Leaving Active Duty to join the Reserves

I have mothballed ED for I think 2 years now and I even canceled my order for a Virpil HOTAS. The reason is that my doubts about the direction of ED have grown over time.

I am an old timer (played the old Elite games) and I really, really love Elite Dangerous for what it has to offer, and played it for more than 2000 hours, but....
I am quite disappointed in what Elite Dangerous still does not offer after all these years.
I expected there to be much ore diversity by now. Much more diversity in space and planetary stations for example.
I expected there to be at least the foundation for a solid npc crew system.
I expected there to be planetary mining.
I expected there to be winging up with npc pilots
I expected there to be a revised and deeper piracy and bounty hunting mechanic.
I expected there to be a revised and better integrated Powerplay mechanic

Instead I see a worrying concentration on superficial multiplayer stuff. At least that is how I perceive it.
Especially the lacking diversity is bugging me. That is why I bring it up all the time. I do not understand why they could not simply add new exterior models for stations.
It seems the most basic and simple thing to do to enhance our experience of the Elite galaxy.

I now doubt that the new era update has what it takes to bring me back.
Otherwise I would never have decided to cancel my new HOTAS. Elite is the only game I use a HOTAS for. I have spent a lot of money on hardware for ELite and I now seriously doubt I will need it anymore.

I have mothballed ED for I think 2 years now and I even canceled my order for a Virpil HOTAS. The reason is that my doubts about the direction of ED have grown over time.

I am an old timer (played the old Elite games) and I really, really love Elite Dangerous for what it has to offer, and played it for more than 2000 hours, but....
I am quite disappointed in what Elite Dangerous still does not offer after all these years.
I expected there to be much ore diversity by now. Much more diversity in space and planetary stations for example.
I expected there to be at least the foundation for a solid npc crew system.
I expected there to be planetary mining.
I expected there to be winging up with npc pilots
I expected there to be a revised and deeper piracy and bounty hunting mechanic.
I expected there to be a revised and better integrated Powerplay mechanic

Instead I see a worrying concentration on superficial multiplayer stuff. At least that is how I perceive it.
Especially the lacking diversity is bugging me. That is why I bring it up all the time. I do not understand why they could not simply add new exterior models for stations.
It seems the most basic and simple thing to do to enhance our experience of the Elite galaxy.

I now doubt that the new era update has what it takes to bring me back.
Otherwise I would never have decided to cancel my new HOTAS. Elite is the only game I use a HOTAS for. I have spend a lot of money on hardware for ELite and I now seriously doubt I will need it anymore.

I have mothballed ED for I think 2 years now and I even canceled my order for a Virpil HOTAS. The reason is that my doubts about the direction of ED have grown over time.

I am an old timer (played the old Elite games) and I really, really love Elite Dangerous for what it has to offer, and played it for more than 2000 hours, but....
I am quite disappointed in what Elite Dangerous still does not offer after all these years.
I expected there to be much ore diversity by now. Much more diversity in space and planetary stations for example.
I expected there to be at least the foundation for a solid npc crew system.
I expected there to be planetary mining.
I expected there to be winging up with npc pilots
I expected there to be a revised and deeper piracy and bounty hunting mechanic.
I expected there to be a revised and better integrated Powerplay mechanic

Instead I see a worrying concentration on superficial multiplayer stuff. At least that is how I perceive it.
Especially the lacking diversity is bugging me. That is why I bring it up all the time. I do not understand why they could not simply add new exterior models for stations.
It seems the most basic and simple thing to do to enhance our experience of the Elite galaxy.

I now doubt that the new era update has what it takes to bring me back.
Otherwise I would never have decided to cancel my new HOTAS. Elite is the only game I use a HOTAS for. I have spend a lot of money on hardware for ELite and I now seriously doubt I will need it anymore. I even postponed replacing my 7 year old PC.

There's not much I could add to this.
I'm an old timer too and had very high expectations regarding ED and up untill Horizons those expectations were valid.
Soon thereafter though Fdev was changing course and started to go all over the place, half baked features, postponements and even taking gameplay out of the game.
The last couple years have diminished my high regards towards ED and Fdev to practically zero.
It's a shame realy, ED could've been such a great game, there's so much potential.
So are you back now duck after the beta 2 release notes? Might need 5 billion credits again?

