Make the vicinity of space docks a safe haven

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Regardless, its a long way away- my own rails are 6km IIRC, which is far away enough to be totally safe and pound ships.
I agree. What is needed is not a single measure, but a whole set of measures that will ultimately justify calling safety-enhanced systems truly safe.
I agree. What is needed is not a single measure, but a whole set of measures that will ultimately justify calling safety-enhanced systems truly safe.
But nothing will truly be safe unless you take away agency. Thats why any and all C+P starts with your own ship.
Are you talking about the start area for beginners? ;)
Even in the starter area IIRC once you kill you are asked to leave it- but its the starter area and not the wider game.

There you can mitigate nearly any threat using whats in game now without having to do silly things such as remote naughty ships in.
The slot, even the docking barrel, were never intended to be wholly safe places (there is highly asymmetric combat, in the docking barrel, featured in the official Beta trailer that sold me on the game). Those locations, as the last opportunities to intercept someone before they can dock, are more than fair game for a blockade.


Anyway, I've always been for more rational C&P, but the game already has far too many heavy handed mechanisms enforcing absurd and contextually dubious limitations. No place should be completely safe and I firmly believe the current level of safety in the game is far too high, almost everywhere, for good gameplay.
No place should be completely safe and I firmly believe the current level of safety in the game is far too high, almost everywhere, for good gameplay.
Let's say.
Then what is the difference between the security levels in the system ? Maybe it's easier to remove these useless inscriptions ?

P.S. I love Elite and try to always make it even better and more popular. I am not one of those people who have accumulated a lot of experience and fat for a long time and want the same from newcomers. I want to help newcomers.

But you just need to propagandize and explain about the great mechanisms - blacklist and single game !
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Let's say.
Then what is the difference between the security levels in the system ? Maybe it's easier to remove these useless inscriptions ?

If the game made sense, the higher the security rating the more pervasive and annoying the police presence would be, for everyone. Security isn't justified without the existence of threats to security. Wealthier and higher population systems with more trade and property to protect could justify an increased security presence by virtue of there being a greater threat from crime. Response should generally be faster and more heavy handed than lower security areas, but high security doesn't automatically imply safer. It certainly doesn't imply better crime prevention, especially in a dystopia.

The safest place I'll ever be from crime is the the middle of nowhere, where there is no one around to perpetrate any crimes, and no security to respond to it. Likewise a quiet town that doesn't even have a police department may well have a lower crime rate than the most heavily policed areas in the world.

The most dangerous places should be poorish, but densely populated ones, with low to medium security. May medium to high security areas should be blatantly unsafe as well, but the main threat may well be the security forces themselves.

P.S. I love Elite and try to always make it even better and more popular. I am not one of those people who have accumulated a lot of experience and fat for a long time and want the same from newcomers. I want to help newcomers.

I don't feel that diluting the risks of the setting does a service to anyone.

But you just need to propagandize and explain about the great mechanisms - blacklist and single game !

My criticisms of the block functionality have been expounded upon elsewhere, but I don't see any of this as an Open or a PvP issue.

NPCs should be blowing up CMDRs in the docking barrel more often than other CMDRs. The game is too safe, everywhere, mostly because the NPCs are profoundly inept and have negligible persistence.
They made the inside of stations much safer after people were getting ganked inside them - once upon a time. Seems odd that immediately outside it is not the same, even though stations are equipped to be so.
Stations should have a one-shot death star ray that immediately fires if someone lands a shot on another ship in the no-fire zone. Make it really dramatic too.
Stations should have a one-shot death star ray that immediately fires if someone lands a shot on another ship in the no-fire zone. Make it really dramatic too.
They should have a two-shot version that does the same thing to anyone who fires but doesn’t land a shot, rather than dramatic make that one scramble things up for a few seconds on the firing ship so nothing works.
They should have a two-shot version that does the same thing to anyone who fires but doesn’t land a shot, rather than dramatic make that one scramble things up for a few seconds on the firing ship so nothing works.
A class 8 Super-Railgun. Problem solved.
A class 8 Super-Railgun. Problem solved.
No it takes too long to get the station lined up on the target so fixed weaponry is out, also the eternity it takes to charge would let the target escape or get off another clean shot. It needs to be turreted or at least gimballed.
NPCs should be blowing up CMDRs in the docking barrel more often than other CMDRs. The game is too safe, everywhere, mostly because the NPCs are profoundly inept and have negligible persistence.
I'm sorry, but either I'm being very difficult or you're pretending not to understand.

