All of a sudden I can not reset (center) the view in VR, It's been working fine but couple of days ago it stopped working on a button. First I thought it would have been a conflict with voice attack since every time I use voice to recenter voice attack also take a screenshot, but it doesn't work if I turn off VA. So I tried to bind re-center to another button in Joystick, then on the throttle and finally on the button box, it changes the bind in the settings i.e. joy6 or joy12, but it won't do anything.
The default reset key is F12 IIRC, i think it is also set to screenshot in steam or smth.
-someone else may have more useful information. :|
Thanks, I'm in VR so I've stayed away from keyboard as much as possible.

Yes it seems there was a some kind of conflict going on. I ended up just creating new custom profile for the HOTAS and tactical button panels, all seem to work fine now... until I go back to camera section of the controls.
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