Me im sucked into eso. Finally found a class that didn't suck and having a great time getting my head around the dual weapon rotation + ability queue. Id recommend warden or nightblade.
I'm in the same boat since quite a while...

So what am I doing right now?
Pre-prospecting a few future Carrier Waypoints in Deep Space.
While I can't prospect Rings for i.e. Tritium yet, I'll still leave behind a very dense matrix of fully explored Systems.
......sounds pretty much like....Project Dynasty!!!!! :eek:
A suggestion is that there really should be a forum section for retired or semi retired Commanders, who have stopped playing Elite but feel the need to play the forum game instead. That way all the threads there can reinforce their beliefs that they made the right decision to stop playing the game and only play the forums. I think this would be a great improvement to the overall well being of all parts of the world population.
A suggestion is that there really should be a forum section for retired or semi retired Commanders, who have stopped playing Elite but feel the need to play the forum game instead. That way all the threads there can reinforce their beliefs that they made the right decision to stop playing the game and only play the forums. I think this would be a great improvement to the overall well being of all parts of the world population.
I thought that was dangerous discussion? :LOL:
A suggestion is that there really should be a forum section for retired or semi retired Commanders, who have stopped playing Elite but feel the need to play the forum game instead. That way all the threads there can reinforce their beliefs that they made the right decision to stop playing the game and only play the forums. I think this would be a great improvement to the overall well being of all parts of the world population.
Sounds like a blissful utopia! Unfortunately the zealots would follow us there just like they follow us into any and every thread that doesn't meet their high bar of loyalty. I mean, y'all could just "leave us alone" right now, no subforum needed 🤷

Yeah I understand this one - I don't play VR and while my hardware can't handle that anyways, this is putting me off it, just too much hassle in terms of logistics (maybe in the future things will improve, and by then I might have upgraded my hardware also).

I use a HMD that is basically just the headset. If I want to play ED, I put it on and hit ´play in VR´. That is truly all there is to it.
So are you back now duck after the beta 2 release notes? Might need 5 billion credits again?
I really like the changes to Fleet Carriers, but I can't afford one. I went from 200 million credits to 1.2 billion credits doing the Borann mining thing, and that was enough for me. This means that I probably will NEVER be able to afford one. Which is okay, as I don't think FCs would give me that much new gameplay opportunities. As you can see via the OP, I like purpose-driven gameplay, and while the FC is a wonderful tool, it's a tool that would just sit in a box waiting for something to do like a CG, II, etc.

I am excited about DSSA, as it will let me use someone else's carrier in the way I would have used my own - as a mobile exploration base. I've already set sail for the outer rim, leaving Borann and the boring bubble behind, to casually explore when the mood strikes. I'm hoping a DSSA FC jumps in relatively close to my position sometime in June or July. Now just watch FDev release a new and exciting CG next week now that I'm thousands of LY outside the bubble!
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This is why I'm glad I don't mind leaving a mess laying around =D I keep my HOTAS on the desk, off to the side, at all times. I keep my VR headset sitting right behind my monitors. When I want to play ED, it takes maybe 1-2 minutes total to get set up and play: Push mouse out of way -> pull hotas to the left and put on either side of my keyboard -> Reach behind monitor and grab headset -> Turn on steam + steamVR -> crank up ED. So even if I only have like 20 minutes to play, it doesn't feel like a chore at all.
I play on a gaming laptop in a shared space, so leaving a mess laying around is not optimal. Don't get me wrong - I own the Rift S, so it's relatively trivial to take out of the box and plug into my laptop (no sensors needed), but it's not something I'll do for short stints of playing. For example, pirating in Borann was a very hit or miss activity. Putting on the headset only to find Borann empty in Open was becoming wearisome. Right now I'm casually exploring systems in 2D (which is 99% FSS), but when I find an exciting system like I did last night, I'll switch to VR to fly through that system and map the planets.