It's not about NPCs being easy or difficult, it's not relevant to the topic at all. The point is to prevent other people from interfering with play, exactly interfering with other people's play. They don't even want to win, I recently threw a video somewhere here where a ganker didn't care about his ship, he was just killing himself, his main goal was to prevent others from playing.
So in this spectrum I wanted to be able to prevent them from doing this at least within the station with high security.
Do not create a cloud of NPCs on cool ships to punish the criminal and just was a zone where you could not as any negative interaction with another player.

Why can't we get a gun in a bar and massacre people there?
NPCs should be blowing up CMDRs in the docking barrel more often than other CMDRs. The game is too safe, everywhere, mostly because the NPCs are profoundly inept and have negligible persistence.
NPCs used to hunt players in the NFZ, then people started talking about bagging condas around stations with security help and then they all became cowards. 🤷‍♂️
They should have a two-shot version that does the same thing to anyone who fires but doesn’t land a shot, rather than dramatic make that one scramble things up for a few seconds on the firing ship so nothing works.
I like this idea, and there's no reason why that can't also be dramatic :) In fact, I'd say I prefer this to my original suggestion, make it so the first shot temporarily paralyzes the ship with large amounts of module damage; 100% to weapons and 80% to shield/thrusters/etc., and lights it up so that everyone can see it within the vicinity. If the shot didn't hit someone then that's it, but if it did hit someone then the second shot is the one that takes the offender out. Make the laser have a funky look to it like a lot of the cool experimentals do.
It's not about NPCs being easy or difficult, it's not relevant to the topic at all. The point is to prevent other people from interfering with play, exactly interfering with other people's play.

I know what the point is and I think your goals and the doctrine you'd use to achive them are incompatible with the kind of game this is.

Whether it's direct or indirect, one of the major features of any multiplayer game, that doesn't strictly enforce a narrow form of cooperative play, is the ability of player characters to interfere with each other. I am not in favor of hard limitations on any forms of interaction that can be contextual, even if they are subjectively undesirable, as everything is subjectively undesirable.

I also disagree on the irrelevance of NPCs. You brought up blocking and solo mode as solutions to a perceived issue. I'm pointing out that much of the interference referred to in this thread is often completely contextual and should be well within the acceptable behavior of NPCs, who cannot be avoided with these mechanisms. Solo should not be safer than Open, and not because Open should be safe.

Why can't we get a gun in a bar and massacre people there?

You can, but only at surface settlements.

Everywhere else is plagued with heavy handed limitations to fill gaps in gameplay that Frontier never bothered to account for. Ideally, these places wouldn't be arbitrarily safe either.

They don't even want to win, I recently threw a video somewhere here where a ganker didn't care about his ship, he was just killing himself, his main goal was to prevent others from playing.
So in this spectrum I wanted to be able to prevent them from doing this at least within the station with high security.

This is less of a security problem than an insurance problem. It's also not something that could be solved by a reasonably contextual security response. If you want contextual behavior out of players, you need contextual consequences from NPCs and associated mechanisms. However, a large portion of people complaining about gankers or griefers don't want contextual consequences, they want consequences that arbitrarily elevate their prefered playstyle over others, irrespective of contextuality. And that's mostly what we have already, but many won't be happy until the game's gameplay bears zero resemblance to any other depiction of the setting.
NPCs should be blowing up CMDRs in the docking barrel more often than other CMDRs. The game is too safe, everywhere, mostly because the NPCs are profoundly inept and have negligible persistence.
It really bugs me that NPCs, if turned hostile in the NFZ, even if they're assassins literally sent to kill you, will just turn around and jump out.

"Oh, sorry, I was willing to commit murder but I didn't realise having my guns out here was illegal, I'll be on my way"

They even do this in the vicinity of anarchy stations, which frankly (with the exception of odyssey settlements which will actually fire on you if you have guns out near them) shouldn't have no-fire zones at all. It's kind of annoying that anarchists behave exactly like lawfuls right down to the voice lines from ATC whining at you for speeding.
NPCs, if turned hostile in the NFZ, even if they're assassins literally sent to kill you, will just turn around and jump out.

"Oh, sorry, I was willing to commit murder but I didn't realise having my guns out here was illegal, I'll be on my way"

They even do this in the vicinity of anarchy stations,
Funny thing is that not only human pirate/assassin NPCs but even Thargoid interceptors can behave like decent, law abiding citizens near stations.

Years ago, when Cyclopses were first introduced, Non-Human Signal Sources pretty often spawned in supercruise very close (couple hundreds of kms) to stations, so it was quite possible to drop in the NHSS and kite the Cyclops you could find inside all the way to the station through normal space. The Cyclops then caused a little bit of mayhem amongst CMDRs in the station instance (we did not really have weapons capable of damaging them yet) as it randomly attacked people, but also it was funny to see that the Cyclops always stopped shooting as soon as it had drifted inside the No Fire Zone. :)
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