New 25 essential habitat animals META-WISHLIST

Yep, with 5 packs 25 animals are given, though the meta list contains only habitat animals, so we are talking about 20. But yes, I'd say "at least". Would be really surprising if we don't have at least one animal pack among it.
I mean, if they are biome packs, I wouldn't be surprised if we got 3-4 animal packs, and 1-2 more 4+1 packs. 34-42 more animals seems like a bet. Probably more if they release a true aquatic expansion, or aviary. I'm not they'd even get away with releasing an aviary expansion and only including eight birds. Maybe 12 or 13, but I don't see this accepting only eight birds to start with, let alone four or five. Same with aquaria, going with fish and theoretical cetaceans.
Random Goat, thank you for doing this!

1. capybara
2. leopard (any)
3. tasmanian devil
4. przewalskis horse
5. maned wolf
6. lynx (any)
7. gibbon (any)
8. wolverine
9. wombat
10. serval
11. asian small-clawed otter
12. crested porcupine
13. goodfellows tree kangaroo
14. red river hog
15. red deer
16. sloth (any)
17. platypus
18. spectacled bear
19. honey badger
20. secretary bird
I mean, if they are biome packs, I wouldn't be surprised if we got 3-4 animal packs, and 1-2 more 4+1 packs. 34-42 more animals seems like a bet. Probably more if they release a true aquatic expansion, or aviary. I'm not they'd even get away with releasing an aviary expansion and only including eight birds. Maybe 12 or 13, but I don't see this accepting only eight birds to start with, let alone four or five. Same with aquaria, going with fish and theoretical cetaceans.
I almost feel like....if they do an Avian pack and only give us the 4+1 model, and then nothing else in other packs, they may as well have not bothered. Not quite feel that but pretty close. It would open up disappointment, like a door to a new world was opened just a crack.
I almost feel like....if they do an Avian pack and only give us the 4+1 model, and then nothing else in other packs, they may as well have not bothered. Not quite feel that but pretty close. It would open up disappointment, like a door to a new world was opened just a crack.
Yeah I'm thinking, if they do an aviary or a true aquatic expansion, they have 3 reasonable routes. 1) A 12-15 animal pack with the mechanics; 2) an eight animal pack, with prior DLC getting updated to include either a bird or an (additional) aquatic to each pack; or 3) a 4+1 type pack, with between 8-15 free animals to base game alongside the mechanics.
Personally, I think 1, or 2 is more likely.
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Would love an Aviary pack next 🦅

But here's my votes -

1. Lar Gibbon
2. Alpine Ibex
3. Red River Hog
4. Sloth (any)
5. Coati
6. Grey Crowned Crane
7. Manatee
8. Gelada Baboon
9. Golden Lion Tamarin
10. Howler Monkey
11. Bush Dog
12. Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey
13. Kirk's Dik-Dik
14. Green Sea Turtle
15. Amazon River Dolphin
16. Victorian Crowned Pigeon
17. Capybara
18. Amur Leopard
19. Eurasian Lynx
20. Asian Small-clawed Otter

Yeah I'm thinking, if they do an aviary or a true aquatic expansion, they have 3 reasonable routes. 1) A 12-15 animal pack with the mechanics; 2) an eight animal pack, with prior DLC getting updated to include either a bird or an (additional) aquatic to each pack; or 3) a 4+1 type pack, with between 8 free animals to base game alongside the mechanics.
Personally, I think 1, or 2 is more likely.
Any of those would work for me, I like A best since it's the most, ha! I don't expect they'll go beyond the 8 animal route but if they do I'll be thrilled. Either way, a minimum of 12 birds over time ultimately and likely a maximum of that doubled - I can't see them doing more than two dozen even sprinkled throughout packs.

Either way, if it happens we do get an Avian pack next, I think the idea was to keep this thread at 20 animals to allow for that those additional wants in a wishlist. (sorry, just trying to tie it back to the theme of the thread)
Honestly, I know I'm biased, but I don't see why birds should get a bigger pack then we ever got when semi-aquatic animals got only 4 slots with their introduction. I'd be fine with 8 birds but if we get a bigger pack and it stays the only one with a larger animal roster, I will pout or get angry.

