New ships? Ever?

Asks for more ships. Actually just wants better ships.

Is excited for release of better ship X that will outclass old ship Y in personal hangar and replace it in accepted meta.

Prepares new thread asking for more ships after release of X.
It really would be nice, though, to have multiple ships for each meta. It is boring that there is just one ship for each function basically... outside of combat, of course, where you have quite a selection of capable ships.
I think that "not until console" is a safe guess, but I'd argue that it might actually be sensible for FDev to wait longer than that.

Right now, folks are trying to figure out what the "best" ship for Odyssey is. There's a lot of factors there. You might want a small ship to land on the small pads. You might want something with a good pitch speed so you can aim at ground targets better. You probably want a good jump range, and maybe a good boost speed so you can get up into orbit and reset the settlement faster. You need room for at least one SRV, preferably two just in case. You might even care about where the hatch is located, so that you can have as short a trip to the landing bay elevator as possible.

There's a lot of factors there that are obvious, but there's some that the developers couldn't possibly imagine. So rather than spend months designing a ship in secret, figuring out what they think the best features are, and then having it turn out to be not as good as whatever the player meta choice is, it kinda makes sense to wait a few weeks/months until the players have figured out what the priorities are, and then design something with those in mind.

Purely on the wishful thinking front though, I'd love to see a little bit of symmetry and gap-filling. The Federal and Imperial situation is just weird to me: where is the Federal Courier, where is the Imperial Attack Ship, why hasn't Faulcon deLacy started selling the Boa (a bigger Anaconda) as a competitor to the Imperial Cutter that doesn't require you to be royalty? I'd love to see the military Asp that the AspX is based on, I'd love to see the old Imperial Trader and Imperial Explorer, and I'd love to see an entirely new manufacturer with a new vibe/style come in to (re)introduce all of the cat-themed ships (Lion, Tiger, Lynx, Puma, Panther) and shake things up a bit. Also, given that nearly half of the ships that can carry a Fighter Hangar are Lakon Spaceways ships, it seems a little odd that there's no Lakon SLF, which I can only imagine would be a delightfully tanky Starfury-looking contraption.
I’d love to see a proper guardian / human hybrid ship, something a little different from the normal both in looks and function.

At the moment though, what I’d really like is more SRV types, in particular a hover ‘bike’ for exploration, I’m so fed up with trying to drive over the terrain!
while i'd like new ships too
i'd also like them to maybe rebalance some not so used ships and modules/engineering options?
also please PLEASE let me have a fleet carrier that's cool looking, the imperial one looks amazing but we get a glorified parking lot (with only 3 skins to "choose" from iirc)
It really would be nice, though, to have multiple ships for each meta. It is boring that there is just one ship for each function basically... outside of combat, of course, where you have quite a selection of capable ships.
You could have multiple ship choices for each major Elite rank if proper attention were paid to balance. We have 40 ships already, that's enough to make 4 ship progression lines, each with 3 tiers of 3 ships. That would be significantly more variety than what we have already, with no need to introduce more ships which will be either obsolete out of the gate or supplant other ships and leave us with no more meaningful choice than before.
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I have it clear, buying the expansion will depend on whether there are new ships and srv from the April leak, if not, I will not buy this MVP DLC garbage
While that is true, that doesn't exclude new ships. I really want that Panther.
No, it does not, however FDevs ressources are limited. That's why I think new ships add too little to the game, while other areas are begging for some improvements. Ships only add a slight variation to what can be done in this game.
Personally I'd rather see FDev work on more refined, variyed missions instead of another ship for 4-6m months.
No, it does not, however FDevs ressources are limited. That's why I think new ships add too little to the game, while other areas are begging for some improvements. Ships only add a slight variation to what can be done in this game.
Personally I'd rather see FDev work on more refined, variyed missions instead of another ship for 4-6m months.
Agreed. I'd love a bigger variety of ships. But I'd much rather have a functioning economy or real stakes for Powerplay.
We will never get new ships with threads like this giving Fdev all the arguments why not to invest resources in it: Either it's power creep or the ships are not good enough. Thus no resources are worth it when the result is either a (more) broken balance or just (more) whining.
We will never get new ships with threads like this giving Fdev all the arguments why not to invest resources in it: Either it's power creep or the ships are not good enough. Thus no resources are worth it when the result is either a (more) broken balance or just (more) whining.
Is that why Frontier stopped giving a ship a long time ago? 🙃
Totally agree that this is going to be the longest beta.
Frontier knew all along that we would be in this situation for several months.
I applaud your optimism that the beta will end with console release.

If EDO PC was so underbaked, EDO Console is on a sticky note on a whiteboard somewhere partially covering up Powerplay.
Yeh i agree, we do not need any more small or medium ships. We need a bigger and better vette and cutter. We need more big combat ships. T10 and others do not count. It has been years since the release of the vette and also the cutter. All they ever bring in the game is mediums.
Sure it would. Players right now can skip it entirely, so it's completely useless. But if you actually needed to spend more than an hour before jumping straight into a t9, you would have more reason to use the lower tiers of ship, like the t7, or Adder.
I skipped the T7 because the Python made it obsolete and could do a lot more while fitting on a medium pad.

Sometimes it's about function and not price. Especially when price makes it difficult to own several ships. The worse ones get used even less because people get more selective about how they spend.

Edit: Intended to write T7 not T9.
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