New 2024 Livestream series!

Me neither. Once you have walked around your pride and joy once, why bother again. I found it awkward to go continuously around floors and rooms in Mass Effect to get tiny upgrades after searching for the correct room etc etc.
I expect alot of us have played Starfield, how many jump straight into the cockpit and exit Elite style when we get to and from the destination?
I'd "like" interiors for my ship but with any game especially one like ED, people will tend to gravitate to a state of maximum efficiency.
The ‘pace’ is where interiors really pivots in my opinion. It’s possible that many of the Cmdrs who ascribe to interiors also prefer a certain pace to their games.

For FD to apply interiors and for it to be an effective money maker in regards to skins, they must also build a new game element that reflects and exploits that pace.

Now to negate the will they/wont they discussion let’s briefly overview their own evidence; they did start out with this in mind, they did verbally discuss and build mood boards considering it, and they did say publicly (granted FD has tried very hard to omit such remarks) that they could do it but that ultimately it was just a case of ‘time’ - but ultimately they too publicly discarded such concepts - granted ‘not very publicly and very briefly’; said comments were veiled and rather businesslike, and yes many of us old timers probably chose to not remember them saying it. But they did.

Effectively it was down to time and resources.

I believe they made a corporate move to refocus what ED was and sell that key aspect to the ‘quick play’ market, namely combat. We had that with CQC, FDs effort (granted not successful) to attract the quick play console market, really that’s what it was, to enable players to quickly drop in and shoot.

All that time and energy was never applied to interiors. Then we had Odyssey, where Arthur stated ‘interiors were never considered’. An odd statement seeing as it take an absolute age to walk the length of the ship in a dock to get to the blue portal…

This ought to be obvious to all of us that FD no longer perceives ED in the same regard as the original founders did. They firefight, pouring resources where they are needed the most, changing their direction to capitalise. There is no long plan development. If they think it will make money, they will build it,

So let’s not try and focus upon an imaged dream that likely will never see the light of day.

For interiors to work, FD will have to change the pace of the game, that means as an internalised ‘granular’ process, of ‘walking’ around and interacting with NPCS and non violent puzzles that take up you’re time to explore. This logically will be down to EVA, ship to ship boarding, crew management and ‘quest’ type missions.

Personally that sounds fantastic to me. But I’m not FDs chosen demographic; quick play games do not keep my attention. I like deep slow and complex games. I liked ED for its Role Play capabilities and as a backer it was promoted as a complex slow paced game. I play it now less and less because its evident a lot of that is reliant upon the player.

What the new update brings is evidently more FPS, the new ships obviously have a more combat aspect to them, they look to be adapting Power Play to incorporate Thargoids as a superpower, and probably might give Players more ownership. Again more FPS work, team work based shooting.

It sounds like a fix for Odyssey, to enable it to reach it’s potential.

Interiors might work in a fast paced environment but it would be 2 dimensional at best.

Follow the money. How much do skins make FD? How much of that comes from Odyssey content? FD have had to downsize, I don’t believe they will be rocking the boat anytime soon.

What can FD learn from Starfield, what does SF do well that makes money, can that be applied to ED… but ultimately do FD want to do this, and can they afford it?
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Volunteer Moderator
Which “things” have been shown to be not relevant?
I've literally said twice now.

In the video DB says that re-entry effects will be in at launch. They were not in at launch, because they chose a different design path from what was pitched. Demonstrating even small things that were said will be coming can change.

You whole reasoning for Ship Interiors still being on the cards is that he used the word 'will'.

I am going to hopefully be able to partake in the things that happen in Update 18, even if I have no interest in Thargoid Combat. Because I already know the atmospherics are going to be amazing. I'm then going to hope for some nice bug fixes before seeing what the Summer brings. The current (or at least including recent) dev team have brought us engaging storylines and content over the last few years, and some bits have been among my favourite experiences since the game released.

I have confidence they will deliver again this year. All I hope from the new feature is that it's non combat related, because the game has favoured that way for too long.
What can FD learn from Starfield, what does SF do well that makes money, can that be applied to ED…
The key thing that Starfield does well specifically in terms of making money is "have a marketing budget considerably larger than Frontier's entire company". This gets in enough early sales that even if 70% of players don't like it (and it's doing a bit better than that) the 30% who enjoy it are still a really big number of players, and most of the 70% won't figure it out quick enough to refund either, so big profits and boardroom bonuses all round.

Obviously that can't be applied to ED.

