Make the vicinity of space docks a safe haven

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It would be sweet if gankers would get a taste of their own medicine by super-strong NPCs, making their lives as miserable as they make the lives of weaker players.

Too bad it's never going to happen.
How? Unless these god-like NPCs were right there at that exact moment it would make little difference because weak ships will perish in seconds.

The only time ATR act like this is after you gain a warning with the next shot dropping them instantly- but even then a hull tank will shrug off its shield being wrecked and still waste the target.
How? Unless these god-like NPCs were right there at that exact moment it would make little difference because weak ships will perish in seconds.
When someone gains notoriety for destroying other players, whenever that someone enters a system with a system security, very soon they will be interdicted, their thrusters/FSD sniped, and destroyed by four fully-armed system security Federal Corvettes. And this destruction will not decrease notoriety. This kind of notoriety would go down very, very slowly (perhaps over a matter of weeks if not months). The more players that ganker has destroyed, the slower the notoriety would go down, and the more aggressive and strong the NPCs.

A bit like entering a thargoid-controlled system, but in this case it would be hostile system security controlled system. And instead of being attacked by one or two thargoid interdictors, it would be four beefy and extremely angry corvettes. And this would happen across all systems controlled by that main faction.

One can always dream.
When someone gains notoriety for destroying other players, whenever that someone enters a system with a system security, very soon they will be interdicted, their thrusters/FSD sniped, and destroyed by four fully-armed system security Federal Corvettes. And this destruction will not decrease notoriety. This kind of notoriety would go down very, very slowly (perhaps over a matter of weeks if not months). The more players that ganker has destroyed, the slower the notoriety would go down, and the more aggressive and strong the NPCs.

A bit like entering a thargoid-controlled system, but in this case it would be hostile system security controlled system. And instead of being attacked by one or two thargoid interdictors, it would be four beefy and extremely angry corvettes. And this would happen across all systems controlled by that main faction.

One can always dream.
But notoriety gets applied for a range of things including run-of-the-mill activities.

The current C&P system demonstrates very rapidly the only ones who suffer from highly punitive systems are those who don't intend to commit crime. Actual criminals just adapt and overcome. You just know it'll be soft-ramming all over again.

As I've said on many occasions before... if you want highly punitive systems for committing crime, you also need highly rewarding crime. The two are inseparable... then PvP crime becomes a value judgement.
When someone gains notoriety for destroying other players, whenever that someone enters a system with a system security, very soon they will be interdicted, their thrusters/FSD sniped, and destroyed by four fully-armed system security Federal Corvettes. And this destruction will not decrease notoriety. This kind of notoriety would go down very, very slowly (perhaps over a matter of weeks if not months). The more players that ganker has destroyed, the slower the notoriety would go down, and the more aggressive and strong the NPCs.

A bit like entering a thargoid-controlled system, but in this case it would be hostile system security controlled system. And instead of being attacked by one or two thargoid interdictors, it would be four beefy and extremely angry corvettes. And this would happen across all systems controlled by that main faction.

One can always dream.
As someone who regularly was hostile to systems (as in 50 sec a day for BGS murder) this would make no difference at all because the C+P is very predictable.

A better method would be something like this where things become randomised and the killer has to use skill to remain undetected. Couple that with notoriety locking out systems (but opening up other things like anarchy benefits) its far better and gives criminals gameplay ways to do something that frankly is allowed.
When someone gains notoriety for destroying other players, whenever that someone enters a system with a system security, very soon they will be interdicted, their thrusters/FSD sniped, and destroyed by four fully-armed system security Federal Corvettes. And this destruction will not decrease notoriety. This kind of notoriety would go down very, very slowly (perhaps over a matter of weeks if not months). The more players that ganker has destroyed, the slower the notoriety would go down, and the more aggressive and strong the NPCs.
Okay, but how are you going to rescue your clients with these Corvettes following you around after your first attempt to boost out of Jameson Memorial killed a silent-running Sidewinder?

A bit like entering a thargoid-controlled system
Since you mentioned the Thargoids, a reminder that players in Thargoid-attacked space are generally asked to turn crime reporting off in shared instances because the existing mild consequences for a bit of the inevitable friendly fire are already still really inconvenient for people not planning a life of crime.