To be a bit more on topic: I don't know why, but I never thought of the crested porcupine up until yesterday, where I suddenly REALLY wanted it. Came here running and found out it's in the top 10 <3
To be a bit more on topic: I don't know why, but I never thought of the crested porcupine up until yesterday, where I suddenly REALLY wanted it. Came here running and found out it's in the top 10 <3
Yeah they were not on my radar for the first year either, and then I was suddenly feeling like "we need these!" and now they're near my top 5 lol
Honestly, I know I'm biased, but I don't see why birds should get a bigger pack then we ever got when semi-aquatic animals got only 4 slots with their introduction. I'd be fine with 8 birds but if we get a bigger pack and it stays the only one with a larger animal roster, I will pout or get angry.
Well, we already had swimming animals before the aquatic pack and they've been steadily updating those along the way... plus, everything we needed to make use of swimming animals was already in the game. There are no aviary birds currently available and it's generally assumed they'd need dedicated assets to work... making them more like aquarium animals than all the semi-aquatic ones we've already got.
1. South American Coati
2. Capybaras
3. Armadillos
4. Donkeys
5. Alpacas
6. Moutain goats
9. Ocelot
10. Badger
12. Owls
13. Raccoon
14. Fossa
15. Aye Aye
16. Frigate bird
17. Kinkajou
18. Mongooses (Any kind)
19. Tarya
20. Squirrel monkeys
Great list! Happy to see the Tayra made another list, too! I think they're an animal a lot of people just aren't familiar with, but once you've seen them, how can you not want them in the game.
Well, we already had swimming animals before the aquatic pack and they've been steadily updating those along the way... plus, everything we needed to make use of swimming animals was already in the game. There are no aviary birds currently available and it's generally assumed they'd need dedicated assets to work... making them more like aquarium animals than all the semi-aquatic ones we've already got.
That does not explain though, why there should be more animals than ever in a pack. In the end, flying is only a little more than deep diving in the air. All we need is some places to land for birds. And if we are lucky and aviarys are modular, then the mesh pieces do already a great job I believe. Plus, like with the aquatic, a new barrier could be added. But new assets would mean less animals and not more. As I said, I'm fine with an animal pack, I actually would prefer having one. But even more animals? Seems unbalanced, unless we get more animals in each pack forever thereafter.

I would have been on board with "more than 8 animals" when we'd got at least 8 with the aquatic pack, because well, new mechanic. And for the release of the aquatic pack only one base game animal got updated - wouldn't that be equivalent to updating the Flamingo? (Though, to be fair, I don't want them flying unless we can turn in off for them.)
Here's my list:

1. Alpine Ibex
2. Nile Crocodile
3. Dromedary Camel
4. Markhor
5. Spectacled Bear
6. Wolverine
7. Japanese Serow
8. Red Wolf
9. Secretary Bird
10. Przewalski's Wild Horse
11. Musk Ox
12. Rockhopper Penguin
13. Spanish Lynx
14. Barbary Ape
15. Gelada
16. Pacific Walrus
17. Addax
18. Scimitar Horned Oryx
19. Eastern Black Rhinoceros
20. Tasmanian Devil

I mostly want ZT2 animals for nostalgia 😅
That does not explain though, why there should be more animals than ever in a pack. In the end, flying is only a little more than deep diving in the air. All we need is some places to land for birds. And if we are lucky and aviarys are modular, then the mesh pieces do already a great job I believe. Plus, like with the aquatic, a new barrier could be added. But new assets would mean less animals and not more. As I said, I'm fine with an animal pack, I actually would prefer having one. But even more animals? Seems unbalanced, unless we get more animals in each pack forever thereafter.

