My Old Frontier Elite 2 Star Map (so much nostalgia!)

they still boot too :)

I still have working Amiga 500 and 1200 to play it on (plus the box and all it's contents), although it is rarely switched on now. Kicking myself that I never thought to take the Elite stuff to get some signatures, will do the next time.

I also have a working Zx81, BBC micro, and the original apple with a ton of titles for all, including the original Elite (although this ones box is missing). When I joined the Army my stuff went into the attic where it sat for 12 years. Now I am holding on to it all despite having been offered a tidy sum to sell.
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Those of you with the original maps/games can i request something from you, can you for everyone not myself but for all please pinpoint where miacke was in the old game in relation to everywhere else, after watching drews stream it got me thinking, when he showed us all the system that is for some reason still within elite dangerous it was like a sort of clue drop or couod be by frontier.... Now im not saying we are going to find raxxla or anything however multiple clues relate to "core" "core worlds" and we have still missed things back here and it just makes me wonder..... Could we use the old maps in relation to the new map in a way to narrow down possibilities, its a very very long shot however may be worth it
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