New red-orange dot approaching the bubble at 0.8ly per minute-- Thargoid mothership?

If this is not a post-update bug, then why was my carrier moved? Is not like the system where it was parked was suddenly permit-locked after the update. I just plotted a route and it doesn't say permit locked.

I think I just got my answer. I jumped back to Hyades Sector GB-N b7-1 and the system is empty, all the carrier that were there last night were moved.

And I think I know why: that system is now Thargoid space.


Also: thargoids now interdict you without warning while in supercruise.

EDIT: official answer in this post by Sally.
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OK, #1 has detonated. I watched Obsidian Ant and D2E getting their clocks cleaned by Thargoids.

Systems getting burned? Check.
Endless interdictions/hyperdictions? Check.
Near-invincible boss monsters? Check.

None of which we predicted beforehand.

A massive mobilization of the player population will be needed for this "special military operation", to save humanity.

So, no one would expect:
Surface combat, or the desperate search for the McGuffin to kill off the boss monsters.

Note: None of us on this forum have been playing RPG's for literally two generations, and could see this coming. Really. It's all soooo new and exciting. :)
Yesterday I parked my carrier in Hyades Sector GB-N b7-1, 11.22 ly from Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 (New Maelstrom System), then I landed on Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 body A1a (there was a party there) and logged off.

Are you aware that you parked your car at the top of an active volcano?
It's going to explode any second.
Well, I'm logging off so nothing bad can happen.

I haven't logged in yet but just finished taking are of RL business. I expect much salt and gnashing of teeth.

Note: None of us on this forum have been playing RPG's for literally two generations, and could see this coming. Really. It's all soooo new and exciting. :)
Has anyone stopped by an active thargoid ground site and gotten inside yet? Any draugers there?
Canonn now reporting that UIA #3 is heading directly for HIP 20567. If that's not where it intends to stop, then things are even worse as it's going to get quite a way into the bubble before it finds another AW.

ETA still uncertain but likely Thursday or Friday given its current general speeds.

Lots of inhabited systems within ~20 LY, including - unlike #1 - some exploited systems for LYR Powerplay, so we'll see what having their populations zeroed does to that...

Doesn't look like it, checking the map.

#1 has gone in close enough to Brazilian League of Pilots to trash their home system, true, and sorting by systems present they're the biggest.
Second biggest ... Delta Squadron, home Bugayaman, safely on the other side of the bubble and high enough up that none of them will go anywhere near it.
Third biggest ... Likedeeler, home Michel, too low for any of them to bother directly and comfortably far back too though #6 might hit them on the fringes
Fourth biggest ... Celestial Light Brigade, home HR 8202, comfortably out on the Sag A* side of the bubble
Fifth biggest ... DaVinci Corp, home Wolf 1230, I think #7 is going to miss the bit of the Pegasi Sector they're in, at least at first, but they might lose some stuff to it
Sixth biggest ... Nagii Union, home Nagii, #4 might again get close enough to worry them but not that close
Seventh biggest ... Communism Interstellar, home Anagorovici, safely on the extreme Sag A* side of the bubble
Eighth biggest ... Guardians of Harmony, home HIP 118213, another Pegasi Sector faction which might lose some fringe systems to #7

I think it's just that:
- if you pick a bunch of random systems, obviously you stand a good chance of picking at least some owned/present by one of the larger BGS groups since there's 30ish over 100 systems present now
- most of the really big groups are out on the fringes of the bubble in one direction or another, so the ones on the Thargoid side of it are even more likely to be picked.
- BLP got really unlucky
I'm going to safely say the major feature overhaul next year will be Powerplay/BGS. It makes sense based on the introduction of the Maelstrom.
I got to ask a stupid question : Are these linked to the faction/family names of the Thargoids?
I don't think so - I think they're just Frontier giving them names since we didn't come up with anything more interesting than "#5" or "Slegi" on our own so that Galnet can say "RSS Indra approaching destination" and it be obvious which one is meant.
I got to ask a stupid question : Are these linked to the faction/family names of the Thargoids?
All those names appear to be gods of storms/thunder.

In fact, Cocijo is the only one of the entries on Wikipedia that doesn't mention thunder directly in the description of what they are god of. Instead, it's "weather/storms".

Edit: Oya mentions lightening , but not thunder. But the point is, they've all been given the same designation, but from different mythologies.
Come on, you want special stuff right from start? Where is drama in that.. We need to get kiched in b for few weeks before bringing new weapons.. I hope they are going to form back aegis.. We can hardly defend against one stargoid.. Not 8 of them
Come on, you want special stuff right from start? Where is drama in that.. We need to get kiched in b for few weeks before bringing new weapons.. I hope they are going to form back aegis.. We can hardly defend against one stargoid.. Not 8 of them
I really don't think there is enough manpower to stop them even in the whole game when 8 stargoids come.

It's very hard to stop. We are in serious trouble. (And that's fun)
Have the Stargoids, renamed Wibbles, now become Maelstroms?

For those who have not yet managed to upgrade, or are too far away in deep space (or in my case too old, slow and infirm) to participate please clarify! 🙂

Mild spoiler ...
Rumour has it that there is "something big" at the heart of the maelstrom cloud but caustic damage and thargoid assaults make it currently impossible to get to ... yet! One thing I've learned about the ED community is - don't tell them what can't be done. I'm guessing it's FD's intention that we'll be able to unlock enhancements (corrosion resistant hulls perhaps?) that may make this possible in the future but I sincerely doubt that will stop players from trying to do so almost immediately. The next few days are going to be extremely interesting!
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