Love and hate

Deleted member 182079

Playing for 6 years now. Never grinded anything in the game. Still having fun.
I think I'm using it correctly.
Been playing for the same time and I've grinded alright. If you want something that little bit quicker than months/years it just comes with the territory.

Though I haven't done it since I reset my account, because once you realise the game plays more or less the same regardless of whether you run a Cobra 3 or a Cutter, there's no real need to rush for anything.

AX and PvP being notable exceptions. I miss being able to jump into those - my fleet of 4 ships is nowhere near capability for either of them.

Deleted member 182079

As I just mentioned, you -have- to grind for AX and PvP activities if you want to get involved within a reasonable timeframe and be successful at it.

Though with EDO, even though it's the bulk of the gameplay raison d'etre, it's actually not needed at all - I'm getting by with pre engineered gear even in high CZs. Completely pointless unless you want some QoL improvements that have a marginal impact on your game. Which is kind of weak but that's what we got.
Though with EDO, even though it's the bulk of the gameplay raison d'etre, it's actually not needed at all - I'm getting by with pre engineered gear even in high CZs. Completely pointless unless you want some QoL improvements that have a marginal impact on your game. Which is kind of weak but that's what we got.
Players complain of the 'grind' in Horizons (guess what, I have never done the 'grind' either) so Odyssey makes the engineering path with very minor buffs, and, behold, "Which is kind of weak but that's what we got."

Yep, Frontier just cannot win when it comes to engineering, can they?
Ground and grinded are two variants of the past tense conjugation of the verb grind. Ground is the correct past tense form. Grinded is an improper conjugation, unless the reference is to dancing.
An age old, but rarely bothered with, question from the forums has its answer. Grinded is incorrect but doesn’t remind us of coffee or face planting into stuff. So grinded it remains.

I can now go sleepy bye byes again.:)
I think the key to this game is to play it the way you like to play it, and not the way you feel you need to play it.

I know. Profound.
Yeah, I'm a billionaire in-game but I still core mine in my free time because I really enjoy it (imo core mining is one of the the last stroke of genius from FDev) and store them in my FC while awaiting the big payday. I don't need the credits, but when the stars align and I managed to sell them for a good price, it makes my day a little better.

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