Odyssey Going Forwards

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Or that you go full Rocinate and small turreted weapons could be used to ward of attackers on foot.
That's what I'm thinking the Point Defense Utility Module could be used for. As it stand it's already fairly niche, something like that could give it much wider appeal. Not necessary, could always ward off the vultures your own dang self, but could be useful if you don't wanna do that.

And maybe, just maybe, they might run out of ammo, at long last. When the heck does Point Defense ever run out of ammo?
Is this an example of the whining you referred to earlier? ;)

You don't have the choice to board the ship of a player who is in solo, a different group from you or has blocked you or plays on a different platform, I don't really see much difference. You would be able to board my ship just as you could currently shoot at it, in the event that we met in-game & I accept that risk, adding the option of hostile boarding doesn't change that status quo, it only adds an extra option.

As far as I can see any stuffz on my ship is secondary to the ship itself. You could probably disable things & steal power converters and bits of wire by cutting open panels, and I could probably repair things in a similar way to how it is done in settlements.
Its pointing out that one person (say in Powerplay) who consents to it all is at a disadvantage to another who disallows everything to be as fast as possible 'because'. Without some base rules on how ships are treated for everyone at all times it disadvantages some who equip PD to ward off pirates and have internal security, while others can min max because they know they'll never get boarded (as an example).
That's what I'm thinking the Point Defense Utility Module could be used for. As it stand it's already fairly niche, something like that could give it much wider appeal. Not necessary, could always ward off the vultures your own dang self, but could be useful if you don't wanna do that.

And maybe, just maybe, they might run out of ammo, at long last. When the heck does Point Defense ever run out of ammo?
Back in alpha (as in <1.0) PD did fire on ships as well, so really its just a matter of switching a property I think. I mentioned small turrets as they have the fastest traversal arc and look cool :D PD looks a bit like a lawn sprinkler (although the fire is cool).

It would be great if we could have an SLF like (or autonomous) drone control on the ground so we could deploy drones (like we do with SRVs) to form a perimeter or provide on foot backup (or remote into a hulk / base perhaps).
Its pointing out that one person (say in Powerplay) who consents to it all is at a disadvantage to another who disallows everything to be as fast as possible 'because'. Without some base rules on how ships are treated for everyone at all times it disadvantages some who equip PD to ward off pirates and have internal security, while others can min max because they know they'll never get boarded (as an example).

And as I mentioned earlier, most of the issues you describe are related to PvP and can simply handled by locking the door. You have an ARC cutter, cut the door open, you have a way to break into a locked ship, but it being possible doesn't make it any more practical than piracy is now.

I understand your frustration, I just don't think this proposal makes your frustration worse, it just doesn't reduce it.
And as I mentioned earlier, most of the issues you describe are related to PvP and can simply handled by locking the door. You have an ARC cutter, cut the door open, you have a way to break into a locked ship, but it being possible doesn't make it any more practical than piracy is now.

I understand your frustration, I just don't think this proposal makes your frustration worse, it just doesn't reduce it.
But its also PvE as well- unless fending off a direct boarding rewards more, will both difficulties be treated equally? Its because ED allows you to pick your own rules that for PvP this idea will be a niche inside a niche, for PvE the truckers will find it annoying. For casual immersion its great, but then you have to up the fidelity of stations, interactions etc to avoid having great in / around ship fun but cardboard stations and ensure its taken into account for more competitive things.

Saying that if you could make a proper Mos Eisley in ED with gangs etc and the rest of it, I'm in.

Why bother to synth when you do it via a menu?
Because when you are sitting around in supercruise it's really really boring. A lot of people I speak to tell me they watch YouTube or Netflix whilst exploring for example. I've been known to set my supercruise assist and go make a cuppa tea. I don't necessarily want shortcuts for everything. I'd rather spend time doing tasks within my ship in game, instead of breaking the immersion and watching Elite streamers play Star Citizen on YouTube ;)

Or repairs when you have an AMFU?
Lack of module space, no room for an AFMU?

You can be a gunner now, why does sitting in a turret make any more difference?
It's the way that it is implemented now. It's absolutely awful... AWFUL!! :)
Seriously, go watch CMDR's Will and Kate's recent and brilliant YouTube videos. I can't put it better than that. You will get what I mean.

