Horizons My first day of playing Horizons-WOW!!!!!

I took another mission where I needed to find a contact, but I must have screwed something up, as I couldn't find the contact anywhere. Shame, as it was worth over 100,000 credits.

Was it a hold on to a package mission?

I took one too, yesterday.
I thought it was bugged, but the contact showed up in the designated system.
I wish there was a countdown timer in the description so it would be easier to judge when the contact is supposed to arrive.
I had to wait for twenty minutes and thought I had to search for the contact in USS, which turned out not to be the case.
He eventually jumped in the system and gave me a drop point for the package.

I wish FD would make these missions a bit more exiting by making them a bit more difficult.
I want more opposition hunting me and trying to take the package.
Currently the mission is too tame and any aggressor is easily annihilated in my combat Python.
The mission difficulty should scale based on your combat rank and the ship you fly.
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Was it a hold on to a package mission?

I took one too, yesterday.
I thought it was bugged, but the contact showed up in the designated system.
I wish there was a countdown timer in the description so it would be easier to judge when the contact is supposed to arrive.
I had to wait for twenty minutes and thought I had to search for the contact in USS, which turned out not to be the case.
He eventually jumped in the system and gave me a drop point for the package.

I wish FD would make these missions a bit more exiting by making them a bit more difficult.
I want more opposition hunting me and trying to take the package.
Currently the mission is too tame and any aggressor is easily annihilated in my combat Python.
The mission difficulty should scale based on your combat rank and the ship you fly.

I hear you on that note. I'm OK with it as it is for now, because I know how much they improved the original missions between last year & this year-hopefully these new missions will get more tweaks now that the basic mechanics are in place.

I had an interesting, albeit disastrous, hostage rescue mission just now. Found my target OK, but sadly he was clean in the system I was hunting him in, so got to lose my squeaky clean image by targeting his cargo hatch to get the hostage dropped. Sadly the local law enforcement killed me before I could scoop the hostage. Next time I'll try to be better prepared by having all the right equipment with me to complete the mission more safely (cargo hatch limpets, interdiction unit, wake scanner).
Next time I'll try to be better prepared by having all the right equipment with me to complete the mission more safely (cargo hatch limpets, interdiction unit, wake scanner).

I think it is great that the game doesn't hold hands and makes you think about what tools you need for a job.
This is a great experience and it makes you feel like a pro when you get it right.
I think it is great that the game doesn't hold hands and makes you think about what tools you need for a job.
This is a great experience and it makes you feel like a pro when you get it right.

The only thing to understand is that they made this a super-boring grind again. This is so utterly bad designed that i start to think Frontier is unable to design anything more complex or interesting than this kind of mechanics.

This time its about driving around in a car, shooting at a resource block every few minutes and collect the resources. A very good addition to the existing exploration content, that is about pushing a button once per system to start your super-ping scanner and then direct your nose at every interesting looking planet.

It's perfectly in the line of everything that frontier and david braben seems to consider as entertaining gameplay.
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It's perfectly in the line of everything that frontier and david braben seems to consider as entertaining gameplay.

Earlier tonight as I was working I listened to and watched a twitch stream of a dude playing Horizons because it was entertaining to me. Made work go much faster for me. After I was finished working, I fired up the game and played for several hours, again, because I found it entertaining. All in all I must have futzed around with Elite for something on the order of six or seven hours. You might not like the game, but like it or don't, you're not the only person on this planet with an opinion and a whole lot of other people think David Braben and Frontier have done an outstanding job at creating something that is entertaining
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Who's trolling? Angry troll is angry.

Actually, it doesn't sound like a COD fan to me, what it sounds like is someone who's intelligence was insulted by authors that sell novels then to find out the book is 500 pages of grid-squares labeled "Cross word puzzle #1, 2, 3, 4 etc" with no black grids, no hints, with a cover footnote saying "Don't worry, we'll add in hints and starter words throughout the year!" and servile fans mindlessly droning, "Use your imagination! It doesn't matter what's in the book, it only matter what's on the cover!".

Oh look, one troll defending another. This is my thread, so you're the ones trolling it by spouting your usual crap about how "boring" the game is. Like I keep saying, if you hate it, don't play it-& stop wasting thread space with your inane, unintelligible garbage.
who have nothing better to do with their time :):):):):)ing & moaning about Elite: Dangerous. Seriously, do you not have lives?

