjoy the game. Approach the game when you're eager to play it. If you're not, then find something else that engages you. Don't work at it. That's work, this is play.
One of the things that frustrates me is that I could easily come up with some new gameplay for a fleet carrier, but I don't have the stamina to grind for one. The amount of hours it would take me times what a real job pays per hour IRL would buy me some impressive alternative games, and I enjoy my IRL work more than ED "work". So, admittedly by choice, I'm "locked out" of owning a fleet carrier. Which ultimately is okay I guess, seeing that the FC would probably extend my gameplay by a month or two at best. Yet the game has Stockholmed me into thinking that, "I really should be mining in Borann while I can..." I have to actively fight this bizarre "addiction" to credit grinding. Silly, I know.

NOTE - I've been playing the game three years, and even if I were able to liquidate my assets on PS4 and transfer them over to my PC account, I still would not have enough credits for a FC.
In one form or another, the question, "What are you going to do between now and New Era?" has cropped up in multiple threads as well as my own head. I think I finally have my answer. For the most part, I've approached this game as "active duty", in that I'm constantly looking for something to do - some new mission, new goal, new experience, etc. I've pretty much done all the procgen stuff that I'm interested in, be it trading, mining, exploring, running missions, etc. I've tried various community-created activities like squadrons, BGS, and expeditions, and I found some enjoyment in those for a season until these too became repetitive and ultimately boring for me personally. I've even done "out of the box" stuff like PvP piracy, which is enjoyable but not a full-time career, especially as Borann nears its end.

In other words, I have finished the game.

And yet, I haven't! This isn't the first time I've felt this way, only to return later when Frontier offers some compelling new content like the Interstellar Initiatives. So giving it some thought, I know that I will never quit this game as long as Frontier is supporting it. I have plenty of hard drive space, so no need to uninstall it. But what I think I will be doing is transitioning from "Active Duty" to "Reserves". This means changing my approach to how I play the game and how I build my fleet. Instead of looking for things to keep me playing, desperately trying to invent new content where there is none, I'll make sure I have the ships I need for the gameplay I enjoy (fighters, explorers, personnel transports, haulers, and support) and then basically leave the game until the next big "event" takes place. For me that event might be a community goal, an unexpected Thargoid Invasion, or some really compelling player initiative. I'll be "called up" as a member of the Reserves to help in whatever this event might be, to then return to standby until the next event. Of course New Era will likely result in me returning to active duty, but that's a long time from now.

This may sound all like "Duh, bro, that's just common sense!" to some of you, but for those of us who have made ED our primary game and a part of our lives, this is actually a pretty big "pivot" in mindset. Well, at least it is for me. But before you go all whitey knighty on me, understand this is a much better solution than rage-quitting and deleting Elite and burning an effigy of David Braben, as some are want to do around here. And it's not just as simple as putting down the game now and picking it up later, it's a change in relationship with the game, so much that it will in some ways feel like a different game than the one I am used to, kinda like New Game+ that many titles now offer. Most importantly, this will allow me to maintain a positive relationship with the game even during these tough times of content drought.

Anywho, just sharing these thoughts since the topic comes up over and over lately. Now I'll have a thread to point to! And I'm sure what I'm thinking will be further refined in any discussion that takes place.
More like the National Guard. :)

If you're in CA, they might have a fast attack bunk. :)

