Confirming the issue is not happening for meShouldn’t need to Read All on launch, I don’t need to and first report I’ve had on it.
Confirming the issue is not happening for meShouldn’t need to Read All on launch, I don’t need to and first report I’ve had on it.
Actually would expect it to work better when run before game - that’s what I do, but the “try reload current system” is doing most of the work here I think. Hopefully new Core UI will give more options to flag things.Thanks for the feedback.
I was loading the installer version before launching ED. The other apps I use (EDD, EDOMH) seemed to work OK when I did this, so I figured this would as well. Launching Core after I'm in the game (not at the menu) resolves the issues. I thought I'd tried that before, but I was apparently mistaken.
I now have the options for "try re-load current system" and "start monitor on launch" enabled. "Reload all" is disabled. BioInsights appears to be working perfectly now, and it even auto-switches when I switch commanders.
I just looked for any documentation stating Core should to be run after loading the game. I failed to find it. Is that just a common practice, or did I miss the documentation?
If you're using SteamVR, than you can install Desktop+ application from Steam store. It's freeware tool to make overlay any desktop window to VR scene.Does it read the results, or do I need to remove my goggles to have a look on the monitor
Possibly. Waiting to see what is possible in Core UI once that is finished but also mulling a couple of other things that might improve outputMattG, hello.
Thank you for a great tool. Just one question - are you have in plans to add font settings? It will be great to have possibility to change font size, colour and etc.
It's working perfectly for my needs now (3 commanders). I have no issue with launching Core after ED is loaded. We'll see what happens when the new Core UI is done. For now, I'm happyActually would expect it to work better when run before game - that’s what I do, but the “try reload current system” is doing most of the work here I think. Hopefully new Core UI will give more options to flag things.
This shoudn't be required though and hints at some other problem in your configuration, but if it works it worksI have no issue with launching Core after ED is loaded.
There are plans to improve this. In theory, older systems should populate correctly - if you have all necessary journals and have done a Read All if prompted to do so after an upgrade (and journals aren't ancient). I am aware of an issue where this doesn't work properly that I'm investigating, and eventually I'll also add spansh support to further enhance predicitons.I have just struck an odd BioInsight report (see attached image).
I'm revisiting this system after a couple of months, so FSS scan was at 100% on entry (confirmed by log examination). As far as I recall, BioInsight did not report anything at first, so when I found 2 bio signals I had to check them. I'm pretty certain the attached report is based only on the DSS scan + some post scan sampling.
This seems likely to confuse BioInsight to give an incorrect report instead of saying that there is no star or planetary info to go on. (Guess, only.)
Not likely to be very common problem, but ...
Well, that makes sense IF the program had access to all the data in the game, which it does not. All it has is the journal entries that are created when you FSS the planets, and then DSS them afterwards. It cannot reach into the past, because it operates on the incoming journal entries.The important thing is to make it clear that this something outside intended use had happened, not present rubbish information that leads to postings like mine
{"timestamp":"2023-10-10T07:02:01Z","event":"Scan","ScanType":"Detailed","BodyName":"Pencil Sector HW-W c1-5 A 5 c","BodyID":47,"Parents":[{"Planet":43},{"Star":1},{"Null":0}],"StarSystem":"Pencil Sector HW-W c1-5","SystemAddress":1459651351242,"DistanceFromArrivalLS":3408.928156,"TidalLock":false,"TerraformState":"","PlanetClass":"Icy body","Atmosphere":"thin methane atmosphere","AtmosphereType":"Methane","AtmosphereComposition":[{"Name":"Methane","Percent":100.0}],"Volcanism":"","MassEM":0.000519,"Radius":710179.9375,"SurfaceGravity":0.409839,"SurfaceTemperature":98.84713,"SurfacePressure":8461.016602,"Landable":true,"Materials":[{"Name":"sulphur","Percent":26.413378},{"Name":"carbon","Percent":22.210915},{"Name":"phosphorus","Percent":14.21981},{"Name":"iron","Percent":11.755417},{"Name":"nickel","Percent":8.891305},{"Name":"chromium","Percent":5.286802},{"Name":"manganese","Percent":4.854868},{"Name":"selenium","Percent":4.133917},{"Name":"niobium","Percent":0.80342},{"Name":"ruthenium","Percent":0.725972},{"Name":"tin","Percent":0.704194}],"Composition":{"Ice":0.825887,"Rock":0.158807,"Metal":0.015306},"SemiMajorAxis":5557706058.02536,"Eccentricity":0.004481,"OrbitalInclination":0.762742,"Periapsis":182.714988,"OrbitalPeriod":22256404.7575,"AscendingNode":131.701518,"MeanAnomaly":150.867513,"RotationPeriod":134452.01699,"AxialTilt":-0.386935,"WasDiscovered":true,"WasMapped":true}
{"timestamp":"2023-10-10T07:02:01Z","event":"FSSBodySignals","BodyName":"Pencil Sector HW-W c1-5 A 5 c","BodyID":47,"SystemAddress":1459651351242,"Signals":[{"Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Biological;","Type_Localised":"Biological","Count":2}]}
Here's a slight mystery I've seen recently:
On FSS I get a report of a body having two potential variants of, say, Fonticulua Digitos, one probable (marked as green) and one unlikely (marked as red). I then DSS scan the planet: the unlikely variant disappears, and only the likely one remains. As the unlikely colour variant was the reason I went for the planet, it's a bit disconcerting to have it vanish like that ...
I see nothing in log entries that explains this, so I get the impression that one analysis is done on FSS, and a slightly different one after DSS, with a slightly different result.