I see, so if someone disagrees with you or defends someone being abused by you as obviously laid out by the forum rules as personal attacks, they're a troll who don't have a life :S . Yet you have time to moan about those moaning? Oooookay then.

This word you keep using, "troll", I do not think it means what you think it means.

Seriously though, if that many people are moaning about Elite Dangerous in your thread to the point you feel compelled to break the forum rules to defend your game, you should be asking yourself a few questions instead of attacking them. Such as, can FDev survive to year 3 without those player's support (seriously, if there is that many?), and if there are that many, then something must be wrong with the game that you're just not seeing. You can't drive a bent nail until its been straightened out. It seems as if you feel as if the complaints somehow threaten you. I can assure you, the only way that is true is if FDev ignores them, and those "wingers" become lost revenue for Elite Dangerous. I'm pretty sure at this point, you'll have a lot more to feel threatened about, such as FDev turning off the lights for Elite Dangerous. That's why post what I do. I'm not demanding things to be done my way. I'm not trying to silence people's opinions I disagree with. And I'm surely not going around telling people to shut up as you were. I'm asking for sensible change that appeals to a broader audience -- not for me, but for the longevity of the game. Hell, some of the things I advocate for I don't even agree with, but I know it will help the game, and if it will help the game, I'm 100% on board.

You know I just made a post today that very politely explains this phenomena of either being threatened by critique or being blind to the focus of it. You should check it out and see if it applies to you. Perhaps it will help you better understand.

I'll leave you with this thought: If you truly love the game as much as you appear, you may want to open your mind to ideas that benefit the game and not just yourself.

Hopefully, you'll receive this as intended: helpful.
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Ok, I'll hold my hand up.

Bought the L.E.P, but wasn't expecting much from Horizons at launch and, in some respects and for some players, that is the case.

Today is the first chance I've had to really sink my teeth into any of the 'Planetary' stuff, not the missions or anything just landing and looking.

It's stunning.

The whole '1 to 1 scale model of our galaxy' thing I was always indifferent to; I knew the scale was there but it never felt big. This tiny moon/planet thing I've spent the last six-hours on is immense; now things have a scale to them, and what a scale.

Landed my cobra 'next to' a large hill I wanted to drive up. 20 minutes later I'm at the foot of the mountain, the damn thing was so far away it felt as if I'd never get there.

Then the simple act of bimbling around the surface...the art and audio team have done a superb job:
Climbing out of a crater, bit of dust floating up as the star pops its head over the rim;
The audio for the scanner so good that once you get your ear in, you can track by the audio alone.

I know there's a hell of a lot under-the-hood of this game that needs fixing, but I've just lost track of the last six-hours.

Exploration for me is pottering about on land looking for stuff; I suspect I'm about to lose track of many many more hours.
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Ok, I'll hold my hand up.

Bought the L.E.P, but wasn't expecting much from Horizons at launch and, in some respects and for some players, that is the case.

Today is the first chance I've had to really sink my teeth into any of the 'Planetary' stuff, not the missions or anything just landing and looking.

It's stunning.

The whole '1 to 1 scale model of our galaxy' thing I was always indifferent to; I knew the scale was there but it never felt big. This tiny moon/planet thing I've spent the last six-hours on is immense; now things have a scale to them, and what a scale.

Landed my cobra 'next to' a large hill I wanted to drive up. 20 minutes later I'm at the foot of the mountain, the damn thing was so far away it felt as if I'd never get there.

Then the simple act of bimbling around the surface...the art and audio team have done a superb job:
Climbing out of a crater, bit of dust floating up as the star pops its head over the rim;
The audio for the scanner so good that once you get your ear in, you can track by the audio alone.

I know there's a hell of a lot under-the-hood of this game that needs fixing, but I've just lost track of the last six-hours.

Exploration for me is pottering about on land looking for stuff; I suspect I'm about to lose track of many many more hours.

Excellent. I'm losing hours like mad as well
I see, so if someone disagrees with you or defends someone being abused by you as obviously laid out by the forum rules as personal attacks, they're a troll who don't have a life :S . Yet you have time to moan about those moaning? Oooookay then.