Non-US: local militia.
Best I could hope for would be a DCM (Deputy Commander, Maintenance) slot. I would be a good DCM, and do what my E9's told me to... :)
Fleet Carriers could have reignited the game for me. Unfortunately, as things stand, they won't. So yeah, i'm similiar to you Old Duck, mainly now waiting for New Era. I'll still dorp in to play as it suits me, there are always things i can find to do that are enjoyable, maybe a touch of mining, a touch of combat, etc.... but what i really wanted to do was go off exploring with a FC, and that's not on the cards.
This mirrors my own feelings, though I could happily live without a FC if Interstellar Initiatives hadn't been removed from the game. If I was able get a fleet carrier (no way, see my last post), then that's exactly what I was planning to do - use it as an exploration platform. Oh well... On the other hand, I suspect even this would have grown old after about a month or so. Hopefully New Era will make exploration exciting again and give me an affordable small base from which I can keep my fleet out in the deep black.
This mirrors my own feelings, though I could happily live without a FC if Interstellar Initiatives hadn't been removed from the game. If I was able get a fleet carrier (no way, see my last post), then that's exactly what I was planning to do - use it as an exploration platform. Oh well... On the other hand, I suspect even this would have grown old after about a month or so. Hopefully New Era will make exploration exciting again and give me an affordable small base from which I can keep my fleet out in the deep black.
I'm sure there will be a player made event where some Dumb Arx (Maybe me) will get their Carrier stuck in a place that cant be reached normally and we will all have to suicide carrier are way there to refuel them, this will go on infinitely. And it will be awesome.
I'm sure there will be a player made event where some Dumb Arx (Maybe me) will get their Carrier stuck in a place that cant be reached normally and we will all have to suicide carrier are way there to refuel them, this will go on infinitely. And it will be awesome.
At the risk of being shunned more than I already am, most "player made events" (Distant Worlds, Operation IDA, Operation Mug Everywhere, Operation BGS Spreadsheet, Operation Drive Around A Planet In SRV) do nothing for me. And anything that requires that I join Discord to partake in can KISS MY GRITS. I do get enjoyment from Interstellar Initiatives and the more unique Community Goals, however.
At the risk of being shunned more than I already am, most "player made events" (Distant Worlds, Operation IDA, Operation Mug Everywhere, Operation BGS Spreadsheet, Operation Drive Around A Planet In SRV) do nothing for me. And anything that requires that I join Discord to partake in can KISS MY GRITS. I do get enjoyment from Interstellar Initiatives and the more unique Community Goals, however.
I meant a player made event like Borann mining is a player made event, if that makes any sense.
I can relate to a lot of stuff that's been said in this thread, by Old Duck and others.

Ever since the 1980ies, Elite fascinates me in a way no other game ever did. I binge-played Elite Dangerous a lot, but also took several longer timeouts, whenever the game started to feel boring and repetitive. But I always came back.

VR was a true game-changer. I bought an Oculus Rift with no other game than Elite in my mind, and wasn't disappointed. Ever since I play in VR, I never managed to take a hiatus for longer than a few weeks, tops.

I don't really follow a specific goal in the game. I do whatever piques my interest at any given point. And there are so many things I haven't done yet, despite having logged well over 1000 hours. I still haven't reached Combat Elite. I never fought Thargoids - in fact, I had my first encounter with them just 3 days ago. I haven't tried mining yet, after the new deep core mechanics have been introduced. I still haven't given FAoff a try. CQC only once or twice.

Maybe I will still do all that, or maybe I won't and will remain an aimless wanderer.

Fleet carriers don't interest me too much. I don't mind getting one, but I won't start grinding for credits just to be able to do so. Never did that before, won't start doing it now.

The frustration with the game comes with the realization that Elite Dangerous could be so much more. You often hear the comparison: it's an ocean that's a million miles wide, but just an inch deep. While I think the game has more depth than many will give it credit for, I still have to admit it can feel repetitive and generic quickly.

Which is really a shame, as the community - despite its toxic elements that have the nasty tendency to be very vocal - always showed a great deal of creativitiy. And that potential has never really been utilized.

You don't need a huge team to create a vibrant bubble. Stuff like Galnet News, CGs and IIs certainly weren't hard-coded individually. I'm pretty sure they were created via some sort of editor in which you defined the parameters.

You could easily leave it to the community to provide content for all of these features, and then have a small team of community managers pick up the best ideas and bring them into the game via that editor.

It also wouldn't take a huge team to create more mini-games around that sort of content. Racing events, scavenger hunts, collectibles - there is so much that basically is in the game already, and would only have to be transformed into playable content. E.g., someone asked above if you have visited all tourist beacons yet? Why is there no in-game album in which to collect visited tourist beacons? Maybe grouped geographically or lore-wise, with awards once you completed a certain collection?

I could go on all day with ideas like that. Stuff that would add depth to the game, without requiring Frontier to deploy a huge team and create a completely new game.

