My explorer build.. any improvement appreciated.

I find that even a ship with 70+ lys jump range rarely jumps the max stated you always end up jumping around 2lys less than stated I find that you may achieve the max stated when enabling all stars including non fuel scoop stars but I find it's easier to turn off various stars like m class anyway as you will find it may add a few extra jumps but you are more inclined to find better systems that pay out more .
New attempt with pp now 2a and no repair thingys. Also just one srv. Dropped the distributor down too. So slightly longer ly range thx!!

I've modified your build a bit - 68ly with all the basic toys. Those shields wont save you from a crash landing...
(mass manager on FSD instead of stripped, 2d pd, 3a pp, added repair limpet and afmu)

But it you are not constrained by credits, go for an AspX or a Phantom. Yes they will be more expensive
74.18ly folks. With all the mods u mentioned. 2d pp just wouldn't go green so stuck with 2a. Wow. Well chuffed...building and modding tonight !!
A general tip: You can disable several modules (cargo hatch, hangar, afmu) most of the time and only reactivate them as needed, this will lower you power requirements and let your ship run cooler in turn.

To add to this, I strongly advise to still have enough reserve power to activate at least any one of the deactivated modules without going over 100%. And properly set your power priorities.
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Again, don't be fooled by max range value - it's a total max available when you have exactly enough fuel to make that jump. Pretty much theoretic value, rarely seen in flight. More indicative is laden range, this one or close to it you'll see more often.

For the PP - first set your power priorities, for just flying all you need powered up is life support, FSD, (booster if using) and fuel scoop. Th ewhole rest can be safely turned off, and that includes:
  • cargo hatch
  • shields (you won't be bumping things in flight anyway)
  • PD (you set 4 PIPs to engine and leave it that way)
  • sensors (those are needed to target other ships and stations, unused in deep space)
  • AFMU (unused in regular flight)

With above depowered you can now fit the smallest PP that will provide enough power for the rest and working modules. No worries if it goes red with anything more powered on. That's why you have power management in the first place.

Want to land and need shields - turn off FSD, fuel scoop and booster - you won't be needing them while landing. Add PD and switch PIPs to shields and you're set.
Want to use AFMU (very power hungry), turn off FSD, fuel scoop, booster, shields and you're ready to repair - just do it in normal space - drop SC first.
Want to dock and can't target anything since sensors don't have power? Power up shields and turn off the usual.

2A PP with G5 more power engineering should be enough with proper power management. Use dry fitting, play with different modules powered on and of, depending on situation and see if it will be enough. And smaller PP means less mass = more range.
I'm not a big fan of downgrading stuff for the sake of range. In the end, the only reason you would want to go 70ly each jump, is if you want to get to a specific place fast or if the location you want to go really need a range like that.
I'd never ever go out with D-rated Thrusters. That's an invitation for gravity to smash you.
So naturally, my explorer is a bit more robust, a Phantom with a range of about 58ly, but no compromises whatsoever when it comes to securing the ship. No cardboard build and only the distributor and the powerplant down to the minimum. I don't need to switch off modules for power management and even carry an AFMU and a repair limpet controller for whatever emergency might happen.

But I guess that comes down to preference and what's exploration for you. I like to feel safe and at home in my ship and go forward slowly and don't mind not having the maximum range that can ever be achieved.
Awww, poop. Coriolis not being cooperative so I can't post a link. :(

Anyway, here's the changes I'd make....

Light Alloy hull. G5 HD + Deep Plating (cos it weighs nothing so you might as well)
2A PP. G1 OC + Thermal Spread (cos it's easy to mod' it to G2 or G3 if you ever need more power)
4D Thrusters. G5 DD + stripped down (cos they're faster and heat generated by thrusters is rarely an issue)
5A FSD. G5 IR + mass Manager (cos it gives the best range)
2D PDist. G5 Engine focused + Cluster capacitors (cos it's all you need)

4A Fuel Scoop (cos the DBX is already slow at scooping so it needs the best scoop you can fit)
3H Guardian FSD Booster (cos the biggest remainig slot is a C3)
3D Shield. G5 Enhanced Low Power + oversized (cos you're likely to only need a shield to protect you from isolated bumps)
2E Cargo Rack (for use with limpets)
1D Repair Limpet Controller (cos it might come in handy, especially if you happen to crack the canopy - and we're getting to the point where there isn't much useful stuff to fit)

1D Mining Lance (cos you might need to collect mat's or shoot stuff)

That'll give you a ship with an ultimate jump-range of 71.26Ly and a practical range of 66.2.