This word you keep using, "troll", I do not think it means what you think it means.

Seriously though, if that many people are moaning about Elite Dangerous in your thread to the point you feel compelled to break the forum rules to defend your game, you should be asking yourself a few questions instead of attacking them. Such as, can FDev survive to year 3 without those player's support (seriously, if there is that many?), and if there are that many, then something must be wrong with the game that you're just not seeing. You can't drive a bent nail until its been straightened out. It seems as if you feel as if the complaints somehow threaten you. I can assure you, the only way that is true is if FDev ignores them, and those "wingers" become lost revenue for Elite Dangerous. I'm pretty sure at this point, you'll have a lot more to feel threatened about, such as FDev turning off the lights for Elite Dangerous. That's why post what I do. I'm not demanding things to be done my way. I'm not trying to silence people's opinions I disagree with. And I'm surely not going around telling people to shut up as you were. I'm asking for sensible change that appeals to a broader audience -- not for me, but for the longevity of the game. Hell, some of the things I advocate for I don't even agree with, but I know it will help the game, and if it will help the game, I'm 100% on board.

You know I just made a post today that very politely explains this phenomena of either being threatened by critique or being blind to the focus of it. You should check it out and see if it applies to you. Perhaps it will help you better understand.

I'll leave you with this thought: If you truly love the game as much as you appear, you may want to open your mind to ideas that benefit the game and not just yourself.

Hopefully, you'll receive this as intended: helpful.

Your obsessed with Frontier 'turning off the lights', as I stated in the other thread that you ruined by your inane babble, Frontier have plenty of spare cash to keep ED going for a while yet. And there are other revenues for them to explore if it really got that bad. Given that they have sold nearly a million copies of the base game, they don't need a huge percentage of players (who don't have lifetime passes etc.) to but Horizons to 'keep the lights on'.

Also your forgetting that there are people out there who are waiting for more features in ED to dive in, so there could be plenty more players out there who will buy Horizons (which comes with the base game anyway). And as I also stated in the other thread David Braben said himself that if the game got to the point where they were turning the servers off they would find a way of making the database and tools available to have a true offline version. You really are a self opinionated little man who thinks way too highly of himself and thinks that everyone else is just deluding themselves and that Frontier are burying their head in the sand.

I will give you something though, in three years of being on these forums I have yet to find a person that I had to put on my ignore list ... Until now .. congratulations.
Your obsessed with Frontier 'turning off the lights', as I stated in the other thread that you ruined by your inane babble,

Other thread, you mean my own thread?

I stopped reading here:

Frontier have plenty of spare cash to keep ED going for a while yet.

Because you are clearly out of touch with reality. FDev doesn't even have enough money to give us a complete expansion after we all paid a AAA price. Yet somehow you seem believe they have a secret leprechaun stash that will indefinitely feed their hamsters that power the servers even though the terms of service is already written in a manner that it is prepared to drop you like a cheap wallet from WalMart.

https://www.frontierstore.net/ed-eula/ (7.1.1):
[snip] The Game may allow [snip] users of the Game to enjoy certain on-line or multiplayer features and functionality associated with the Game (“Online Features”). [snip] Online Features [snip] are not guaranteed to be available for any period of time, [snip] may be subject to suspension or withdrawal at any time, [snip] .
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It's nice to see someone else still playing on a 4:3 aspect ratio monitor!

The ringed large surface ports are amazing. I hope they get ambient traffic one day.

Isnt that the aspect ratio of a VR set as well? And yes, the surface ports in general are awesome. :)

OP: Horizons is just awesome. Fly safe and good luck on your journeys, CMDR Hicks. o7
So what do you do when you land on a planet, can you collect resources? get exploration points?.....what is the main reason to land?

I'm out exploring 14000 ly from Sol is it worth my while buying Horizons, or should i wait til I get back to inhabited space?
Recently got back into Elite after a LONG break and tried Horizions... Got a ground vehicle and landed on a planet (if this is what they are calling what we got now)... Rode around... Game seems just as empty as before except now we can play the same boring game with a ground vehicle. Promptly left. Space Engineers has more engaging game play than Elite. Hell we can even land on planets now! And we can have more than FOUR people playing at once! And this is alpha on SE! Something we still CANNOT do on this game. Don't think what we do now is anything "planetary" Because IMHO it just feels like landing on a bigger asteroid.
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So what do you do when you land on a planet, can you collect resources? get exploration points?.....what is the main reason to land?
I'm out exploring 14000 ly from Sol is it worth my while buying Horizons, or should i wait til I get back to inhabited space?

