Mining in Wing Bugged / Seismic Charges Not Functioning Properly

When the new mining system was introduced I had no issue mining while in a wing. Now, when deep core mining, seismic charges for at least one player do not function properly while in a wing. Upon launching a seismic charge into a fissure, there is no countdown and no graph. It is as if the charge detonates on impact and it states that "one resource chunk has been freed". If another fissure is targeted and a seismic charge is launch, it will also detonate on impact but the asteroid will suddenly explode and crack open. My ship can usually tank the blast but resource chunks are lost or my ship is damaged severely. I have tried dropping from the wing and mining but the issue continues. The only way to fix it is to drop from wing, re-log and go to a different location away from my wing mate.
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I got a slightly different experience.
First charge I fired did explode on contact and free one resource.
Second charge bounced. Bad aim.
3rd and 4th charges embedded but I got no graph.
Asteroid cracked at the proper time and released 4 resource fragments.
There were an additional 4 resource fragments that I abraded off.
So, total 9 fragments from which I processed 3 tons on one ship and 2 tons on the other ship. Both ships have a bit still in the hopper.
Actually not too bad a haul.
I am going to give a try in just private group and see what happens.

On the plus side. Both ships could read the Limpet info to see what was there.
Once it cracked, both ships could target the fragments that needed to be abraded.
I have now tried all the things I did about a year ago when similar stuff was happening and I am get premature detonation consistently and rarely getting an embed and never getting the graph as long as the ships are in wing..
So, somewhere between about may and now, an update completely broke the Wing Mining.

Still working on mining in PG with both ships at the same asteroid.
You know there is a place to report bugs so that maybe they'll get looked at. Somehow, I don't think bugs posted here mean anything.
I plan to report it, not that I expect it to get fixed. Right now I am investigating and documenting for myself so I can copy and paste it into that useless bug reporting thing.

Finally managed to get both ships in PG within 2km of the same rock with Granderite core and LTD surface and subsurface. Mined the surface and subsurface stuff with the ship that had planted the prospector since thet was the only one that could see the locations, and collected and refined them with the other ship.

Planted siesmic charges and they worked exactly as advertised.

Abraded off the surface deposits of Granderite with both ships and collected and refined with both ships.

This was tedious for me since I am flying both ships but it looks to me like two or more ships in PG with separate pilots with good voice comms could probably do a coordinated sweep searching for Core rocks and then gather around to do a quick cleanup of the debris after the finder of the rock cracked it.

Long long ago, like, 12 months or so, when the siesmic charge thing was released, I worked out for myself that this same issue existed but ONLY when the ship was equipped with the TURRET SC. The FIXED SC worked even when the ships were in wing. Wonder if the problem has become reversed??

So, Do I slough back someplace to get some turreted SC and do a test??
I do my mining out in the black 300~ LY from civilization so it is a slough.

Now in Kwele System, Gibbs Vision.
Great place to carry out experiments since there is a ringed planet with a lot of high value hot spots in the system.

Bought turreted SCL's for both ships and went to the ring and cracked some rocks for about 3 hours.
I run two ships on side by side computers in a PG.

My observations.
If BOTH ships have prospected the same rock, both ships can set SC's and both ships will see the graphs and when a ship adds a SC to the rock, the graphs for both ships changes and all the charges will synchronize. I am going to attempt this with the fixed SCL's on Saturday since I have no time tomorrow.

If only one ship has prospected the rock, the other ship must be at least 3KM from the other ship or the limpet. Not completely sure which,, BUT,, at least it can be close enough to get in quick and start picking of fragments and/or knocking off surface deposits. I am going to attempt this with the fixed SCL's on Saturday since I have no time tomorrow.

If the ships are not winged,
a. there doesn't seem to be any proximity issue.
b. both ships can place charges if they have prospected but the graph only reflects the ship that placed the charges and the charges do not synchronize.
c. when the rock cracks both ships can collect
d. This really isn't a very good way of mining when one person is flying both ships. As I noted earlier I think a well coordinated team could do very well though.
Went back to Gibbs Vision and fitted FIXED SCL 's and went back to the ring.
The only way I ever got the graph was not winged and at least 3 KM distance between the ships but even then there was no guarantee I would get the graph.
Going back to Gibbs and refit the TURRET SCL" and see what happens.
The only way I've found this to work is to fire your last shot for ideal yield (blindly) and let the timer fo off by itself, hoping your last shot was perfect. Hopefully this will be fixed next month?,
The only way I've found this to work is to fire your last shot for ideal yield (blindly) and let the timer fo off by itself, hoping your last shot was perfect. Hopefully this will be fixed next month?,
Since this seems to be mount type specific, what SCL mount are you using.
I am taking a dinner break after getting both Pythons hold and refinery full 192+10 mostly LTD's
90% of the time I had a graph. BUT, 10% of that the graph seemed to be meaningless. Had several times when the graph would look good and the yield would be low and other times when the only way I could get a rock to crack was to have a horrible graph and I would get a 10+ yield.
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