Odyssey isn't that bad, it's actually pretty good now

Concourses and settlements will be inaccessible without the DLC. And performance in space is actually quite good by now.
I have 50-60fps on "empty" planet by doing horizon stuff, basically. Just being landed. I had 100+fps in horizon.
Space I lost FPS to, since I'm not capped at 120fps, and sometimes drop in the 100+ fps. While it's good, and not important, it means the performance is worse, and someone who have 60-ish fps in space in Horizon is going to suffer.

Performance took a big hit, even for Horizon content. While it's playable for me, it wouldn't for someone who have a less capable computer with 60-100fps in horizon.

Then you have literal game breaking bugs and various balance bugs in Odyssey. If it was merged, I couldn't do CG anymore, simple as that. I also had issue in CG giving engineering item to a contact, I couldn't give them in bulk, and one by one was a big no-no.
I have explored quite a bit in Odyssey and from what I see...Odyssey is ok but it needs a lot of work. There are so many little glitches like the screen going black when disembarking from an SRV ( happens every now and then). SRV hardpoints mode is not retained when exiting and entering the SRV. Ship and SRV pips are constantly resetting (when I figure out a pattern I'll submit a bug). The whole exobiology loop lacks polish. There is no inventory of what you scanned and the generic scanner thing has a pulse radius so small it is useless. Limiting the player to fully sample one species before moving on to another is unrefined. Then there is the big stuff (stuff that is a significan step down from Horizons) like planet terrain in SRV can change from one color/texture to another and back in a matter of seconds. It's like this circle of color/texture follows you around the planet surface. Rocks and other terrain artifacts are rendering in way too late. When traveling planet side in Horizons it feels real, solid, it has a sense of place. In Odyssey planet side seems kind of fake as you watch things draw in and out in front of you.
It depends what you mean by good.

To me it seems like another foundation, if which they already had too many.

The settlement gameplay is the only part that seems fully designed,and even that doesn't seem fully implemented.
There's no way I'll buy this in this state and at this price. I'll wait for some like 50-70% off for this.

And I completely, totally don't trust Fdev anything anymore. Whatever they release tomorrow for ED, I will wait a year or so and price off.
I've never been that unhappy with ED: O - it's been playable enough for me. And it's definitely in a better state than it was.

It was a sort of 60-70% score game: the fundamentals okay, but lots of niggles. It's probably now a 70-80% game. Spot more fixes (especially performance) and extra content, it'll be there.
I took a break from Elite after the release of Odyssey, which I played for over 1000 hours, due to the troubles and demoralization I experienced. I come to the forum from time to time to check the current status, but the general opinion was rather salty. Last week I decided to give it another chance and I've been playing Odyssey for the past week.

First of all, I would like to point out that I am playing on Geforce Now, not on my own computer. So the computer I play on has above average performance. So what is the situation on a low-configuration computer, I have no idea, thb.

I've played over 20 hours in the last week and the game hasn't crushed even once. I did not encounter any bug while performing the missions and haven't experience instant FPS drops in the game.

I tried almost all the variety of mission types and in general I liked it. I even felt like I was playing Assassin's Creed in some of them. I especially liked the stealth-based missions.

Moreover, it wasn't just the Odyssey missions that I liked. NPCs tried to hunt me down like never before while I had a bounty on my head while I was on the ship. Moreover, I tried to be interdicted many times even in far systems where I was not wanted.

In summary, I've returned to my favorite game for the past week and I'm very satisfied for now. Those who are thinking of returning may want to give it another chance, fyi.
Totally agree! I am finding Odyssey a pleasure to play now and have had good FPS even while playing in VR.
I was very critical of Frontier when Odyssey dropped but now I can see they are on the path to redemption, there communication is getting better and in summary I just hope that Frontier learns from there mistakes so we all will be better for it moving forward.
It's getting better for the Horizons content, still not there, but i'm pretty confident that by update 8 the client upgrade won't be that dramatic, and most will even like it.

About the Odyssey content instead, there's still a long way to go, and it's not only performances (which will be harder to fix for Odyssey's content) and bugs, but it's the overall design that it's obvously not finished.
We got what they had in time for the alpha/release, which was in no way a finished product, but they had to release it anyway and they are still developing it since then.

I expect the actual full release early next year (even if not all designs will be fully developed by then, but i'm confident they'll be in a better place than now).

Afterall it's (an) Odyssey, we just have to hope it won't take ten years.
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It's funny. Just for kicks I changed everything from Ultra to Low and it still ran about the same. 🤷‍♂️
Same. The only thing that ACTUALLY made a performance difference was lowering the supersampling, or reducing the ingame monitor resolution. This is why FSR seems to have the biggest effect on performance: it internally reduces the render resolution and uses its upscaling algorithm to bring it back up, essentially doing resolution drop/supersampling all in one feature.

Having the other settings at Ultra or Low makes almost zero difference, neither at launch nor on Update 6. The only setting that makes even a numerical difference is the shadow detail setting, and even then it's a difference of like...4fps.

That's not normal render engine behaviour. Why even have graphics settings options when they literally don't do anything for performance.
I do have fun with Odyssey, for sure. The more I let myself immerse into it, like actually playing the role in the galaxy, I am put off by the lack of integration with Horizons. Stuff like having to go into my ship to view ship missions or change outfitting. It's weird though, I can turn in foot missions from the ship computer. So it's a bit weird. Clearly they wanted Odyssey boxed off from Horizons but that has led to some immersion breaking design choices. I do recall reading that integration of Horizons and Odyssey particularly in missions is on the board, so hopefully we'll see this sort of thing improved. If I want to play the ground game, I should still be able to do "ship" stuff from a ground based terminal. For some reason this one in particular bothers me - this and the gamma issue with space, if these two were straightened out I'd be pretty pleased!
Yeah... when you come up with "we'll make the player put out fires" and don't even consider making fire extinguishers work, it's not very fleshed out.
well they didn't say which fires, so could be the fire building up on our cpu's and gpus running at 200 celsius due to odyssey
well they didn't say which fires, so could be the fire building up on our cpu's and gpus running at 200 celsius due to odyssey

You sound like a laptop manufacturer. Designing a system that can't run 100% loaded indefinitely without overheating. This is PC land. if your stuff overheats, it's your fault.

I'm a bit surprised that there isn't ED branded heatsink paste and fans and such available on the store yet. That's just leaving money on the table.
Not really concerned with frames per second.

Odyssey is a ground-based first person shooter, and there are better options in that genre out there.

Faster-paced, quicker refresh to game-play, better AI, better crafting, etc. etc. etc. saturate that market.

They might not be the "Elite Dangerous brand of FPS", but that really isn't the issue.

What Elite Horizons had was ships and srvs.

Odyssey walked away from ships and srvs into a buzzsaw of better FPS alternatives.

Odyssey could fix framerates and bugs and it would still be meh relative to everything out there in the FPS world.

I'll be back in once the on foot game play is actually integrated with ships and srvs and meaningful exploration mechanics exist.

Until then, it is fun watching the house burn down.
Well... this evening i actually managed to dual-log both my EDO accounts on the same laptop (i7-9750h, 16gb ram, gtx1660ti) to contribute to the current trading CG.
Sure, it was space only, nothing on foot, but i couldn'r really do that 2 months ago and have more than 10-12 fps on each account.
But today was decent enough - i even won a couple of NPC interdictions on both T9 and Cutter.
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