Deleted member 182079

I use a HMD that is basically just the headset. If I want to play ED, I put it on and hit ´play in VR´. That is truly all there is to it.
My sole experience with VR (showroom) was over 3 years ago so I suppose things have improved since which is good. Social and financial barriers still exist for me, won't rule it out completely but am kind of relieved that I don't have all that much desire for VR as it stands... I'd already be over the moon if I could play at ultra settings at 4k60 but my current set up does the job all the same.
My sole experience with VR (showroom) was over 3 years ago so I suppose things have improved since which is good. Social and financial barriers still exist for me, won't rule it out completely but am kind of relieved that I don't have all that much desire for VR as it stands... I'd already be over the moon if I could play at ultra settings at 4k60 but my current set up does the job all the same.
I do love VR, but I also love high-def ultra settings. In recent days I've been struggling with the tug-of-war between these two very different experiences. Some of this is due to my computer hardware, since I can't drive my Rift S with full ultra settings and high HMD supersampling (which really does make a difference). It's amazing how demanding VR actually is, as my laptop can easily run ED maxed out with lots of room to spare in 2D, but in VR it's working hard to give me "just" high settings. In games like Skyrim, the difference is even more pronounced. Now if money were no object and I could afford a high-def HMD and the computer hardware to drive it, well then that would be something! But I'm actually quite lucky to even have a gaming PC, let alone any form of VR. Remember I was a PS4 noob this time last year, LOL.
I finally have some time off from work and (check local listings) it's rainy and cold which means no yardwork or garden and crops are in the field, so I actually will get some play time in this weekend. I am just getting into ESO too but haven't even had time to set up a proper character. I feel for you vets that have so much time in it that you're burned out or bored. I haven't gotten there and hope not to for a long while.
I will add that I own a custom metal fabricating company and one of my customers is a company that manufactures UV disinfecting light tower units..so yea I have been a lot busier than normal with that particular customer for some reason 🤔
My sole experience with VR (showroom) was over 3 years ago so I suppose things have improved since which is good. Social and financial barriers still exist for me, won't rule it out completely but am kind of relieved that I don't have all that much desire for VR as it stands... I'd already be over the moon if I could play at ultra settings at 4k60 but my current set up does the job all the same.
Things have moved on a bit WRT displays in HMD's - although the next generation of Graphics processor would be most welcomed. What has raised the 'bar', quite considerably is Valve's Half-Life: Alyx, as even on Rift / Rift S the detail of the environment is almost as impressive as my 4k monitor - however it was managed, if it is reproducable over the next generation of VR games, would bring VR to the table in a brand new light.

Still the hurdle is hardware, but for PCVR that is unchanged.

Deleted member 182079

Things have moved on a bit WRT displays in HMD's - although the next generation of Graphics processor would be most welcomed. What has raised the 'bar', quite considerably is Valve's Half-Life: Alyx, as even on Rift / Rift S the detail of the environment is almost as impressive as my 4k monitor - however it was managed, if it is reproducable over the next generation of VR games, would bring VR to the table in a brand new light.

Still the hurdle is hardware, but for PCVR that is unchanged.
Yep, the hardware... I'm playing on a laptop, which was decent but not top of the line in 2016 (i7 CPU but only a GTX960m, I'm struggling to hit 60fps in Elite at med/high settings as it is), and cost a fair bit. It still works of course, and I can play the games in my library just fine (with some compromises either in terms of settings, framerate, resolution, or a bit of all depending on the game).

I like the idea of a dedicated gaming desktop, but I'm a bit weird with disposing hardware that isn't faulty - it's not a money issue, but it just feels wasteful to me. Plus, last Christmas I was abroad visiting family and being able to bring all games (incl. Elite) was a definite plus vs playing on a desktop only (although they don't have to be mutually exclusive).

I will eventually upgrade I think because I can't see myself abandoning my all-time favourite hobby that is gaming, but I've become less obsessed about graphics as long as things play smoothly and are not a complete eye sore. I'm looking at about 2 grand for a box with a good (but not bleeding edge) gfx card and a monitor replacement (current one is even older and only 22"/1080p) so I need to justify that pretty well to my own brain if nothing else.
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Yep, the hardware... I'm playing on a laptop, which was decent but not top of the line in 2016 (i7 CPU but only a GTX960m, I'm struggling to hit 60fps in Elite at med/high settings as it is), and cost a fair bit. It still works of course, and I can play the games in my library just fine (with some compromises either in terms of settings, framerate, resolution, or a bit of all depending on the game).

