New Hardpoints: Enhanced Lasers

With the new, supposedly PvP focused, Powerplay 2.0 arriving soon-ish, i propose a new set of Laser Hardpoints to be added:
Those will have 3 major differences to the current existing Lasers:
1: Increased Damage (2x or higher?)
2: Increased Damage falloff starting Range (1000-1200m)
3: Greatly reduced Armor Piercing

Ther reasons why i believe its better to have these as new Hardpoints rather than just changing the Stats on existing ones:
To my understanding, changing Stats on allready existing and stored Hardpoints is a pain to deal with, and might break some of them.
NPC Ships will still use the default versions, which makes it easier for new Players when they first enter Combat.
Your motivation for this is pvp, but you end up saying it's to make pve combat easier for new players...

As someone who used to, berore I got myself enforcers and cytos, used to kill corvettes in my Eagle with 3 burst lasers, I really don't feel like lasers need a buff. They do their job of taking down shields just fine as they are.

If you want to make adjustment, do it to the absolutely absurd numbers players can get their shield too.
To me, this seems like a demand by a pvp player to have better player killer weapons and disguise it as a PVE request.

The proposed weapon configuration would make killing Trade/Explorer builds faster for non ammo centric ganking.
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