(I'm sure there are things it does well on a technical/gameplay level that ED could adapt and include - but they aren't responsible for SF's financial success, and including them won't make ED a financial success on that scale either)
The key thing that Starfield does well specifically in terms of making money is "have a marketing budget considerably larger than Frontier's entire company". This gets in enough early sales that even if 70% of players don't like it (and it's doing a bit better than that) the 30% who enjoy it are still a really big number of players, and most of the 70% won't figure it out quick enough to refund either, so big profits and boardroom bonuses all round.

Obviously that can't be applied to ED.

(I'm sure there are things it does well on a technical/gameplay level that ED could adapt and include - but they aren't responsible for SF's financial success, and including them won't make ED a financial success on that scale either)
I've literally said twice now.

In the video DB says that re-entry effects will be in at launch. They were not in at launch, because they chose a different design path from what was pitched. Demonstrating even small things that were said will be coming can change.

You whole reasoning for Ship Interiors still being on the cards is that he used the word 'will'.

I am going to hopefully be able to partake in the things that happen in Update 18, even if I have no interest in Thargoid Combat. Because I already know the atmospherics are going to be amazing. I'm then going to hope for some nice bug fixes before seeing what the Summer brings. The current (or at least including recent) dev team have brought us engaging storylines and content over the last few years, and some bits have been among my favourite experiences since the game released.

I have confidence they will deliver again this year. All I hope from the new feature is that it's non combat related, because the game has favoured that way for too long.
Re-entry effects are not in the game because we don’t get close enough to the relevant atmospheres. I can see why they are not in the game. If we ever get access to those types of worlds I would expect FDev to include some sort of nice looking graphical effects.

Plans change, but until we are given updates to those plans we must go with what information we have. As far as I am aware, the latest info is:
While Odyssey will see players explore a wide range of on and off world locations including station interiors, ship interiors will not be included at launch.”
…which I’d take to mean: not in Odyssey ever.
I thought these forums were for discussion of the game but it seems like some subjects are now verboten because they’re, what? Past Mad Mike’s 5-year boundary? I don’t believe Cosmo’s original post about hoping for ship interiors was in any way realistic for the new secret feature, but I don’t think they should be shouted down because of it 🤷‍♂️


Volunteer Moderator
I thought these forums were for discussion of the game but it seems like some subjects are now verboten because they’re, what? Past Mad Mike’s 5-year boundary? I don’t believe Cosmo’s original post about hoping for ship interiors was in any way realistic for the new secret feature, but I don’t think they should be shouted down because of it 🤷‍♂️
They are indeed for discussion, that's what we're having isn't it.

And no one shouted Cosmo down, that's the second time you've mentioned it and I'm not quite sure where you conjured it from. Cmdr Duanes asked if it was official that all Cosmo said was coming or his own opinion. To which I replied it was his own opinion. And to which Cosmo replied it was his own. Everything was fine.

AmigaCooke replied to Duanes and me banging on about the original plan still not being implemented, I replied, then you came barrelling in. Literally no one had any issues with Cosmo's post. It was Amiga's and then your insistence that Ship Interiors are still in the plan that caused people to get fed up with the mentions of them. And now here we are 4 pages later in a thread about the livestream, despite the fact there's plenty of Ship Interior threads you could both go to.

Though as you've just said you don't think Ship Interiors will be in Odyssey ever, then it makes the whole conversation moot doesn't it? The new feature isn't going to be a paid DLC, so it will be part of Odyssey.
They are indeed for discussion, that's what we're having isn't it.

And no one shouted Cosmo down, that's the second time you've mentioned it and I'm not quite sure where you conjured it from. Cmdr Duanes asked if it was official that all Cosmo said was coming or his own opinion. To which I replied it was his own opinion. And to which Cosmo replied it was his own. Everything was fine.

AmigaCooke replied to Duanes and me banging on about the original plan still not being implemented, I replied, then you came barrelling in. Literally no one had any issues with Cosmo's post. It was Amiga's and then your insistence that Ship Interiors are still in the plan that caused people to get fed up with the mentions of them. And now here we are 4 pages later in a thread about the livestream, despite the fact there's plenty of Ship Interior threads you could both go to.

Though as you've just said you don't think Ship Interiors will be in Odyssey ever, then it makes the whole conversation moot doesn't it? The new feature isn't going to be a paid DLC, so it will be part of Odyssey.
I supposed it’s eye-of-the-beholder stuff, a bit like you seeing one of amigacooke’s comments as a complaint when it looked to me like a jokey take on Elite’s progress. I see several posts regarding complaints and stuff like “it did. not. mention. ship. interiors. so. give. it. a. rest. on. this. thread. eh?” but I suppose I could be misinterpreting those as trying to stop ship interiors discussion in this thread.

