Horizons [Multi crew] gaining fine on Wanted ships

o7 Cmdr's

Yesterday evening me and a friend (PS4) tested out the multi crew funcion on my conda in an extraction site.

After initial trouble of understanding how the gunner role worked we started to nuke down the wanted ships.

Comes out, every time the gunner hit the wanted ships i gained a fine of 300/400 credit for attacking a that ship, then another big sum for killing it.
In the same time i always got the blue message telling that i was awarded for the bounty of killing criminal XYZ.

We did not get the red wanted status and also the transaction tab had no messages except the gained bounties that had to be delivered.

It was all fine as long as we stood inside the extraction site, then we wanted to try something more challenging and headed for a hazardous one.

Just after supercruising out interdictions started from bounty hunters that were clean, so all we did was to submit interdiction and restart the supercruise.

Once inside the hazardous extraction site all the bonty hunters and also the pirates (moron me, forgot about the cargo i still had) went for us, we runned.

We then headed back to the local coriolis station ( always interdicted every two minutes by clean bounty hunters), we got scanned by the security and they immediately turned hostile, we had to re escape, re enter in silent mode.

Inside the station we could deliver the bounty's but there was no sign of any fine nor an advice on bounty on us.

Has this happened before?
I assume it's a Bug and not a wanted multi crew game killer.
Is there anything i/we can do to avoid it?

Fly safely, don't get those hidden wanted status like we did.

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