Not one Comet in the entire Milky Way Galaxy.....

My guess is that frontier saves them to relase as part of major update, when they run out of ideas of theme for major update. We had names like v2.1 "the engineers" or v1.4 "CQC" for various major updates, would be not suprised if some of future update would be called something like v4.5 "The comets", lol.

4 years remain of that so-called "10 years roadmap", and I got bad feeling that after once game hits that 10 years point of its life, game will be not gonna be supported anymore, apart of keep servers alive.

Given rate of progress they shown so far, after odyssey thats gonna be added as next major update, maybe there will be one more next after 2-3 years, and something to farewell at final 10th year. One thing worries me at most, if even at final update what will be someday, there will be permits lifted from entires chunks of galaxy.
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Can't see it from where? Earth?
In 3306 I am in a Spaceship, 'member
With External Lights and Nightvision!!
you can't see the tail because there isn't any tail to watch no matter where you are. Comets make the tail only when they are near the sun, otherwise they are some anonimous objects not much different than an asteroid.
My guess is that frontier saves them to relase as part of major update, when they run out of ideas of theme for major update. We had names like v2.1 "the engineers" or v1.4 "CQC" for various major updates, would be not suprised if some of future update would be called something like v4.5 "The comets", lol.

4 years remain of that so-called "10 years roadmap", and I got bad feeling that after once game hits that 10 years point of its life, game will be not gonna be supported anymore, apart of keep servers alive.

Given rate of progress they shown so far, after odyssey thats gonna be added as next major update, maybe there will be one more next after 2-3 years, and something to farewell at final 10th year. One thing worries me at most, if even at final update what will be someday, there will be permits lifted from entires chunks of galaxy.
The original Everquest debuted in 1999. It is still being updated to this day. Elite Dangerous isn’t going anywhere. They have a solid business model and enough player interest to keep things rolling as they keep iterating. Odyssey having players be able to “see” one another via player models on stations and settlements will help the game finally feel more lived in and I expect we will see the playerbase grow a fair bit.
The original Everquest debuted in 1999. It is still being updated to this day.
I don't necessarily disagree about Elite having a comfortable niche to keep on going for ages (especially if no real competition arrives), but Everquest is definitely a special case. Very few MMORPGs survive that long looking that antediluvian.
It would be nice to catch up with Haley's Comet, fly through it's tail, or see one in other systems.
Yeah that would be awesome.
I never wanted ED to become a fantasy space game like NMS or Everspace, but the funny thing is that there is so many realistic visual phenomena they could add to make space feel more fantastic, be it comets (flying up to and through the tail), massive volcanoes geysers, fractured planets (they do collide in ED on occasion), stars being stripped of their chromosphere, CMEs, etc. I'd rather have these than the fake and extremely rare space lightning storms - those effects should have been used for gas giants instead. Oh well.

The original Everquest debuted in 1999. It is still being updated to this day. Elite Dangerous isn’t going anywhere. They have a solid business model and enough player interest to keep things rolling as they keep iterating. Odyssey having players be able to “see” one another via player models on stations and settlements will help the game finally feel more lived in and I expect we will see the playerbase grow a fair bit.

Well, back in 2014, Fdevs confirmed that there is 10 year plan for development of game, while later they also mention it might be longer than that, we shall see, but no "promises" yet was made about what next for elite dangerous after 10 years of develop. While I would love to see more content being added after that, but Ive seen enough over 6 years how they handle things and such, I rather prepare for maintence mode after game hits its 10 years , than hope for things that might never be added.

Acording to that mentioned roadmap, we yet supposed to get atmospheric flight and landings (in other words, any other planets that are not yet "available") wich there quite variety of them... water worlds, ammonia, earth-likes and anything else with atmosheres. Tons of work to yet to be made, certainly it can take more than 4 years development time just for these.