Sorry to have come barrelling into this thread with explanations as to why ship interiors keep coming up - if it’s considered off topic for the thread to talk about <verboten> as a (pico-scale) possibility for the secret new thing then I’ll trot off back to the VR & Off Topic forums where I belong 😁👍
You write that as if the January stream didn’t.
Sorry is that what you meant by you have walked around ship interiors in VR? There is no interior there, all you can see is a few lines. There's no definition, no rooms or corridors, 90% of the ship hull isn't even rendered.
Just to refresh memories, you asked me if I thought FDev designed all ships with interiors in mind, I replied that I did and I’ve walked around all existing ships in VR, then later:
There’s no fade-to-black like with the camera suite so it’s easy enough (bar real life surroundings) to have a look at what’s in the vessel’s hull - mostly just landing gear/vehicle hangar/SLF bay and some interesting bits in the Anaconda - and there appears to be space for linking corridors or other compartments. Might be a bit of a squeeze in some areas, but I’ve served on several ships that have been like that 😅
If you’re designing ships with interiors in mind then you want hangars/vehicle bays/weapon to be laid out so that there’s space for linking corridors or other compartments (there’s a dev video about the big ships having elevators in logical positions for other decks).

If you think I meant I was walking around ship interiors in VR when there hasn’t been a ship interiors expansion then I suppose I should change my name to CMDR Thrust from Bradford 😁👍


Volunteer Moderator
Just to refresh memories, you asked me if I thought FDev designed all ships with interiors in mind, I replied that I did and I’ve walked around all existing ships in VR, then later:

If you’re designing ships with interiors in mind then you want hangars/vehicle bays/weapon to be laid out so that there’s space for linking corridors or other compartments (there’s a dev video about the big ships having elevators in logical positions for other decks).

If you think I meant I was walking around ship interiors in VR when there hasn’t been a ship interiors expansion then I suppose I should change my name to CMDR Thrust from Bradford 😁👍
No I didn't think the whole interiors, I just expected to see the things you mentioned. Not an empty space the size of the ship and the external features that aren't part of the hull.

But it's all good, it's set expectations well enough. I certainly expect Frontier to have thought out the layout during the design process, because they're very good at thinking ahead.
No I didn't think the whole interiors, I just expected to see the things you mentioned. Not an empty space the size of the ship and the external features that aren't part of the hull.

But it's all good, it's set expectations well enough. I certainly expect Frontier to have thought out the layout during the design process, because they're very good at thinking ahead.
I’ll have to take a better video while landed on a planet’s surface or in space - some internal elements aren’t rendered while in a hangar (the weapon bays appear to be present, I’m assuming because they’re animated in Outfitting, you can see the main guns below and to the side of the cockpit in my video. Out of the Eagle’s cockpit door you can see a box unit with large gear racks for lifting the top weapon into position which is pretty cool).
Edit: no video, but here are a couple of images of the Eagle internals

The yellow line is the landing gear entrance hatch, it is below and slightly forward of the cockpit rear door. The weapon bays can be seen but the vehicle hangar behind them cannot.

This is looking through the front bulkhead of the vehicle bay at about deck height, towards the cockpit.
One of the other dev videos (where most of them are looking forward to walking around in the game) states that the bigger ships were planned out on a metre grid so things could be placed logically. Even though ship interiors now may never happen, I’m sure the game design philosophy of structuring the game to allow further expansion still holds, or I’d at least hope so.

I’m looking forward to crawling around this year’s new ships to see if there’s any cool little details like (legally distinct) Rubik’s Cubes in storage lockers, as per the Krait II. Oh, and flying them of course 😁
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I expect alot of us have played Starfield, how many jump straight into the cockpit and exit Elite style when we get to and from the destination?
I'd "like" interiors for my ship but with any game especially one like ED, people will tend to gravitate to a state of maximum efficiency.
While it was interesting having the rest of your ship. As very little to nothing was to be done in all the extra interior, yes, I'd press the key to immediately go to cockpit.
I expect alot of us have played Starfield, how many jump straight into the cockpit and exit Elite style when we get to and from the destination?
I'd "like" interiors for my ship but with any game especially one like ED, people will tend to gravitate to a state of maximum efficiency.
I still climb through my ship 90% of the time I generally exit directly though . I think because the option is there for those who want it is better than not having it ? It's a bit like fast travel you don't have to ( I generally can't because oh look another shiny ??) But you as the player has that option . So you are getting the best of both worlds , whereas not getting the option seems like you are missing out ??? Just a theory
My own opinion of course
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