Odyssey isn't that bad, it's actually pretty good now

You sound like a laptop manufacturer. Designing a system that can't run 100% loaded indefinitely without overheating. This is PC land. if your stuff overheats, it's your fault.

I'm a bit surprised that there isn't ED branded heatsink paste and fans and such available on the store yet. That's just leaving money on the table.
yup, pc doesn't overheat on red dead 2 at mids/higs, but overheats on odyssey, yet is my fault, curious
and nah, the game is designed for windows, not for "DeSkToP gAmErS" only, horizons doesn't overheat either, CURIOUS
I'll be back in once the on foot game play is actually integrated with ships and srvs and meaningful exploration mechanics exist.

Until then, it is fun watching the house burn down.
Well it looks like they're integrating pretty well with ships, SRVs and ground assaults joining with saboteurs and anti-spacecraft turrets. I'm enjoying the stealth mechanics having started a week or two ago and getting loads of stuff in bases whilst, yes, using my ship and SRV (a few days ago I had to escape in an SRV with stolen goods while being scanned by ships floating above the base, with my own ship on the crater rim - it was excitement I haven't had since the early Horizons data-mast scanning days).
First of all, I would like to point out that I am playing on Geforce Now, not on my own computer. So the computer I play on has above average performance. So what is the situation on a low-configuration computer, I have no idea, thb.
Hmm, it seems GeForce Now will launch Epic Games or Steam, but not ED if one uses Frontier's own account/launcher?
i almost did witcher 3 100%, it was something like 10% to go, nice game tbf
yet droppes less frames also, which is curious, cause it's definitely my pc

well, i wasnt refering to dropped frames, but what temperature your PC is getting to while running Witcher 3
Asking because certain laptop testing sites are using Witcher 3 to seriously stress test the cooling systems on the said laptops.
And i do wonder who's cooking a PC more? Witcher 3 or EDO?
well, i wasnt refering to dropped frames, but what temperature your PC is getting to while running Witcher 3
Asking because certain laptop testing sites are using Witcher 3 to seriously stress test the cooling systems on the said laptops.
And i do wonder who's cooking a PC more? Witcher 3 or EDO?
could fry an egg on both if i tried hard enough
I actually have the opposite observation with EDO; it runs peculiarly cooler than other games I have. Eg.: with an fps cap of 75 I always use, 90% GPU usage is usually around 66 degrees C in basically every other game I own, but in EDO, 90% GPU usage is only like 59, maybe 60 degrees C.

All the way up and down the GPU % usage spectrum, EDO runs colder than any other game I own. As if my GPU is working its butt off but in such an inefficient manner that it can't build up as much heat.
Still to me performance is the main issue in so much that I have retired from the game till it gets to something I feel is playable. 120fps in space, drop to 60fps on planetary landing and then 30fps when am stretching my legs. Ok this is all triple screen at 7680x1440. But switching to single screen 1440 doesn't really gain anything extra?

I even upgraded from a 1070 to a 3070 in Jan, in anticipation of Odyssey.

I like to fly space ships and Elite will always be my go-to and it will be again when it's sorted out it's issues. It's just a little stinging that we paid for this mess and till it's a little nearer to what it should have been. I will be expanding Space Beagle Mining Company in the X4 Universe.

Happier times Elite Horizons on my previous 1070
Source: https://youtu.be/zbinImBkjNA
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So, your getting 30fps over so many pixels, and your upset about it?

The game is rendering and computing a lot more in Odyssey settlements/stations than it used to. All that extra detail does not come for free. I'm sure they will optimize it more, but there is a limit to how much they can optimize out.

And the game is not a mess (such a sweeping statement). In my setup, it works fine, at acceptable fps. But then i'm not asking for so much from by old 1080.
So, your getting 30fps over so many pixels, and your upset about it?

The game is rendering and computing a lot more in Odyssey settlements/stations than it used to. All that extra detail does not come for free. I'm sure they will optimize it more, but there is a limit to how much they can optimize out.

And the game is not a mess (such a sweeping statement). In my setup, it works fine, at acceptable fps. But then i'm not asking for so much from by old 1080.
Yeah, personally I am .Show me a DLC that cut performance by 3 quarters on its main gameplay loop of being on foot, and I'll show you a lot of peeved customers.
As I said when I just run 1440 on a single screen. I still have major frame issues that should not have been in a fully functional release, or on a I7, 32gb, SSD and a 3070.
We are not looking at an amazing looking game or even a complex game that should cause major frame drops like that to happen, when you can on the same system on horizons. You can drive around settlements and easily get over 100fps.
If it was just me complaining then I would shut up and agree am just "First World Problems".
So I do stick with my statement it is a mess, like Cyberpunk on console mess!
Will FDev fix it? Yes! They will! But am guessing we are looking at patch 15 to 20 more than patch 7 or 8!
It will need a lot of reworking with culling and optimizing the mess that the COBRA Engine has become.
I love Elite, It's a way of life, but am not going to deny The Thargoid on the Lawn! :)
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So, your getting 30fps over so many pixels, and your upset about it?

The game is rendering and computing a lot more in Odyssey settlements/stations than it used to. All that extra detail does not come for free. I'm sure they will optimize it more, but there is a limit to how much they can optimize out.

And the game is not a mess (such a sweeping statement). In my setup, it works fine, at acceptable fps. But then i'm not asking for so much from by old 1080.
Its terribly optimized at the moment and its painfully obvious. Lets call a spade a spade.
Yeah I don't think you're ever going to see the kind of FPS on ground or in a settlement as you would in a ship in space. Just way more polygons and shadows and other things to deal with in the ground game. So we should stop thinking that we're going to be able to equal space FPS. HOWEVER, getting 20-30 FPS in space stations at times is really poor, we should be seeing 60+ on mid range hardware in my opinion.
Yeah, in Horizons on world surfaces I'd only get like... Oh, hang on...




:unsure: I thought I had some older pics at settlements with the FPS shown too, but I'm not finding them right now.
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Yeah, in Horizons on world surfaces I'd only get like... Oh, hang on...




:unsure: I thought I had some older pics at settlements with the FPS shown too, but I'm not finding them right now.
what was your ship based fps (uncapped) at that time? your system specs, etc?
what was your ship based fps (uncapped) at that time? your system specs, etc?
System specs are the same other than an SSD capacity upgrade and driver updates where I haven't noticed much change. The mostly relevant specs are an i7-3930K @ 4.2GHz and two Titan Black cards in SLI. I'm not sure what my FPS potential out in space was at the time as I probably just left it with vsync on and didn't bother testing it.

The surface pics seem a bit lower in FPS but close to the hanger menu pics which are what I'm mostly using for easy and close apples to apples comparisons more recently.

If there's a point I'm trying to make I guess it's that surface FPS rates could reasonably be expect to be 60 FPS as well with decent hardware, if we're taking into account the performance of Horizons.


This is unrelated, but I thought it was a nice and fun pic at a settlement where my ship was stuck until someone was kind enough to knock me back.


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Well it looks like they're integrating pretty well with ships, SRVs and ground assaults joining with saboteurs and anti-spacecraft turrets. I'm enjoying the stealth mechanics having started a week or two ago and getting loads of stuff in bases whilst, yes, using my ship and SRV (a few days ago I had to escape in an SRV with stolen goods while being scanned by ships floating above the base, with my own ship on the crater rim - it was excitement I haven't had since the early Horizons data-mast scanning days).
Wow - you can walk onto ships now? You can shoot people on the inside of ships now? Hold my soda ... I'm logging in.
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