New Planet Tech is KILLER of Exploration (all terrain is tiling/repeating/not procedural/random)

High? Where?
Yeah, right. Then why my game doesnt look that bad?

Calling me a liar isn't going to get you anywhere. Nor will posting pictures on the surface of a completely different location. I took those screenshots yesterday and anyone can go replicate them. The planets CAN look nice, but we shouldn't have to run on beyond ultra settings to see them, nor do they all come in that nicely. This is crap:
I'm lost, I dont have that ULTRAFORCAPTURE field but a slider for TERRAIN WORK which I slided all the way to the right (i.e. maxed out), is this what is replacing that ultra thingy ?
Seen the screenshot earlier ? If not go and see it. Otherwise :

Option->graphics->quality->terrain quality->ultra for capture
I know I'm going to get a lot of heat for what I'm about to say, but here it goes:

With all due respect, Dr. Kay Ross has failed.
Mr. Braben should really consider cooperating with Flavien Brebion instead, imo.
I'm sorry.

Please Frontier, keep this tech out of Horizons at least.
I asked seriously.
I can see 4 examples in the issue tracker report, two of them are also here.

I try to find out what PERCENTAGE off planets has this "repeating tiles" problem, it can tell us if it's tech inherited perk, or just a (non)random bug.
And I won't make any percentage of 4 such planets because i will always round to zero ;)
I also think that it matters at which lighting you take the screenshot. Most of the 'beautiful' screenshot are taken on sunset where the details are much more visible. Plastic can be seen when it's straight over the terrain.
I asked seriously.
I can see 4 examples in the issue tracker report, two of them are also here.

I try to find out what PERCENTAGE off planets has this "repeating tiles" problem, it can tell us if it's tech inherited perk, or just a (non)random bug.
And I won't make any percentage of 4 such planets because i will always round to zero ;)
It's hard to tell (and as I say that I literally have a big crater planet like I posted pass right by me on elite). But I find that most of them have the repeating issue. They follow a different set of pattern though.
Honestly in a galaxy of billions, finding TWO in a day's work means it's common, VERY COMMON. Just consider the probability.
Exactly because of galaxy scale dealing in absolute (numbers) is pointless, it's percentage or chance that gives us information about probability (you mentioned).
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