I would have been on board with "more than 8 animals" when we'd got at least 8 with the aquatic pack, because well, new mechanic. And for the release of the aquatic pack only one base game animal got updated - wouldn't that be equivalent to updating the Flamingo? (Though, to be fair, I don't want them flying unless we can turn in off for them.)
A big difference is how prevalent each type of animal is in real zoos. A mid-sized zoo might have no more than 3-5 semi-aquatic species, if that. The majority of them most common ones have been covered by now, and we continue to get supplementary ones because they work well as traditional habitat species. But birds? Even small zoos tend to have a relatively large number of aviary birds. They're also very commonly kept in large mixed species groups that won't be possible in game unless we end up getting a large number of birds. On the flip side, semi-aquatic species are rarely cohabitated besides mixed penguin/pinniped setups, both of which have now been made possible with a single extra animal after the Aquatic Pack. There's also the simple issue that given their generally small size and potentially limiting enclosure system, players might not find aviary birds an acceptable substitute for a traditional habitat animal in future DLC releases. I really want aviaries, but if that means our next scenery pack goes from being a 4+1 to a 2+2+1, I can't say I'd be too thrilled. All that to say, it makes a whole lot more sense from my perspective to just go all out on birds before adjusting to the status quo.

I don't think that adding flying is as simple as adding perches like you suggest, either. Determining when and where to fly and make it look halfway natural is a whole different beast than more-or-less continuous movement within a defined 3D space.
I would have been on board with "more than 8 animals" when we'd got at least 8 with the aquatic pack, because well, new mechanic. And for the release of the aquatic pack only one base game animal got updated - wouldn't that be equivalent to updating the Flamingo? (Though, to be fair, I don't want them flying unless we can turn in off for them.)
Although I'm also not super excited for birds and I could live without them, I disagree that they should be compared to the aquatic mammals. There are many less species of aquatic animals that we could get in the game. Probably with 20 aquatic animals we would have already covered all the different species that people want to get. However, with birds, there are many more options. I'm not an expert on birds since I'm not much interested in them, but still I can easily think of at least 30 species of birds that could be added to the game. That's why I want a larger bird pack of we get one.

On the other hand, I agree that flamingos should remain flightless or the ability to fly should be optional. Image all the flamingos that would escape flying from all the habitats we have built during the last two years if suddenly they can fly! The habitat for the animals that got diving added later were still valid, but that wouldn't be the case if flying is added to any species. We would need to add a roof to all our existing habitats.
I would have been on board with "more than 8 animals" when we'd got at least 8 with the aquatic pack, because well, new mechanic. And for the release of the aquatic pack only one base game animal got updated - wouldn't that be equivalent to updating the Flamingo? (Though, to be fair, I don't want them flying unless we can turn in off for them.)
A new mechanic that can easily be applied to old animals. Yes the Crocodile was the only one to get updated at first... but since then a good half dozen more received an update and several more could potentially get one later on.

On the other hand, only two current animals could get updated for flight and then both only fly when needed, which within the confines of a zoo is basically never, meaning adding flight to them would be pointless. Two years in and there's nothing that needs to fly... the first DLC to introduce aviary and flying needs would also introduce our first flying animal.
  1. African Leopard
  2. Alpine Ibex
  3. Black Howler Monkey
  4. Brown-Throated Three-Toed Sloth
  5. Capybara
  6. Common Wombat
  7. Crested Porcupine
  8. Fossa
  9. Giant Armadillo
  10. Goodfellow's Tree-Kangaroo
  11. Honey Badger
  12. Iberian Lynx
  13. Lar Gibbon
  14. Maned Wolf
  15. Mute Swan
  16. Platypus
  17. Przewalski's Wild Horse
  18. Red Deer
  19. Secretary Bird
  20. Tasmanian Devil

1. Mountain Goat
2. Red Deer
3. Roosevelt Elk
4. African Leopard
5. Pallas Cat
6. Prezwalski Wild Horse
7. Spectacle Bear
8. Whooping Crane
9. Wolverine
10. Tasmanian Devil
11. Maned Wolf
12. Musk Ox
13. Gaur
14. Red Fox
15. Honey Badger
16. Fossa
17. Bluebuck
18. Serval
19. Sea Turtle
20. Manatee

1) Golden Takin
2) Chinese Alligator
3) Indian Gaur
4) Chinese Giant Salamander
5) Indian Porcupine
6) Spectacled Bear
7) Cotton Top Tamarin
8) Spider Monkey
9) Maned Wolf
10) Capybara
11) Hamadryas Baboon
12) Fossa
13) Tasmanian Devil
14) Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo
15) Black Howler Monkey
16) Amur Leopard
17) Malayan Tiger
18) White Handed Gibbon
19) Alpine Ibex
20) Przewalski's Horse

1) Amur Leopard
2) Scimitar Horned Oryx
3) Przewalski's Horse
4) Tasmanian Devil
5) Chamois
6) Secretary Bird
7) Wolverine
8) Eurasian or Iberian or Canadian Lynx
9) Matschie's tree-kangaroo
10) Sloth Bear
11) Aardwolf
12) Shoebill
13) Nine-Banded Armadillo
14) Coquerel's Sifaka
15) Marabou Stork
16) Markhor
17) Common Wombat or Hairy Nosed Wombat
18) Little Spotted Kiwi
19) Golden Takin
20) Golden Lion Tamarin

Random Goat, thank you for doing this!

