Even when the texture are not stretched you can see a problem.
Example from this thread :
The canyon top is full of noise. It's spikes and spikes. It's very random and doesn't make much sense. Then the canyon walls are absurdly flat themselves, and the canyon valley is also terribly flat. The entire canyon feel like it's a cake and some kid decided to put his hand in the middle to grab a bite. It's very linear, no branching no nothing.
You get a weird thing where the noise feel it was applied on top to make it look like it was noisy, but not elsewhere. It's extremely unnatural. Feels like someone's first map in an editor, quite frankly.
Now, a rare canyon like that I'm ok with. But the majority of those I saw look like that.
Next :
Let's disregard textures stretching. We have several others issues there. First, the textures are not placed according to terrain, and are wrong. They are fake, and that's true everywhere. See the black textures on the left ? It's elsewhere but more visible there. It's "fake" rough terrain. It's 2021, why don't we have actual rough terrain instead than a texture ? It's full of fake cracks and so on. When it's on the ground you can just walk on top of it and see it's just 2d.
And it's even worse because it was placed on a canyon wall, where it's nonsensical. Especially since it's place randomly, like a pattern in a blanket, you get random "rough" patch repeating around. With no sense of altitude variation or anything.
Then you have the limit between canyon wall and valley on the left. It's nearly a 90° angle. And perfectly delimited, no rocks no nothing, it's this : I_. It's completely unnatural, and feel like, again, a poorly drawn map.
Look mum I made a canyon : ^^^^^^I____I^^^^^^^.
While current planet generation suffer a multitude of bugs, which eventually will be fixed, I assume, it also suffer from several core issues.
-texture to represent terrain feature, making it 2d and fake
-very poor terrain representation "here you have a mountain, there a canyon, and I add very random noise on top to make it look not obvious"
-a lot of planet are excessively flat and boring, with sudden raise in terrain
-even without mentioning the repeating tiles, a solid 30% of the non atmo world comes with the same giant crater copy pasted.
While the new planet gen certainly is better for atmo (I mean, we had nothing in horizon for that), and have a potential for "pretty", it's also a downgrade in several aspect. And I truly hope it's not intended. But stuff like texture instead of actual feature makes me doubt for some of it. You don't do that by accident.