Here's a slight mystery I've seen recently:
On FSS I get a report of a body having two potential variants of, say, Fonticulua Digitos, one probable (marked as green) and one unlikely (marked as red). I then DSS scan the planet: the unlikely variant disappears, and only the likely one remains. As the unlikely colour variant was the reason I went for the planet, it's a bit disconcerting to have it vanish like that ...
I see nothing in log entries that explains this, so I get the impression that one analysis is done on FSS, and a slightly different one after DSS, with a slightly different result.
The latest instance is Pencil Sector HW-W c1-5 A 5 c (Bacterium and Fonticulua), where FSS produces Fonticulua Digitos Emerald and an uncommon colour variant I didn't record. After DSS only Fonticulua Digitos Emerald (common) remained.
A bug?
BioInsight latest version (v0.2.23060.2034 [ P.S. I wish I could just copy that from somewhere ])
There should be a record on EDMS, but I include my FSS log entries just in case:
JSON:{"timestamp":"2023-10-10T07:02:01Z","event":"Scan","ScanType":"Detailed","BodyName":"Pencil Sector HW-W c1-5 A 5 c","BodyID":47,"Parents":[{"Planet":43},{"Star":1},{"Null":0}],"StarSystem":"Pencil Sector HW-W c1-5","SystemAddress":1459651351242,"DistanceFromArrivalLS":3408.928156,"TidalLock":false,"TerraformState":"","PlanetClass":"Icy body","Atmosphere":"thin methane atmosphere","AtmosphereType":"Methane","AtmosphereComposition":[{"Name":"Methane","Percent":100.0}],"Volcanism":"","MassEM":0.000519,"Radius":710179.9375,"SurfaceGravity":0.409839,"SurfaceTemperature":98.84713,"SurfacePressure":8461.016602,"Landable":true,"Materials":[{"Name":"sulphur","Percent":26.413378},{"Name":"carbon","Percent":22.210915},{"Name":"phosphorus","Percent":14.21981},{"Name":"iron","Percent":11.755417},{"Name":"nickel","Percent":8.891305},{"Name":"chromium","Percent":5.286802},{"Name":"manganese","Percent":4.854868},{"Name":"selenium","Percent":4.133917},{"Name":"niobium","Percent":0.80342},{"Name":"ruthenium","Percent":0.725972},{"Name":"tin","Percent":0.704194}],"Composition":{"Ice":0.825887,"Rock":0.158807,"Metal":0.015306},"SemiMajorAxis":5557706058.02536,"Eccentricity":0.004481,"OrbitalInclination":0.762742,"Periapsis":182.714988,"OrbitalPeriod":22256404.7575,"AscendingNode":131.701518,"MeanAnomaly":150.867513,"RotationPeriod":134452.01699,"AxialTilt":-0.386935,"WasDiscovered":true,"WasMapped":true} {"timestamp":"2023-10-10T07:02:01Z","event":"FSSBodySignals","BodyName":"Pencil Sector HW-W c1-5 A 5 c","BodyID":47,"SystemAddress":1459651351242,"Signals":[{"Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Biological;","Type_Localised":"Biological","Count":2}]}
The FSS draws from the data supplied by the algorithm from the galaxy map with data about the system, which includes of course gravity, temperature range, atmosphere type, orbit etc, it can only use the supplied data from that algorithm to draw a conclusion about what might be there. There are details of the planetary geology that aren't available from that data but only from scanning using the DSS, the data supplied from the DSS gives much greater detail about the planet.
{"timestamp":"2023-10-10T07:41:37Z","event":"Scan","ScanType":"Detailed","BodyName":"Pencil Sector HW-W c1-5 A 5 c","BodyID":47,"Parents":[{"Planet":43},{"Star":1},{"Null":0}],"StarSystem":"Pencil Sector HW-W c1-5","SystemAddress":1459651351242,"DistanceFromArrivalLS":3408.917097,"TidalLock":false,"TerraformState":"","PlanetClass":"Icy body","Atmosphere":"thin methane atmosphere","AtmosphereType":"Methane","AtmosphereComposition":[{"Name":"Methane","Percent":100.0}],"Volcanism":"","MassEM":0.000519,"Radius":710179.9375,"SurfaceGravity":0.409839,"SurfaceTemperature":98.84713,"SurfacePressure":8461.016602,"Landable":true,"Materials":[{"Name":"sulphur","Percent":26.413378},{"Name":"carbon","Percent":22.210915},{"Name":"phosphorus","Percent":14.21981},{"Name":"iron","Percent":11.755417},{"Name":"nickel","Percent":8.891305},{"Name":"chromium","Percent":5.286802},{"Name":"manganese","Percent":4.854868},{"Name":"selenium","Percent":4.133917},{"Name":"niobium","Percent":0.80342},{"Name":"ruthenium","Percent":0.725972},{"Name":"tin","Percent":0.704194}],"Composition":{"Ice":0.825887,"Rock":0.158807,"Metal":0.015306},"SemiMajorAxis":5557706058.02536,"Eccentricity":0.004481,"OrbitalInclination":0.762742,"Periapsis":182.714988,"OrbitalPeriod":22256404.7575,"AscendingNode":131.701518,"MeanAnomaly":150.905944,"RotationPeriod":134452.01699,"AxialTilt":-0.386935,"WasDiscovered":true,"WasMapped":true}
My guess is you scanned A 5 c before A 5 and it was therefore unable to determine exactly where A 5 c was in the system so throws out the other variant as a possibility. By the time you'd mapped A 5 c, you'd since FSSed A 5 and it was then able to determine position and rule out other variant.
The logic for this is improved in next release, to hopefully be a bit better about knowing when a dependant scan has been performed and updating dependants accordingly - but it still might not be perfect. That said, it's extremely unlikely it's ever the variant marked in red, just save yourself the time and skip it![]()