My biggest concern with New Era is that we will see a lot of new gameplay elements, but they will all be superimposed upon the same generic background mechanics. And once the new spaceship smell will vanish, you will notice that the ocean has become even wider, but still hardly any deeper.

Now that's just some pessimistic speculation here, and I'll be very happy if Frontier proves me completely wrong on that.

And even if they don't, I will probably keep playing Elite. The only game that could potentially retire my CMDR for good is the new Microsoft Flight Simulator, once it supports VR, and if it will be as awesome as the first gameplay videos suggest. If flying a virtual airplane turns out to be more fun than flying a virtual space ship, I could see myself quitting Elite. I won't hold my breath, though.
I started playing Elite for the Milky Way galaxy and to putter about in spaceships. Then I got VR and on my first VR flight won the game.

Three years later I’m still puttering about, although with a twenty one ship fleet, Elite Trade, Elite Exploration, 6 Bcr in the bank and scratching my head on how all that happened.

Old Duck, follow your bliss. Life’s to short to do otherwise.
In one form or another, the question, "What are you going to do between now and New Era?" has cropped up in multiple threads as well as my own head. I think I finally have my answer. For the most part, I've approached this game as "active duty", in that I'm constantly looking for something to do - some new mission, new goal, new experience, etc. I've pretty much done all the procgen stuff that I'm interested in, be it trading, mining, exploring, running missions, etc. I've tried various community-created activities like squadrons, BGS, and expeditions, and I found some enjoyment in those for a season until these too became repetitive and ultimately boring for me personally. I've even done "out of the box" stuff like PvP piracy, which is enjoyable but not a full-time career, especially as Borann nears its end.

In other words, I have finished the game.

And yet, I haven't! This isn't the first time I've felt this way, only to return later when Frontier offers some compelling new content like the Interstellar Initiatives. So giving it some thought, I know that I will never quit this game as long as Frontier is supporting it. I have plenty of hard drive space, so no need to uninstall it. But what I think I will be doing is transitioning from "Active Duty" to "Reserves". This means changing my approach to how I play the game and how I build my fleet. Instead of looking for things to keep me playing, desperately trying to invent new content where there is none, I'll make sure I have the ships I need for the gameplay I enjoy (fighters, explorers, personnel transports, haulers, and support) and then basically leave the game until the next big "event" takes place. For me that event might be a community goal, an unexpected Thargoid Invasion, or some really compelling player initiative. I'll be "called up" as a member of the Reserves to help in whatever this event might be, to then return to standby until the next event. Of course New Era will likely result in me returning to active duty, but that's a long time from now.

This may sound all like "Duh, bro, that's just common sense!" to some of you, but for those of us who have made ED our primary game and a part of our lives, this is actually a pretty big "pivot" in mindset. Well, at least it is for me. But before you go all whitey knighty on me, understand this is a much better solution than rage-quitting and deleting Elite and burning an effigy of David Braben, as some are want to do around here. And it's not just as simple as putting down the game now and picking it up later, it's a change in relationship with the game, so much that it will in some ways feel like a different game than the one I am used to, kinda like New Game+ that many titles now offer. Most importantly, this will allow me to maintain a positive relationship with the game even during these tough times of content drought.

Anywho, just sharing these thoughts since the topic comes up over and over lately. Now I'll have a thread to point to! And I'm sure what I'm thinking will be further refined in any discussion that takes place.
Don't go, I believe we two are the only ones left of the Founding Father's group which was formed prior to ED's launch on the PS4; I don't wish to be alone.
Don't go, I believe we two are the only ones left of the Founding Father's group which was formed prior to ED's launch on the PS4; I don't wish to be alone.
I'm not going anywhere, that's why this is different than a "I quit" thread. I'm just changing how I play the game, from a hardcore MMO-like game where I'm constantly playing, to a more casual, "There's actually something NEW going on in the galaxy this weekend? Okay, I'll log in to check it out!" style of gameplay. Now if CGs and IIs are truly dead until 2021, well then I suspect my gameplay will be quite limited for the rest of the year, but ED remains installed and ready to go with just a click should something exciting actually happen between now and then.
One of the things that frustrates me is that I could easily come up with some new gameplay for a fleet carrier, but I don't have the stamina to grind for one. The amount of hours it would take me times what a real job pays per hour IRL would buy me some impressive alternative games, and I enjoy my IRL work more than ED "work". So, admittedly by choice, I'm "locked out" of owning a fleet carrier. Which ultimately is okay I guess, seeing that the FC would probably extend my gameplay by a month or two at best. Yet the game has Stockholmed me into thinking that, "I really should be mining in Borann while I can..." I have to actively fight this bizarre "addiction" to credit grinding. Silly, I know.

