I see, so if someone disagrees with you or defends someone being abused by you as obviously laid out by the forum rules as personal attacks, they're a troll who don't have a life :S . Yet you have time to moan about those moaning? Oooookay then.
This word you keep using, "troll", I do not think it means what you think it means.
Seriously though, if that many people are moaning about Elite Dangerous in your thread to the point you feel compelled to break the forum rules to defend your game, you should be asking yourself a few questions instead of attacking them. Such as, can FDev survive to year 3 without those player's support (seriously, if there is that many?), and if there are that many, then something must be wrong with the game that you're just not seeing. You can't drive a bent nail until its been straightened out. It seems as if you feel as if the complaints somehow threaten you. I can assure you, the only way that is true is if FDev ignores them, and those "wingers" become lost revenue for Elite Dangerous. I'm pretty sure at this point, you'll have a lot more to feel threatened about, such as FDev turning off the lights for Elite Dangerous. That's why post what I do. I'm not demanding things to be done my way. I'm not trying to silence people's opinions I disagree with. And I'm surely not going around telling people to shut up as you were. I'm asking for sensible change that appeals to a broader audience -- not for me, but for the longevity of the game. Hell, some of the things I advocate for I don't even agree with, but I know it will help the game, and if it will help the game, I'm 100% on board.
You know I just made a post today that very politely explains this phenomena of either being threatened by critique or being blind to the focus of it. You should
check it out and see if it applies to you. Perhaps it will help you better understand.
I'll leave you with this thought: If you truly love the game as much as you appear, you may want to open your mind to ideas that benefit the game and not just yourself.
Hopefully, you'll receive this as intended: helpful.