Make the vicinity of space docks a safe haven

Try Diaguandri, Ray Gateway. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Not everything there, but almost everything you'd ever need as a FR.
I've seen Diaguandri get stalked as well, so, you know, keep your eyes peeled.

Honestly, your best bet is to search for the modules you need in something like Inara. You can even limit results to stations with discounts (like those in LYR space).
Blocking them is always an option too, especially if you're being targeted for the same person repeatedly.
What happens when you block a player? Do you become completely invisible to each other, so neither appear in the other player's game at all?

(How would that even work? If you are in a team and that player you blocked is in the same system in the vicinity... What happens? Is invisible to the entire team, or something?)
What happens when you block a player? Do you become completely invisible to each other, so neither appear in the other player's game at all?

(How would that even work? If you are in a team and that player you blocked is in the same system in the vicinity... What happens? Is invisible to the entire team, or something?)
You don't instance with blocked player anymore.

Besides it seems a cool feature, at the end of the day breaks instancing and doesn't cope well with wing instancing (in case you and the blocked player are in wings and drop in same wake) for what is worth is poorly implemented and somehow (ab)used. For that reason some groups (like us) have adopted a no-block rule for our members.
You don't instance with blocked player anymore.

Besides it seems a cool feature, at the end of the day breaks instancing and doesn't cope well with wing instancing (in case you and the blocked player are in wings and drop in same wake) for what is worth is poorly implemented and somehow (ab)used. For that reason some groups (like us) have adopted a no-block rule for our members.
Strangely, I have never experienced any problems caused by blocking. I suspect it only becomes an issue for players who find themselves blocked by a large number of other players.

Something to think about.

But let's not put any veneer of 'Honor' or whatever on it. It's perfectly understandable to not like it when other people don't want to play with you.

Honestly, creating safe zones in open would probably be the best way to mitigate blocking. In my experience, people don't get blocked for killing in places where it seems legitimate, like in Conflict zones. They tend to get blocked for killing in places where it serves no legitimate purpose, like engineer systems. Make those systems innately safe, and you will immediately remove about 75% of blocking.
In my experience, people don't get blocked for killing in places where it seems legitimate, like in Conflict zones.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

it's obviously been too long since we had an opposed war CG

and I've definitely had people block me over powerplay

edit: come to think of it, I do recall one incident where there were accusations of "tactical blocking" thrown around in a war, and it was because the side playing in PG/solo had people flying to the CZs in open and immediately flying 30-40km out so they couldn't be found and the instance wouldn't reset when everyone else left.
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What happens when you block a player? Do you become completely invisible to each other, so neither appear in the other player's game at all?

(How would that even work? If you are in a team and that player you blocked is in the same system in the vicinity... What happens? Is invisible to the entire team, or something?)

You dont end up in the same instance in normal space, even if they may see you in supercruise
If the blocked one is winged, no one in his wing will be able to instance with you.
There may be some issues if someone in your friends list is winged with the ganker - but iirc the block list supposedly takes precedence

Other than that, thing like "it's ruining the instancing" is bullcrap since you may not want to be instanced with the ganker anyway, and most likely not with his friends either.
So it's ruining the instancing mostly for them and not as much for you.

My block list is empty, but from time to time it may see some names on it, but only temporarily - at most it had 3 names on it, which were very active at that time in AX CZ, hunting already damaged cmdr ships.
You dont end up in the same instance in normal space, even if they may see you in supercruise
That gives me an idea. Maybe I'll spend a couple of weeks cruising around ShinDez in my combat ship, and every time another player interdicts me I'll jump out of the system (my combat ship can soak damage long enough for that) and block that player. I'll keep doing that until all the ShinDez gankers end up in that list.

Obviously that won't include all of them but if I get eg. a hundred or so names in there, maybe that will be a significant chunk.
That gives me an idea. Maybe I'll spend a couple of weeks cruising around ShinDez in my combat ship, and every time another player interdicts me I'll jump out of the system (my combat ship can soak damage long enough for that) and block that player. I'll keep doing that until all the ShinDez gankers end up in that list.

Obviously that won't include all of them but if I get eg. a hundred or so names in there, maybe that will be a significant chunk.
Hang around and waste their time and jump out when they become a problem. Then block them. They may even block you as an irritant.

