Odyssey is a great achievement and I could not be more thankful for what Frontier delivered

The 1984 game?
I love elite

Deleted member 115407

What Frontier pulled off here is a dream come true to me. Sure there are tons of bugs in this rushed release but the fundamentals are all here and I could not be more excited for the future of this great game.

Thank you so much all people working at Frontier and David Braben for delivering us this incredible game. You guys are the best, I mean it.
It's a lot of fun, isn't it, OP?

I've been having a blast, bugs aside.
What Frontier pulled off here is a dream come true to me. Sure there are tons of bugs in this rushed release but the fundamentals are all here and I could not be more excited for the future of this great game.

Thank you so much all people working at Frontier and David Braben for delivering us this incredible game. You guys are the best, I mean it.
Cruise Laughing.jpg
Ive been doing ok - completing a mission or 2 without anything game breaking. Having a mission breaking bug right now, tho, with a salvage skimmer parts mission. The part I need keeps falling through the map. Its currently 1.6km and counting (it keeps falling) under the surface of this planet, and logging/returning doesnt fix it.
Ive been doing ok - completing a mission or 2 without anything game breaking. Having a mission breaking bug right now, tho, with a salvage skimmer parts mission. The part I need keeps falling through the map. Its currently 1.6km and counting (it keeps falling) under the surface of this planet, and logging/returning doesnt fix it.
Try the terraform tool to get it - oh nevermind, wrong game ;)
Just tried to do one of those stupid "restore power" missions. There was ABSOLUTELY NO ENTRANCE TO THE POWER BUILDING. Even trying to follow the map marker to the foyer took me to solid walls, no entrance. It's frustrating enough to walk around aimlessly in the moronic pancake presentation in VR, without adding such poorly rendered sites. I'm done with this.
Just tried to do one of those stupid "restore power" missions. There was ABSOLUTELY NO ENTRANCE TO THE POWER BUILDING. Even trying to follow the map marker to the foyer took me to solid walls, no entrance. It's frustrating enough to walk around aimlessly in the moronic pancake presentation in VR, without adding such poorly rendered sites. I'm done with this.
Yeah, did one of those last night. Spend wandering the site like an idiot for 20 min until I accidentally wandered into the Power building by going through the Site's Lab building. I managed to put the power regulator in its proper slot and got disconnected. Logged back in and turned out the power regulator disappeared and had to abandon the mission. The mission giver sends me a message and slaps me with a 100,000cr fine.
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Just tried to do one of those stupid "restore power" missions. There was ABSOLUTELY NO ENTRANCE TO THE POWER BUILDING. Even trying to follow the map marker to the foyer took me to solid walls, no entrance. It's frustrating enough to walk around aimlessly in the moronic pancake presentation in VR, without adding such poorly rendered sites. I'm done with this.
Nice. That would have been a good video for posterity
All I wanted out of Odyssey once I found out its feature set, was the improvement to graphics, and the ability to walk around in stations and on planets - in VR.

The graphics improvements so far appear to be inconsistent or somewhat borked in places, but hopefully that will be resolved in reasonable time.
I'm less hopeful about the prospect of first-person VR anytime approaching soon though.

What I'd have personally preferred is ship interiors be done before this attempt at an FPS module, which I don't find to be a bad implementation, but then not being much of an FPS player I don't have a very critical perspective on that.

What would really get me excited though, is if Frontier one day creates single player campaigns in the Elite universe in the current game world (sans impact to BGS of course), like RSI's Squadron 42 unreleased concept. Being able to walk around inside your ship, at stations, and on planets, and drive vehicles, and fly ships of course, would provide a broad and changing list of scene settings that could be leveraged for greater depth. Imagine one of your missions being to track and hunt down an infamous pirate on the run, from system to system, planet to moon, space to ground, ship to station.

Ah well, one can dream and yet be realistic enough to not have expectations that would need tempering.
I will literally never participate in any combat on foot. If I wanted to play an FPS shooter, I'd load up one of the 2000 better ones instead of basic b**ch Odyssey.

The only thing I wanted from this expansion was light graphics touch ups, new ships, new weapons, maybe ship interiors, and to walk around outside my ship.

THAT. So Totally One Thousand Percent.

All I expected from ED:O was being able to go to Sol, land on the moon (folied already - can't land there according to the map), and put a picture of my CMDR standing in front of my ship on flickr, with the tagline "the beagle has landed"

(my Asp Explorer is named "U.S.S. Biting Beagle")

Seriously, FDev, If I want to play Doom I run Doom. If I want to play Counterstrike, I run Counterstrike.
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Just here to give a thumbs up to the OP, because we really need more positivity and optimism.

We hear the critics, we are with you, we do not ignore there were problems at release. We want progress and fixes just as much as you do. All we ask is that you stay patient, and act a bit more mature. Thank you.
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