MattG's Observatory plugins

Hey there,
Just to dropping by to add my thanks for this great collection of tools. I've been a happy user especially of the BioInsights plugin for a while now, really appreciate your hard work.

Two questions, if I may:

- I'm really enjoying the BioInsights feature to mark biologicals that I'm still missing from my codex, it really tickles my completionist itch. Would it be feasible at all to come up with a similar feature/plugin for geological features, i.e. a GeoInsights plugin that alerts you to potentially still uncodexed geo features? Apologies if this is asked from a naive non-coder perspective.

- I may have missed this on your website, but do you have an official donation/support link?

I think we discussed this earlier in the thread, it comes down to, bio and geo are not treated the same way by the game and there's practically no way to tell exactly what geo features exist on a planet until you actually visit them.
I think we discussed this earlier in the thread, it comes down to, bio and geo are not treated the same way by the game and there's practically no way to tell exactly what geo features exist on a planet until you actually visit them.

Ah, thanks for highlighting / sorry for missing this. I was afraid this might be the obvious answer; thanks for confirming!
- I'm really enjoying the BioInsights feature to mark biologicals that I'm still missing from my codex, it really tickles my completionist itch. Would it be feasible at all to come up with a similar feature/plugin for geological features, i.e. a GeoInsights plugin that alerts you to potentially still uncodexed geo features? Apologies if this is asked from a naive non-coder perspective.

I'm getting asked this more and more frequently, so I've added it to my todo list to at least investigate the feasibility.

My todo list is massive though and seemingly growing faster than I can tick things off so not sure when this might be.
Hi @MattG. I am a new user of the Observatory app and I find it fantastic. However, all plugins are working fine except for BioInsight. It doesn’t read anything. I have the latest version of the plugin. What could it be?
Hi @MattG. I am a new user of the Observatory app and I find it fantastic. However, all plugins are working fine except for BioInsight. It doesn’t read anything. I have the latest version of the plugin. What could it be?
Try reinstalling BioInsights - if you used the installer version of Observatory Core, you can simply close it and the double click the .eop for BioInsights - that will install it and re-open Observatory. If you use the standalone version of Observatory then hit the Core tab and "Open Plugin Folder", drag the eop into there then close and restart Observatory.

Once installed, try pushing Read All (it'll take a short while). If you still get no output then hit Core -> Observatory BioInsights and there's another Open Plugin Folder - this will take you to BioInsights data folder and there should be BioInsights.Log in there which might provide some clues
I've updated Evaluator, BioInsights and Codex Companion here

Added a "Maximum Systems to show after Read All" setting to limit how many results are displayed after doing a Read All. A significant amount of the time taken for Read All is actually from displaying the results so we set a sensible limit for this but allow people to go higher if they choose.
Added an Efficient Routing option to give the best route between bodies to be mapped. Except it's not yet perfect - in particular, it's not always accurate when travelling from bodies orbiting one star to bodies orbiting another. If you decide to alter the order bodies are mapped, it will recalculate from the recently mapped body, and it's usually accurate for bodies orbiting the same parent. I have plans to improve this but need to get my head around a missing piece of maths.
Added a notification option for efficient routing that will tell you the next body to map.
Added a persistent notification option that will display when in DSS mode and will show all the bodies that are worth mapping that still need to be mapped.

Improved codex rules for a number of species. In particular, tweaked rules for Bacterium Tela to reduce false positives - let me know if it doesn't predict it where it should do.
Semi-speculative fix for distance notifications that means they should work properly between play sessions, finally.
Added options to "Set valuable bodies 'worth mapping' in Evaluator" and "Set marked bodies 'worth mapping' in Evaluator". As expected, these options will optionally mark bodies in Evaluator to be included in the route planning between bodies it now does. Evaluator will still respect the maximum distance for atmospherics, if set - so if BioInsights says there's a valuable body but it's 500k LS away and a maximum distance is set lower than 500k LS, then it won't be included in route.

Codex Companion
Updated to reflect tweaked codex rules in BioInsights.
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Try reinstalling BioInsights - if you used the installer version of Observatory Core, you can simply close it and the double click the .eop for BioInsights - that will install it and re-open Observatory. If you use the standalone version of Observatory then hit the Core tab and "Open Plugin Folder", drag the eop into there then close and restart Observatory.