I feel a bit sorry for gankers. It seems like most of them won't even attack you unless you're flying something they can easily blow up. If you want to build a block list, fly around there in something they can easily blow up, that has a fairly negligible rebuy cost, and let them do just that.
That gives me an idea. Maybe I'll spend a couple of weeks cruising around ShinDez in my combat ship, and every time another player interdicts me I'll jump out of the system (my combat ship can soak damage long enough for that) and block that player. I'll keep doing that until all the ShinDez gankers end up in that list.

Obviously that won't include all of them but if I get eg. a hundred or so names in there, maybe that will be a significant chunk.
At the start of this mess I thought that an alternative to PGs should be people should be able to maintain and share blocklists. Apparently that was mean or something. 🤷‍♂️
That gives me an idea. Maybe I'll spend a couple of weeks cruising around ShinDez in my combat ship, and every time another player interdicts me I'll jump out of the system (my combat ship can soak damage long enough for that) and block that player. I'll keep doing that until all the ShinDez gankers end up in that list.

Obviously that won't include all of them but if I get eg. a hundred or so names in there, maybe that will be a significant chunk.
Why not, you know, just do some combat?
Why not, you know, just do some combat?
it wouldn't be the first person to go around telling people "just fly around until you get ganked and then block them" instead of just... leaving the hotspot
I had a similar one the other day

Hang around and waste their time and jump out when they become a problem. Then block them. They may even block you as an irritant.

how to break the game for more people than you cause any harm at all:
dont spam block people, its an ole thing to do and abusing the blocklist is bad
it wouldn't be the first person to go around telling people "just fly around until you get ganked and then block them" instead of just... leaving the hotspot
I had a similar one the other day

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I feel like it might be story time. Gather 'round children! I have two spooky stories to tell.

Story 1: Some time ago there was a CG up around Alioth (I think). It was a trucking CG, so I was in my fairly built Cutter. It's got some shields and some armor and isn't easy to take down. Now, I don't remember if a clubber tried to get me that night (they usually don't because I'm not in a shieldless T9) but usually you can tell if a clubber/ganker is around by the comms chatter. Turns out there was a couple of gankers about, so I dropped my load and headed back to grab another ship. I hopped in my Clipper with reverb torps and jumped back to the CG system. Some other noble CMDRs seemingly got the call as well, as they were there fighting the gankers. I winged up with them, and we would engage them as soon as they were in sight. As the other two kept them busy, I would come in and fire my torps, annihilating the ganker's shields. The ganker would run off to repair and come back after a few minutes. This continued on for probably an hour until the gankers stopped coming around. I don't remember if anyone got any kills that night, but we sure kept them busy while the truckers delivered their loads. Just me and a couple of randos.

Story 2: I think it was the last CG, the one with the Titan Drive Components. Well, I was in the Taranis wreckage trying to collect those sweet, sweet drive to make a quick buck. Sue me. A few oither CMDRs were in my instance. After 15 or 20 minutes of no luck, I finally spot one! I quickly head over to it. As I near, I slow down and launch a limpet at it. The limpet snatches the drive and dutiful put-puts it back to my cargo scoop. Before it can get to me, I notice sparks and my hull going down. I swivel around, expecting to have been spotted by scout or something, only to see a Mamba showering me with frags! I nope right the eff out, but it's too late. Rebuy screen. God only knows how my escape pod got out of the caustic cloud. Anyway, I hop into my heavily shielded, heavily armored 'vette, slap a caustic sink on that bad girl, and head back out to the wreckage to patrol. I get back in the system and can see by the comms that the clubber got the other CMDRs as well. I get back to the wreckage and start patrolling the area. Every CMDR I spot I fly up to and scan. Some think I'm a clubber as well, but I try to assure them I'm not. Sure enough, after a few minutes, I spot the Mamba back for more. He seemed to be going after another hapless target, so I tail him as fast as I can. Luckily I get to him before he can get to the target, and I come at him hard. Clearly he was expecting AX weapons, because his hull goes down quick. He tries to joust me, but he ain't getting through these shields. He gets the message and books it out of the cloud, and I follow. We both get out and I interdict him. We fight again briefly, but he knows he isn't going to win this, so he outruns me again. I keep following him and we have a few more skirmishes. I trash talk on the comms, and to the clubber's credit, he takes his licks and sees the buyback screen. A fun time was had by all.

Now, I ask you, dear reader, which seems more fun? All that fun junk I just wrote, or jumping to a system, seeing if you get interdicted, and blocking them for having the gall to, you know, play a game? YOU MAKE THE CALL!

Side note: some of that stuff is probably made up, because my memory is a bit **** these days, but for the most part they are true stories.
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