If it was me, I'd also look at fitting a couple of 0E shield boosters (and then cranking up the PP if required) to strengthen the shield if you're okay with losing a small amount of range.
I don't think you need the extra tanks. The DBX has a decent-sized fuel tank (same size as an Annie!) and can manage 5 or 6 big jumps between refuelling.
I always fit a Mining Lance to my exploration ships because FDev has a habit of wanting us to interact with stuff by shooting at it.
If you can't fit a Mining Lance, fit a regular mining laser, just in case you need to get mat's for an FSD injection from an Asteroid.
Disable modules you don't use all the time (AFMU, Repair Controller, Mining laser, Cargo Hatch).
If you need to repair you can disable your thrusters and/or shield to provide power for the AFMU.
If you need the mining laser you can disable your FSD to provide power for it.

On the subject of power, never, EVER, try to be clever by setting your ship up so it'll only fly with the SRV hangar disabled.
If you do that, you'll deploy your SRV, your ship will return to orbit and then, when you recall it, it'll fall out of the sky and explode.
I know your build doesn't do that but I thought it was worth mentioning.
I'm not a big fan of downgrading stuff for the sake of range. In the end, the only reason you would want to go 70ly each jump, is if you want to get to a specific place fast or if the location you want to go really need a range like that.
I'd never ever go out with D-rated Thrusters. That's an invitation for gravity to smash you.
So naturally, my explorer is a bit more robust, a Phantom with a range of about 58ly, but no compromises whatsoever when it comes to securing the ship. No cardboard build and only the distributor and the powerplant down to the minimum. I don't need to switch off modules for power management and even carry an AFMU and a repair limpet controller for whatever emergency might happen.

But I guess that comes down to preference and what's exploration for you. I like to feel safe and at home in my ship and go forward slowly and don't mind not having the maximum range that can ever be achieved.
The niche exploration use scenario is what the DbE is basically good for, in my opinion. I find surviving while out exploring to be very easy and have never had any real difficulties with it. Just know your ship's limitations.

But yeah, for general exploration, I prefer other ships and build types.
The niche exploration use scenario is what the DbE is basically good for, in my opinion. I find surviving while out exploring to be very easy and have never had any real difficulties with it. Just know your ship's limitations.


Went to SagA in a shieldless sidey with no AFMU either.
Nobody died.

Obviously, it's better to have some toys, even if you never use them, but being careful is the best survival aid when exploring.
The 3A scoop will make refueling tedious, since even the size 4 slot on the DBX isn't optimal for exploration. I'd swap with the FSD booster.

This is why I can't use my DBX for exploration. I just use it for runs short(ish) runs.

In my AspX I can hit FSD while still scooping (as soon as FSD cooldown is done) and not worry about overheating either. While my jump range is significantly less in my AspX, I travel much faster due to the much reduced time spent scooping.
This is why I can't use my DBX for exploration. I just use it for runs short(ish) runs.

In my AspX I can hit FSD while still scooping (as soon as FSD cooldown is done) and not worry about overheating either. While my jump range is significantly less in my AspX, I travel much faster due to the much reduced time spent scooping.
With the time using the FSS to see if you want to explore a system further, it may be less of a factor now, but for me, I do prefer to get out a ways from the main star before using the FSS, so still not what I'd generally prefer.

System time use is now dominated more by the FSS in general, but still, I don't want to spend proportionally more time fuel scooping and less time exploring (or jump honking along and seeing if I can spot anything interesting looking), if I don't have to.
With the time using the FSS to see if you want to explore a system further, it may be less of a factor now, but for me, I do prefer to get out a ways from the main star before using the FSS, so still not what I'd generally prefer.

If you're going to scan the system then it makes no odds, I agree. I'm referring to travelling - i.e. the jump and honk. My exploring consists of several hours of travelling before I choose a place to stay for a while. Those hours are noticeably less in the AspX. When I'm travelling, I am literally just jumping as quickly as I possibly can. :)
The DBX is a great Hub taxi, and with 4 PD's is good for the Thargoid sites. Alas, as an explorer, the 4A fuel scoop is just slow enough to become an aggravation for extended travel.

I'd use an ASP, Anaconda, or a Phantom.


I tried going back out last week and got about 3kly outside the bubble and just couldn't do it again. Turned around and headed back.

I need Fleet Carriers really bad...
The DBX is a great Hub taxi, and with 4 PD's is good for the Thargoid sites. Alas, as an explorer, the 4A fuel scoop is just slow enough to become an aggravation for extended travel.

I'd use an ASP, Anaconda, or a Phantom.


I tried going back out last week and got about 3kly outside the bubble and just couldn't do it again. Turned around and headed back.

I need Fleet Carriers really bad...
I took a DbS out to Sgr A back in 3301/2015. As far as I know, that's the only ship with a slower fuel scooping potential than the DbE. Let's just say I haven't used the Diamondback ships much since then. :)

The FSS game-play loop is another matter for me, but that's getting a bit off topic here. I only mention it for the proportional amount of time it takes.
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