1. capybara
2. leopard (any)
3. tasmanian devil
4. przewalskis horse
5. maned wolf
6. lynx (any)
7. gibbon (any)
8. wolverine
9. wombat
10. serval
11. asian small-clawed otter
12. crested porcupine
13. goodfellows tree kangaroo
14. red river hog
15. red deer
16. sloth (any)
17. platypus
18. spectacled bear
19. honey badger
20. secretary bird

Would love an Aviary pack next 🦅

But here's my votes -

1. Lar Gibbon
2. Alpine Ibex
3. Red River Hog
4. Sloth (any)
5. Coati
6. Grey Crowned Crane
7. Manatee
8. Gelada Baboon
9. Golden Lion Tamarin
10. Howler Monkey
11. Bush Dog
12. Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey
13. Kirk's Dik-Dik
14. Green Sea Turtle
15. Amazon River Dolphin
16. Victorian Crowned Pigeon
17. Capybara
18. Amur Leopard
19. Eurasian Lynx
20. Asian Small-clawed Otter


1. South American Coati
2. Capybaras
3. Armadillos
4. Donkeys
5. Alpacas
6. Moutain goats
9. Ocelot
10. Badger
12. Owls
13. Raccoon
14. Fossa
15. Aye Aye
16. Frigate bird
17. Kinkajou
18. Mongooses (Any kind)
19. Tarya
20. Squirrel monkeys

Here's my list:

1. Alpine Ibex
2. Nile Crocodile
3. Dromedary Camel
4. Markhor
5. Spectacled Bear
6. Wolverine
7. Japanese Serow
8. Red Wolf
9. Secretary Bird
10. Przewalski's Wild Horse
11. Musk Ox
12. Rockhopper Penguin
13. Spanish Lynx
14. Barbary Ape
15. Gelada
16. Pacific Walrus
17. Addax
18. Scimitar Horned Oryx
19. Eastern Black Rhinoceros
20. Tasmanian Devil

I mostly want ZT2 animals for nostalgia 😅

Thank you for doing this! My list:

1. Sloth
2. Platypus
3. Wombat
4. Porcupine
5. Kiwi
6. Emu
7. Red fox
8. Manatee
9. Wallaby
10. Przewalski's Horse
11. Kirk's dik-dik
12. Skunk
13. Amur leopard
14. Ocelot
15. Shoebill
16. Little blue penguin
17. Eurasian lynx
18. Eurasian Red Squirrel
19. Raccoon
20. Fallow Deer
All added!
1. Capybara
2. Great White Pelican
3. Asian Small-Clawed Otter
4. Lar Gibbon
5. Leopard
6. South American Coati
7. Bennett's Wallaby
8. Golden Lion Tamarin
9. Eurasian Lynx
10. Grey-crowned Crane
11. Hamadryas Baboon
12. Barbarie Macaque
13. West Indian Manatee
14. Crested Porcupine
15. Red Deer
16. Red-crowned Crane
17. Greater Rhea
18. Sloth
19. Alpine Ibex
20. Patagonian Mara

It would be interesting to compare the popularity of animals and their presence in zoos (based on zootierlist for instance). Surprisingly, some animals (like the mara) are very common in zoos yet very rarely requested by the community.
It would be interesting to compare the popularity of animals and their presence in zoos (based on zootierlist for instance). Surprisingly, some animals (like the mara) are very common in zoos yet very rarely requested by the community.

I think that simply has something to do with many people either not knowing them, or prioritising other animals above the mara. The racoon, goldenpheasent and the coati are for example in the top 25 most common zoo animals in the EAZA (being 11, 15 and 24 place respectivly) but they are very low on this list
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