What about ship interiors? No doubt we gonna get it too, thats also tons of work needed to be done, but lack of offical confirmation about these, makes me worry that aint gonna be anytime soon, like 1-2 years ahead atleast.
you can't see the tail because there isn't any tail to watch no matter where you are. Comets make the tail only when they are near the sun, otherwise they are some anonimous objects not much different than an asteroid.
There are even some real objects that have both minor planet and comet designations for just this reason (icy asteroids that show some cometary behaviour around perihelion).
Acording to that mentioned roadmap, we yet supposed to get atmospheric flight and landings (in other words, any other planets that are not yet "available") wich there quite variety of them... water worlds, ammonia, earth-likes and anything else with atmosheres. Tons of work to yet to be made, certainly it can take more than 4 years development time just for these.
Do we have much idea of how the development's being done, i.e. is it most of the effort on one thing then release, or are they slowly working on full atmospheric flight in the background, and have been for years? Coming up with decent procedural generation for them all is pretty hard work, at least if you want to do a really convincing job of it (rivers, glaciers, weather, tides, waves on the sea depending on both of those, appropriate terrain based on geology - Earthlike mountain chains as the result of plate tectonics for example). I'll be impressed if we get convincing rivers and lakes above sea level. And that's before you consider life.
i'm there but my dumbnuts cannot find it anywhere. How do you.. ? how?

Do you see the six space stations in the system map? They're all orbiting the invisible comet, named "Pareco Comet 2". Presumably Pareco Comet 1, and who knows how many other comets above number 2, are also in the Pareco system, but they aren't accompanied by a fleet of space stations so we can't find them yet. To find PC2, simply aim for the centre of the space station orbits (you'll have to fly with Orbit Lines on, to judge where to aim for). It also helps to have a wingmate look down from above, to tell you if you're correctly centred or not.

For details on the discovery of PC2 and how they found it, see this old thread.

And for the OP, wishing to see Halley's Comet: there is strong circumstantial evidence that Halley's Comet is, indeed present in Sol system - though it is apparently the only comet present. Analysis of the planet numbers in the journal files indicate that there's a "missing planet" in between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus - Halley's Comet's semimajor axis is in between Saturn and Uranus, and there's no other significant object in the solar system out at that distance. So it seems likely that, once comets are fully implemented, you will indeed be able to visit Halley's Comet in Sol. You could even find it using a similar method to finding PC2 in Pareco, though it would be a needle-in-a-haystack job, even if you did know precisely where Halley's Comet ought to be in it's orbit in 3306.
Do you see the six space stations in the system map? They're all orbiting the invisible comet, named "Pareco Comet 2". Presumably Pareco Comet 1, and who knows how many other comets above number 2, are also in the Pareco system, but they aren't accompanied by a fleet of space stations so we can't find them yet. To find PC2, simply aim for the centre of the space station orbits (you'll have to fly with Orbit Lines on, to judge where to aim for). It also helps to have a wingmate look down from above, to tell you if you're correctly centred or not.

For details on the discovery of PC2 and how they found it, see this old thread.

And for the OP, wishing to see Halley's Comet: there is strong circumstantial evidence that Halley's Comet is, indeed present in Sol system - though it is apparently the only comet present. Analysis of the planet numbers in the journal files indicate that there's a "missing planet" in between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus - Halley's Comet's semimajor axis is in between Saturn and Uranus, and there's no other significant object in the solar system out at that distance. So it seems likely that, once comets are fully implemented, you will indeed be able to visit Halley's Comet in Sol. You could even find it using a similar method to finding PC2 in Pareco, though it would be a needle-in-a-haystack job, even if you did know precisely where Halley's Comet ought to be in it's orbit in 3306.
thank you sir. I'll be working on that
I think I recall reading that the invisible comets can affect you in supercruise, similar to the way asteroid clusters and planets do: forcing you to slow down. There is a mystery spot in Sirius that does this. I always assumed it was either an invisible comet or Raxxla.
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