Its a bit like multicrew- I really, really want a diverse set of roles
The ship interior game play loop has amazing potential. I'll "try" and keep this concise.
  1. Delivery missions: Instead of the cargo miraculously appearing in your ship, you have to disembark and carry it on yourself and place it on the cargo rack.
  2. Multi-crew (combat): In SC you can crew someone else's ship and climb in to the turreted weapons like in virtually any Sci-Fi movie. Flippin awesome.
  3. Multi-crew (mining): Again in SC you can be part of a crew that has their own duties onboard the ship. Translated to ED, someone could ping the asteroids for core materials, someone would steer and laser mine, someone would work the refinery.
  4. Onboard repairs: Taken damage to your shield generator or SRV? Well get out of your seat and go fix it!
  5. Get out of your seat during super cruise: Repair some modules, repair your SRV, Synthesise some fuel.
  6. When I'm exploring I like to land on a planet before logging off. It's my immersion thing. Imagine if your character actually got tired and hungry and required food and sleep. to remain at full potential. I would love to settle down on a planet and head to my bunk prior to logging off for the immersion factor alone.
Those are just a few ideas but you get the gist (or is it jist?).
For the cargo missions I can’t see that working, TBH. At least, not for the “70 gazillion tons of bio waste” style missions … however … for Rares? If they made Rares trading (or smuggling …) missions genuinely pay out a lot … maybe those folks don’t trust the “automated loaders” on the dockside so you have to go collect it yourself … bit of TLC for the mechanised, just like booking a seat on a plane for a rock-stars guitar … and then a nice payout at the other end … after an in-personal delivery, of course.

Deleted member 110222

So which part of "FD never, ever so much as hinted at interiors for this DLC" was correct?

On that note, might I interest you in some magic beans?
If only lies and deceit were always so simple...

I won't bore you with details, it is not relevant to this discussion.

Just know that that I envy you for being able to feel such anger over a video game "not working right" or "they didn't give us what we want".

Off to the parties again for a few days! Ciao.
Because when you are sitting around in supercruise it's really really boring. A lot of people I speak to tell me they watch YouTube or Netflix whilst exploring for example. I've been known to set my supercruise assist and go make a cuppa tea. I don't necessarily want shortcuts for everything. I'd rather spend time doing tasks within my ship in game, instead of breaking the immersion and watching Elite streamers play Star Citizen on YouTube ;)
The make SC interesting and vital. For example, zones of control that augment the 'deep space' / shipping lanes- have areas of high radiation, magnetisim, surveillance etc, where nimble small ships in SC can find holes and routes large and cumbersome ships can't get into. This is what I mean about fleshing out what we have first- the problem of boring SC is the same in SC too because its just straight line flight.

Lack of module space, no room for an AFMU?
You could indeed, but then how would it scale and how fast compared to an AMFU which repairs things really fast.

It's the way that it is implemented now. It's absolutely awful... AWFUL!! :)
Seriously, go watch CMDR's Will and Kate's recent and brilliant YouTube videos. I can't put it better than that. You will get what I mean.
Then sort out what we have, make that better and you won't need to do as much. In any case, where would you sit anyway? Turrets in ED are not turrets like SC has- its more remote barbettes like in aircraft.
Stealing an NPC ship and selling it for scrap might be neat, too, or you could just set it to self destruct once you dump out all its cargo.
Doing the same with a player ship, you'd only be limited to the self destruct option, Owner gets the rebuy and keeps the ship.
The perpetrator gets a massive bounty for blowing up someone’s ship, and I mean huge enough to get everyone’s attention. It comes up on galnet, commander's and wings head towards the location of the crime wanting their share of the mega huge bounty.
There’s a time limit however, the hunted can try and fight his way out, run or hide out on planets until the bounty runs out.
If only lies and deceit were always so simple...
That's got nothing to do with lies and deceit. You claimed "FD never, ever so much as hinted at interiors for this DLC" and that turned out to be completely wrong, not partially. Whether what FDev hinted at was truthful or not is irrelevant to that fact - you got it completely wrong either way.
I just want to throw this in the mix. I would love to see various single purpose SRVs. Mining, combat, Transportation. But also speeder bikes! Yes yes yes.

Thank you and goodnight. Love you.
...and then even in NV! I can see that this is one of the more problematic (huge) installations, but looking at this video, I would say that either something must be wrong with his system or configuration. This is definitely not normal anymore. I'll take any bet that I can get better performance in the same place with my RTX 3070, and that with everything maxed out and Ultra/Ultra+. The only semi-natural cause I could think of is that he might be using something like SS 2.0

Thankfully, this video shows where it is, so I don't have to wait for a bet. I'll check this out and will see if my speculation above is right or if he actually managed to cherry pick one of the best places to prove Odyssey's bad performance.
The game is locked at 60 FPS. There is no point in straining the video card. This is not a shooter - this game needs a maximum of 60 FPS. In the game, all settings are at Ultra/Ultra+
Edited: There are no problems with the system and with other games. Computer configuration in the signature.
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    Снимок экрана 2021-08-09 195227.png
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I wanted to shoot a series of videos for machinima on the game Elite Dangerous Odyssey, but ... - it's just some kind of horror.
Elite Dangerous Odyssey - Falls and jumps of FPS in the settlement, lags, friezes. (The video is divided into time segments.)
Please remind me where Odyssey is heading?