I like the idea of a dedicated gaming desktop, but I'm a bit weird with disposing hardware that isn't faulty - it's not a money issue, but it just feels wasteful to me. Plus, last Christmas I was abroad visiting family and being able to bring all games (incl. Elite) was a definite plus vs playing on a desktop only (although they don't have to be mutually exclusive).

I will eventually upgrade I think because I can't see myself abandoning my all-time favourite hobby that is gaming, but I've become less obsessed about graphics as long as things play smoothly and are not a complete eye sore. I'm looking at about 2 grand for a box with a good (but not bleeding edge) gfx card and a monitor replacement (current one is even older and only 22"/1080p) so I need to justify that pretty well to my own brain if nothing else.
Cogitate a little longer - GPU prices could be significantly lower if 'GPU wars' go on between AMD & Nvidia as keeps being rumoured, and the 30 series (I assume) from Nvidia are allegedly going to cost less than the current generation. Also, take a look at AMD CPU's - not quite the underdog any more!

Deleted member 182079

Cogitate a little longer - GPU prices could be significantly lower if 'GPU wars' go on between AMD & Nvidia as keeps being rumoured, and the 30 series (I assume) from Nvidia are allegedly going to cost less than the current generation. Also, take a look at AMD CPU's - not quite the underdog any more!
Thanks for the tip.. I did take a look at some of the top tier cards a while back and was in tears of laughter... 4 digits just for a gfx card... get outta here.

My budget would be about 1,500 Euros for an off the shelf gaming desktop (give/take) and that certainly wouldn't include the top of the line components, but as long as they'd handle 4k/60 it'd be a worthwhile upgrade.
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I do love VR, but I also love high-def ultra settings. In recent days I've been struggling with the tug-of-war between these two very different experiences. Some of this is due to my computer hardware, since I can't drive my Rift S with full ultra settings and high HMD supersampling (which really does make a difference). It's amazing how demanding VR actually is, as my laptop can easily run ED maxed out with lots of room to spare in 2D, but in VR it's working hard to give me "just" high settings. In games like Skyrim, the difference is even more pronounced. Now if money were no object and I could afford a high-def HMD and the computer hardware to drive it, well then that would be something! But I'm actually quite lucky to even have a gaming PC, let alone any form of VR. Remember I was a PS4 noob this time last year, LOL.

Recently I've been having to a work a lot in the evenings and started playing ED in 2D mode on the side so I can finish some missions I picked up. While it has definitely solidified my "If ED lost VR I'd quit" mentality, it's also introduced me to a new challenge I never knew existed: how the @&#$ do you people land your ships so smoothly in 2D?!?! I have been smashing into everything. Y'all gotta understand, I could thread a needle with this ship in VR since I can look around, and since I mostly use Lakon ships that let me look all around me with ease. So I get into 2D the other day, get to a station to land and am crashing into every light fixture, building, nearby spaceship, etc trying to find where the crap the stupid pad below me is lol.

It's so much easier to fly this ship from the actual cockpit, rather than as a remote drone.
I like the idea of a dedicated gaming desktop, but I'm a bit weird with disposing hardware that isn't faulty - it's not a money issue, but it just feels wasteful to me.
I’m the same way about replacing my gaming desktop. Bought it back in 2013, and it can still run ED in VR comfortably, and as much as I’d like to get a new one designed for high-end graphics, it seems like a waste to get a modern high-end machine given that it works so well.

I also have a 17 year old LCD TV that refuses to die. :rolleyes:
I’m the same way about replacing my gaming desktop. Bought it back in 2013, and it can still run ED in VR comfortably, and as much as I’d like to get a new one designed for high-end graphics, it seems like a waste to get a modern high-end machine given that it works so well.

This is very likely the case. Depending on your CPU, the only thing that might be worth updating for VR is the graphics card.

I run a Ryzen 7 2700X (couple years old, higher end) and an RTX 2080. My wife runs an i7-4770k (like 2013 or 2014 cpu, mid range) and an RTX 2080. We both play ED in VR, and we use very similar settings / get somewhat similar results. The CPU factors into things a bit for VR, but if your CPU was high end for 2013/2014 then I think that it would probably require a 2080ti before you start to feeling like the CPU is any kind of bottleneck.
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