Once installed, try pushing Read All (it'll take a short while). If you still get no output then hit Core -> Observatory BioInsights and there's another Open Plugin Folder - this will take you to BioInsights data folder and there should be BioInsights.Log in there which might provide some clues
Thank you for your answer. I am traveling now, but when back, I will try it.
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Added an Efficient Routing option to give the best route between bodies to be mapped. Except it's not yet perfect - in particular, it's not always accurate when travelling from bodies orbiting one star to bodies orbiting another. If you decide to alter the order bodies are mapped, it will recalculate from the recently mapped body, and it's usually accurate for bodies orbiting the same parent. I have plans to improve this but need to get my head around a missing piece of maths.

Excellent addition to the tool, I have been using it, currently mapping 9 bodies across 3 stars in one system and it's working fine, but the stars are all a long way apart so that probably helps;

I've updated Evaluator, BioInsights and Codex Companion here
Hi Matt,

Love the plugins, but can you consider adding an option to disable/remove the voice prompts for the system scan and map scan completion and prompt to the next body?
I often like to pick and choose via the 'T' target during the scan myself.
I'm sure there's one in this thread, but since I can't search it: Is there a guide to installing the most recent version of Observatory and your plug-ins?

I am notoriously clueless about modding, hope it's not complicated. :unsure:
I'm sure there's one in this thread, but since I can't search it: Is there a guide to installing the most recent version of Observatory and your plug-ins?

I am notoriously clueless about modding, hope it's not complicated. :unsure:
Go here, and download ObservatorySetup.exe.
Run it.
Run Observatory.
In whatever folder you put Observatory, there will be a plugins folder.
Put plugins there.
Close Observatory
Run Observatory again.
Click Read All once and wait until it finishes.

At least that's how I do it :)
In whatever folder you put Observatory, there will be a plugins folder.
Put plugins there.
If Observatory is in the default folders, will the plug-in installer put it where it needs to go? Or will I need to locate the folder myself and unzip the plug-ins there?
If Observatory is in the default folders, will the plug-in installer put it where it needs to go? Or will I need to locate the folder myself and unzip the plug-ins there?

Don't need to do anything like that, if you fire up Observatory there's a button to open the plugin folder in the Core options section and you can then drag the plugins directly there. Once you have the plugins installed then you can set up Matt's Plugin Auto-updater to check and update plugins if necessary every time you start Observatory, it's pretty easy really, have fun.
If Observatory is in the default folders, will the plug-in installer put it where it needs to go? Or will I need to locate the folder myself and unzip the plug-ins there?

If you used the installer version of Observatory rather than the standalone (the setup EXE rather than the ZIP download), you don't even need to manually put the plugins in the plugin folder. Download the .eop for the plugin, close Observatory and then double click the .eop. This will install the plugin wherever you installed Observatory and then re-open Observatory. That's it. If for any reason that doesn't work, then follow the advice above about using the plugin folder button - but you shouldn't need to. One word of caution: If you're installing multiple plugins at the same time by double clicking, do them one at a time, wait for Observatory to open and then close it again before installing the next.
If you used the installer version of Observatory rather than the standalone (the setup EXE rather than the ZIP download), you don't even need to manually put the plugins in the plugin folder. Download the .eop for the plugin, close Observatory and then double click the .eop. This will install the plugin wherever you installed Observatory and then re-open Observatory. That's it. If for any reason that doesn't work, then follow the advice above about using the plugin folder button - but you shouldn't need to. One word of caution: If you're installing multiple plugins at the same time by double clicking, do them one at a time, wait for Observatory to open and then close it again before installing the next.
Cool, I didn't know about the auto-install feature. Very nice.
Try reinstalling BioInsights - if you used the installer version of Observatory Core, you can simply close it and the double click the .eop for BioInsights - that will install it and re-open Observatory. If you use the standalone version of Observatory then hit the Core tab and "Open Plugin Folder", drag the eop into there then close and restart Observatory.

Once installed, try pushing Read All (it'll take a short while). If you still get no output then hit Core -> Observatory BioInsights and there's another Open Plugin Folder - this will take you to BioInsights data folder and there should be BioInsights.Log in there which might provide some clues
Thank you very much. It is working now.
Guys, would you know which types of stars I should prioritize to increase my chances of finding higher value exobiology?
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