...and then even in NV! I can see that this is one of the more problematic (huge) installations, but looking at this video, I would say that either something must be wrong with his system or configuration. This is definitely not normal anymore. I'll take any bet that I can get better performance in the same place with my RTX 3070, and that with everything maxed out and Ultra/Ultra+. The only semi-natural cause I could think of is that he might be using something like SS 2.0

Thankfully, this video shows where it is, so I don't have to wait for a bet. I'll check this out and will see if my speculation above is right or if he actually managed to cherry pick one of the best places to prove Odyssey's bad performance.

Nope... probably nothing wrong with @Sergo config.

I get the same framerate (even lower) with my 3070 in some places, and not because of an CPU or GPU usage.
The framerate sometime just slows down a lot, for no discernable reason.
There is definitely something wrong with some settlements/environments combinations.

Thankfully it's not everywhere like that, but some on-foot missions are really unplayable because of this.

Edit : Added video link (one month old but still buggy but no more CTD) Epsilon Hydri 6a Kryyst Analysis Lab
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Yes it does, but not that extreme in night vision. This is quiet unusual. But he just told us he is using SS 1.25, which might be the cause.
In my case this was 2560x1080, standard ULTRA (no ULTRA+) SMAA SS1.0
CPU and GPU usages where both mostly between 20-40%, so no hardware problem here

TBF, I usually get 60 FPS capped almost everywhere in ULTRA+ (except in planetary concourse where it can drop to 50 sometime)
It happens just in some bizarre places for really no reason (optimisation/network/environment/design problem, I don't know)
The framerate drop is constant in these places and restarting the client doesn't change anything.
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Ah ok, that's something I forgot to mention: the resolution we are using. But 1080, really? I'm at 2560 x 1440
Otherwise I'm using very similar settings, but with ULTRA + including both shadow settings at ULTRA. Normal, no FSR.
But I agree, there definitely are some strange places with massive frame drops for no obvious reasons (besides the size that mostly seems the main factor).
Any yet, with NV and such a monster of a machine this is hard to believe. And that's why I'm going to check this place by myself now.
Are you using VSync or a hard frame cap to 60? If the former, have you tried fast VSync from the NVidia control center?
Well the size of the settlement does matter but not to such extend.
I found the exact same settlement type (Epsilon Hydri 6a Kryyst Analysis Lab) on another planet but the framerate was OK, still some stutters but a lot better (45FPS).

Edit : no vsync hard cap to 60 FPS and monitor set to 200hz refresh rate to mitigate the tearing effect. Not tested the fast vsync from nv cc. I don't remember ever seing this option... is it any good for a non gsync monitor ? (only freesync on mine)
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I wanted to shoot a series of videos for machinima on the game Elite Dangerous Odyssey, but ... - it's just some kind of horror.
Elite Dangerous Odyssey - Falls and jumps of FPS in the settlement, lags, friezes. (The video is divided into time segments.)
Please remind me where Odyssey is heading?
It's definitely time for the next Update! We have this since Update 5. That's no fun to play and it would be really nice If you have further Information for us on this @sallymorganmoore
Ah ok, that's something I forgot to mention: the resolution we are using. But 1080, really? I'm at 2560 x 1440
Otherwise I'm using very similar settings, but with ULTRA + including both shadow settings at ULTRA. Normal, no FSR.
But I agree, there definitely are some strange places with massive frame drops for no obvious reasons (besides the size that mostly seems the main factor).
Any yet, with NV and such a monster of a machine this is hard to believe. And that's why I'm going to check this place by myself now.
Are you using VSync or a hard frame cap to 60? If the former, have you tried fast VSync from the NVidia control center?
Yes, I am using fast VSync from NVidia Control Center. And in the game itself, I limited the FPS = 60. I also chose AA = SMAA, SS = x1.0 in the graphics settings
I shot another video in the same locality, and this video shows the graphics settings in the game. I will post this video as soon as it is uploaded to YouTube. OK? However, the problems with falling FPS remained the same.
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