NOTE - I've been playing the game three years, and even if I were able to liquidate my assets on PS4 and transfer them over to my PC account, I still would not have enough credits for a FC.

Grinding would kill everything I love about this game, and as such, I won't do it. Therefore, Fleet Carriers are not for me. They are for the super rich, and I never will be. That's ok, not every update has to be tailored to my personal needs. (I don't see what FCs have to offer me in gameplay terms anyway, to make it worth the massive expense and effort required to own and operate them.)

I'll lose no sleep over Borann. Never needed it. When I feel like mining, I'll mine somewhere else.
It's amazing how [can't think of a kind word] some of you are. Nowhere in this thread did I claim I would be quitting the forum or the game*. Yet a handful of you have deputized yourself to follow me all around the forum and mock me for any post I make, even the POSITIVE ones where I support ED, because you feel some sick need to "police" what I say and do based on your misinterpretation of how I'm changing my gameplay.

For example, I've decided to fly my exploration ship out into deep space until July. This is a switch to very casual gameplay for me - 30 minutes here and there of jumping and scanning. I'm not even playing in VR during this time, unless I find something extra interesting, nor am I playing every day. Yet some of you feel the need to chase me to the other threads like the DSSA (which I'm submitting for moderation) and mock me because you expect me to quit outright and "go away". How does mocking players and wishing them to "go away" help this precious game of yours?


This forum is getting a reputation (see Twitter, Youtube comments, etc) of being overrun by toxic white knights and "forum dads". Whatever happened to "discuss the post, not the poster" rule? At the very least, if you feel obligated to mock and question me, do it in the proper thread. Don't derail other threads because you don't like what's shared in THIS thread.


Some might read this, "I'll make sure I have the ships I need for the gameplay I enjoy (fighters, explorers, personnel transports, haulers, and support) and then basically leave the game until the next big event takes place. For me that event might be a community goal, an unexpected Thargoid Invasion, or some really compelling player initiative." as "Old Duck is QUITTING". That's not true, as the rest of the post and thread clarifies. As for my recent interest in DSSA, that is the very "compelling player initiative" that I mention above.
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It's amazing how [can't think of a kind word] some of you are. Nowhere in this thread did I claim I would be quitting the forum or the game. Yet a handful of you have deputized yourself to follow me all around the forum and mock me for any post I make, even the POSITIVE ones where I support ED, because you feel some sick need to "police" what I say and do based on your misinterpretation of how I'm changing my gameplay.

For example, I've decided to fly my exploration ship out into deep space until July. This is a switch to very casual gameplay for me - 30 minutes here and there of jumping and scanning. I'm not even playing in VR during this time, unless I find something extra interesting, nor am I playing every day. Yet some of you feel the need to chase me to the other threads like the DSSA (which I'm submitting for moderation) and mocking me because you expect me to quit outright and "go away". How does mocking players and wishing them to "go away" help this precious game of yours?


This forum is getting a reputation (see Twitter, Youtube comments, etc) of being overrun by toxic white knights and "forum dads". Whatever happened to "discuss the post, not the poster" rule? At the very least, if you feel obligated to mock and question me, do it in the proper thread. Don't derail other threads because you don't like what's shared in THIS thread.

You literally called some dude a disease
You literally called some dude a disease
Good point. I should have said "part of the disease" as this is the more common idiom, and it is more accurate since there are a number (thankfully smallish) who are part of the metaphorical "disease" that is toxic white knightism.
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