New Player Already Problem

Hello anyone who comes here I am Kizy a new player to the game I have a had high expectations but been struck by disappointment and a huge waste of my time. My internet is not the best at all but it does the job for every other game I’ve ever played now I just spend the last 5-6 hours downloading the game done the tutorial fine but right after I finished installing in-game I went to solo play (PS4) to be hit with Code “Taupe Cobra”
I’ve read about this but it all seems hopeless can any help me out? I was looking forward to playing this game since it’s release..
Hi Kizy, I'm Biff. My internet connection sucks too and sorry PS4 I cannot help with but there is a subforum for that or just hang here for extra special help.:)
Hello anyone who comes here I am Kizy a new player to the game I have a had high expectations but been struck by disappointment and a huge waste of my time. My internet is not the best at all but it does the job for every other game I’ve ever played now I just spend the last 5-6 hours downloading the game done the tutorial fine but right after I finished installing in-game I went to solo play (PS4) to be hit with Code “Taupe Cobra”
I’ve read about this but it all seems hopeless can any help me out? I was looking forward to playing this game since it’s release.
Relocate the Console To another Friend's house and play it there... This is called the pizza and six pack fix... as you are normally required bringing pizza and six cans of drinks as a thank-you gift..
Its a lot quicker and gets you playing sooner... then messing about trying to fix what is broken at the ISP end when they try to connect your location to Amazon non http server farms Fdev uses via the bargain bin connection the ISP pay for that connects non Htpp data for you to the amazon server location ...

Once you get into the game, have fun playing then you can fight with the ISP to get filter of data removed..
Most issue can no longer be fixed by the user Its normaly only fixed when ISP subcontracts to a different sub network provider. that pays more for up keep...
o7 CMDR Kizy!

I'm an XBX CMDR so you might have to think of the PS locations for the following. When I have these issues I usually go to my internet connection on my console to reset/clear my MAC, it restarts my console, and I'm usually good to go after that. Full disclosure I have 0% technical knowledge on why this works but it helps me out when I have connection issues with ED and Destiny 2.

Hope that helps!
I went to solo play (PS4) to be hit with Code “Taupe Cobra”
Try going into Private group and make your own group, that may help with this, the cobra's are all connection issues. We all get them so don't feel bad about that.

Also people in open are usually pretty helpful, there's only a small portion truly of the community who are toxic.

Hopefully you get in and get playing, it also might be that your connection is just a bit unstable, do you have a Cat 5 or Cat 6 cable you can connect from your console to your router? That will always give you a better connection than wireless.
If you have a mobile phone with data allowance (and you stay in single player mode mode) try using that as a hotspot and see if you have any more luck.
Singleplayer uses less data but make sure you watch how much it does use and don't go over your allowance.
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