Yes, you can get resources on the ground. You can boost your FSD range, repair the canopy, refill amunition and do other neat things.

Driving around with the SRV generates exploration progress and increases with distance from inhabited space. I am an explorer as well and i returned for the beta - i am now two days out again in my overhauled Asp Explorer.
So far i can tell, that planetary landing add an incredible amount of space feeling to the game. The vistas are mind blowing, ground exploration is just breathtaking and the ability to get something useful back up into the ship made exploration much more rewarding. And believe me, being out there in an SRV is more than just flying over the landscape - if you like exploring, you will love driving in an SRV.
Usually i traveled around 500 lightyears an hour, less when i found nice systems. Now with horizons, i am slowed down a lot... simply cannot withstand to land and take a tour...

I say, heat up your FSD and floor the pedal to get home, refit and head back out. Flying is now only half the exploration.
Recently got back into Elite after a LONG break and tried Horizions... Got a ground vehicle and landed on a planet (if this is what they are calling what we got now)... Rode around... Game seems just as empty as before except now we can play the same boring game with a ground vehicle. Promptly left. Space Engineers has more engaging game play than Elite. Hell we can even land on planets now! And we can have more than FOUR people playing at once! And this is alpha on SE! Something we still CANNOT do on this game. Don't think what we do now is anything "planetary" Because IMHO it just feels like landing on a bigger asteroid.

Its just too damn bad you can't play SE with anyone without feeling like you're flying though honey. Want a space sim you can play with your friends with that's like SE? Empyrion.
Its just too damn bad you can't play SE with anyone without feeling like you're flying though honey. Want a space sim you can play with your friends with that's like SE? Empyrion.
My point is Horizons just feels as empty as Dangerous did. Sure if you like "exploration" and staring at pretty sky boxes then I guess you'll find some enjoyment in it.

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Yes... that pretty much puts it on the point... an atmosphere-less world is a round rock with craters :D
Yup a round rock with craters and pretty much nothing else. Guess that's a interesting game to some. I guess this is the reason we paid $45 right? For an empty barren rock with craters we can land on?
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My point is Horizons just feels as empty as Dangerous did. Sure if you like "exploration" and staring at pretty sky boxes then I guess you'll find some enjoyment in it.

Indeed I agree with you, I just figured I'd give you some helpful advice there instead of beating a dead horse by agreeing. Just read up a few posts more and you'll see what I mean. Obviously people hate different options and logic so much they will personally attack you, fabricate lies, misrepresent your posts, and ignore you instead of engage the debate or admit they are wrong.
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Ok, I'll hold my hand up.

Bought the L.E.P, but wasn't expecting much from Horizons at launch and, in some respects and for some players, that is the case.

Today is the first chance I've had to really sink my teeth into any of the 'Planetary' stuff, not the missions or anything just landing and looking.

It's stunning.

The whole '1 to 1 scale model of our galaxy' thing I was always indifferent to; I knew the scale was there but it never felt big. This tiny moon/planet thing I've spent the last six-hours on is immense; now things have a scale to them, and what a scale.

Landed my cobra 'next to' a large hill I wanted to drive up. 20 minutes later I'm at the foot of the mountain, the damn thing was so far away it felt as if I'd never get there.

Then the simple act of bimbling around the surface...the art and audio team have done a superb job:
Climbing out of a crater, bit of dust floating up as the star pops its head over the rim;
The audio for the scanner so good that once you get your ear in, you can track by the audio alone.

I know there's a hell of a lot under-the-hood of this game that needs fixing, but I've just lost track of the last six-hours.

Exploration for me is pottering about on land looking for stuff; I suspect I'm about to lose track of many many more hours.

Yeah, 'different strokes'. For me and many (many more folks) this game is just what we've always wanted. -The feel of space, the planets/landing and (sorry 'Chippy P', game play), I rate from good to fantastic, in no particular order.
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