I don't think AX pilots would enjoy a few stray shots landing them on the Corvette list either.
I always struggle not to facepalm when somebody proposes the vette as a scary ship....

Do you not own a vette or did you never look at your speedometer?
Are you aware of the speed that a PVP FDL/PNX/Mamba/Orca reaches?

I guess you are not. Because if you were, you wouldn't have made that proposal.

But hey. Let's go and implement that vette list proposal. All the crying here on the forums, on reddit and in various discords is gonna be glorious.
"I took that mission to assassinate this dude and now I am being hunted by 4 corvettes wherever I go, I am done with this <expletive gerund> <expletive> of a game"
I always struggle not to facepalm when somebody proposes the vette as a scary ship....

Do you not own a vette or did you never look at your speedometer?
Are you aware of the speed that a PVP FDL/PNX/Mamba/Orca reaches?

I guess you are not. Because if you were, you wouldn't have made that proposal.

But hey. Let's go and implement that vette list proposal. All the crying here on the forums, on reddit and in various discords is gonna be glorious.
"I took that mission to assassinate this dude and now I am being hunted by 4 corvettes wherever I go, I am done with this <expletive gerund> <expletive> of a game"
Surely those gankers will tremble in fear at the sight of my
As someone who greatly enjoys a Corvette now and then… in PvE… the first thought which came to me was “Well, I’d just boost a few times while their hardpoints deploy and I’ll be practically out of range already”.

Not that I do any kind of criminal gameplay so far - though I may or may not shoot at some Azimuth guards eventually, for a good reason… - but I’m doubtful I’d consider them a huge threat if I were more involved in the illegal side of the game. Unless I flew a cow of a T9 or a paper boat(which I have more or less relegated to deep space exploration or screwing around in a max speed Courier), well…

They’d only pose a threat if you actually wanted to fight. At least give them some maneuverable, faster support ships.
Okay, but how are you going to rescue your clients with these Corvettes following you around after your first attempt to boost out of Jameson Memorial killed a silent-running Sidewinder?

Since you mentioned the Thargoids, a reminder that players in Thargoid-attacked space are generally asked to turn crime reporting off in shared instances because the existing mild consequences for a bit of the inevitable friendly fire are already still really inconvenient for people not planning a life of crime.

I don't think AX pilots would enjoy a few stray shots landing them on the Corvette list either.
This is another consequence of making the game easier though. Used to be you didn't get kill credit unless you were actively firing on something when it died, then people complained that NPCs were stealing their kills. So we got the dumb 10s rule where you get blamed for murder if you hit anything within 10s of it's death. Revoke that lousy rule and we get can go back to a slap on the wrist for a stray shot.

And if you boost out of a station and kill someone, you earned it. The 100mps limit rule exists for a reason.
Revoke that lousy rule and we get can go back to a slap on the wrist for a stray shot.
If only the killing shot counts as a kill, then any intentional PvP attack where the final points of damage are done by a non-player entity also wouldn't get punished beyond the basic assault bounty.
If only the killing shot counts as a kill, then any intentional PvP attack where the final points of damage are done by a non-player entity also wouldn't get punished beyond the basic assault bounty.
I'll admit that one of my dirty little dreams is finding one of those AFK T10 turretboats in open, coming back with a torpedoboat to reverb the shields off then leaving before they actually explode.
If only the killing shot counts as a kill, then any intentional PvP attack where the final points of damage are done by a non-player entity also wouldn't get punished beyond the basic assault bounty.
Without that silly rule you can now do a graduated response. Initial hit, call it a stray, sustained attack, escalate.
"And if you boost out of a station and kill someone, you earned it. The 100mps limit rule exists for a reason."

I can recall several instances where a fast moving ship has has appeared in front of me (whether speeding/under auto dock) and getting sent to the rebuy screen. So, If the other pilot or traffic control are at fault, who gets the notoriety?

"And if you boost out of a station and kill someone, you earned it. The 100mps limit rule exists for a reason."

I can recall several instances where a fast moving ship has has appeared in front of me (whether speeding/under auto dock) and getting sent to the rebuy screen. So, If the other pilot or traffic control are at fault, who gets the notoriety?

Ram kills don't incur notoriety, and only give you a 5k bounty (as if you had done it at 0 notoriety) regardless of what your notoriety actually is. Same as mission targets.
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